
Fall into the Season

Do you see it??  That one golden leaf?  Yep, I think fall is here.  It will be quite some time before I can wear my woolens but this golden leaf holds the promises of sights and sounds to come.  As I entered the grocery store this week I distinctly smelled cinnamon from the scented pine cones they sell.  Ah, what a way to celebrate the fall season!!  So even though it's still hot, I'm excited for chilly days, numb fingers and seeing my breath in the early morning while walking Frodo about the yard. For all of you early Christmas planners out there, my sister has seven felted Christmas ornaments for sale on Ravelry for a low price.  All of the patterns have been test knitted and each comes with her felting instructions.  Head on over to here to check it out!! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend :)

Yarn Along

As I sit and type this post early in the morning I am thankful that the lightening has not zapped the electricity, so far.  Our house is all electric and when it goes, my happiness goes :)  I think today is our last day of experiencing the remnants of hurricane Isaac which for the most part is overcast skies and occasional rain. So my knitting keeps changing.  I started a pair of mitts that my knitting friends have knitted but I was not having fun with the pattern and fiddling with a cable needle and keeping track of where I was in the pattern.  I ripped that one right out and started a new pattern  .  It is too early to tell but I do believe I am liking this pattern a bit better.  I am still working on my dad's socks and my pink cardigan . I have started a new book!  Yes, I finished The Flight of Gemma Hardy  and enjoyed it.  I loved how it echoed Jane Eyre  but also had different plots.  It is worth the read.  The ending for me seemed a tiny bit rushed but I still enjoyed

Balancing Act Cowl

I was gifted this lovely yarn by a knitting friend last Christmas.  It has sat patiently in my knitting basket waiting for me to create a perfect knitting project.  I love all the colors in the yarn and I knew it was going to be difficult to think of a pattern that lets the yarn do all the work. I decided on a simple garter stitch and rib design and just went with it.  And now I have a lovely long infinity scarf (or cowl) that can be doubled around the neck! The pattern can be found here .


This weekend was a relaxing one filled with: -rosemary olive oil bread (bought and so good!) -dinner with friends -shrimp on the grill with roasted vegetables -cupcakes! -lazy slow mornings and phone calls with the kids -knitting knitting and more knitting -finishing up watching Hatfields and McCoys  which was good. -watching most of it through my fingers-remember I'm a PG rated girl and violence is not fun for me. -looking forward to watching Pride and Prejudice  knowing it will be a war of witty words :) -very overcast days because the remnants of Isaac are arriving how was your weekend? Joining Amanda

Random Thoughts

I have evidence that fall is just around the corner :)  Today it might hit ninety degrees but I am at peace with that since I have visual hope that the season is changing.  I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend and thank you so much for the anniversary wishes!

Twenty Five

photo from May 2012 at the beach Yesterday my husband and I celebrated twenty five years of marriage.  In the spirit of sharing parts of me, I have created a list of why and how we are married twenty five years successfully. 1.    We love each other 2.    We like each other 3.    We love to take aimless rides in the car together 4.    We value education at all levels 5.    If I've read a great classic he has seen the movie version 6.    I am terrible at directions for cities, malls you name it-he knows where to go 7.    I am the person that sits on the beach with the belongings, he is the one to swim with the kids 8.    He is excellent with children's injuries, checking wounds, deciding if stitches are needed 9.    I am very good with stomach bugs (a skill he does not have) 10.  We frequently say the same thing at the same time about weird stuff 11.  We both do not liked to be teased too much 12.  At amusement parks he rides all the up and down ones, I do the

Yarn Along

This beautiful cowl that doesn't have a ravelry page yet is nearly finished.  It is very simple but also the colors of the yarn make it quite striking.  I wish you all could see it in person.  I cannot wait for fall to be here now so I could immediately wear it.  I know, I am pushing the season, I can't help it.  I noticed yesterday while daydreaming and staring outside that there are numerous leaves falling off the trees.  I do believe that is a strong sign of a season change!! I'm also knitting my pink cardi and posted about it wonderfulness  yesterday as well as the pair of socks for my dad.  Each are making progress and I'm enjoying the knitting.  I have been knitting and catching up on all the podcasts that I have been saving over the summer.  When the kids are home I tend to let the podcasts slide.  But never the knitting. Still reading The Flight of Gemma Hardy  and am really enjoying it.  I think you should read it if you do like Jane Erye .  At first I