
Early in the Day

I wake around 5 a.m.  without an alarm mostly because it's my me time, the time I spend alone, with everyone sleeping away.  My gram would rise early in the morning, and I would sleep lightly and listen to her stirrings.  She was a morning person as well.  She blamed it on working in a factory all her life but I think she liked that quiet part of the day with a cup of hot coffee in her hands.  She would do her prayers and now that I'm older that's when the praying is the best. My mom was NOT a morning person.  As soon as I was tall enough to reach the cereal and the milk, I was on my own in the mornings.  While in high school, I would wake her as I left for the bus in the morning around seven.  On the weekends, there was an unwritten law to not speak to her until she put her glasses on.  She would sit and sip her coffee in a trance. My aunt, you know-the favorite one, she is a morning person. When I stay at her house we chat and spend...


This weekend found me: -decorating for spring and Easter which made my days cheerful -walking every day, enjoying the outside even though it was cold -spying snowdrops sprouting on the side of the road we travel -having dinner with friends and viewing a theater production -eating salads for lunch -enjoying both kids home for the weekend with their breaks overlapping -saying goodbye to my daughter -facing laundry, oh the laundry-so much!! -enjoying a happier dog with the snow melted, I'm thinking he hates winter -helping my daughter to sign up for the bar exam, not as easy as you would think.... -avoiding my son's cold and so far so good!  (I hope that doesn't jinx me) -knitting and relaxing how was your weekend? joining Amanda

Changes, Beginnings and Stages

The time change was welcomed by me joyously, after dinner walks have been resumed and sorely missed through this cold winter.  Earlier this week, the temperatures teased and taunted with warm breezes and heavy coat-free living.  Oh how those mild days were short lived.  The cold has returned, yesterday was so brutal after a glimpse of what is to come.  However, in my heart I know the seasons are changing and I'm ready to say goodbye to winter and hello to spring.  Are you? My house of three is now a house of four, there is more clutter and mess adorning my coffee table and the foyer-the landing places of all belongings.  For the next three days, the whole family is together-it's nice to slip back into the old routine and fullness of life.  I do enjoy the overlap of two spring breaks, I enjoy the one on one time with each child and having everyone together. I never imagined how it would be to have adult children, but it's a lovely stage of parent...

Currently on the Needles

My kelp cardigan  almost has its first sleeve complete.  Today I anticipate starting the other sleeve.  I am going to give the cuff the same edging as the body of the sweater so they match.  I'm undecided on the button bands as of yet.  I'm leaning towards garter stitch but we'll see.  Also on the needles are my socks  which will be done within the hour.  I'm on the toe shaping of the second sock! My reading is sporadic and brief so it's the same book with the same thoughts.  I prefer the main character, Connie, that is featured in the "past" story plot.  The current time heroine, Emilie, is  quite naive and a little too gullible to be believable.  However I'm enjoying the read over all. My reading is sporadic because my daughter is home for a week for spring break and we've been busy doing activities together :)  No complaints from me!! What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dr...

This That Happenings

I am loving this shift of light and even though I am dragging in the morning I appreciate the time change as well.  These photos were taken in the morning!  Yes-morning, with lightness and brightness.  While I am full busy with my daughter with shopping and such.  We have resumed the after dinner walk.  Just the way Frodo and I like it. Our dining room is really the piano room but the morning light is beautiful. I distinctly remember moving into this house placing boxes in this area and feeling the sun beams.  The room felt so homey and welcoming.  Funny though that now that we've lived here many years we only eat at the dining table for holidays or company.  Taking food from the kitchen seems so "far" to go. The socks are slowly finishing up.  I sort of made a mini resolution to always have a pair on the needles without a dead line or time frame and so far I'm enjoying that resolution. This cowl  is one I wear in the s...


This past weekend was full.  Saturday I was busy getting together a dinner for my daughter and her boyfriend.  Desert making, salad tossing and yes chicken grilling outside!  Truly a sign of the weather changing.  We still have snow on the ground but it's melting quickly. Also there was: -walking every single day with the sun shining -taking a photo of a mama deer early in the morning who was quite stubborn and refused to run -watching the mama deer stomp her front hoof to scare me off -church going -lots and lots of knitting -more All Creatures Great and Small viewing -meeting friends for knitting-laughing, supporting one another, a good time -writing lists for the week, so much to do!! how was your weekend? Joining Amanda

Promises from Spring

Outside yesterday I thought I'd better take photos of the snow because we will be above freezing and I'm sure the big melt will occur.  Good bye snow, I've loved you so.  This week I've been a fickle girl, you know I love snow and winter but there were moments when I wistfully wished for a light jacket, a pair of shoes instead of boots.  The thoughts were fleeting but yes, I thought longingly of some early spring like weather. My days of cooking for two are over temporarily because spring breaks start for each kid.  My daughter comes home tomorrow for a week and next weekend both kids will be home with an overlap of three days (cooking for four!  full house!).    I'm looking forward to their visits :) Have you noticed how the light has changed?  Daybreak is early, and the sunset is later.  Around five oclock in the evening (afternoon?) the sun hits my one window and casts shadows on the wall-just lovely. Little promises from the spring...