Early in the Day
I wake around 5 a.m. without an alarm mostly because it's my me time, the time I spend alone, with everyone sleeping away. My gram would rise early in the morning, and I would sleep lightly and listen to her stirrings. She was a morning person as well. She blamed it on working in a factory all her life but I think she liked that quiet part of the day with a cup of hot coffee in her hands. She would do her prayers and now that I'm older that's when the praying is the best. My mom was NOT a morning person. As soon as I was tall enough to reach the cereal and the milk, I was on my own in the mornings. While in high school, I would wake her as I left for the bus in the morning around seven. On the weekends, there was an unwritten law to not speak to her until she put her glasses on. She would sit and sip her coffee in a trance. My aunt, you know-the favorite one, she is a morning person. When I stay at her house we chat and spend...