Currently on the Needles

My kelp cardigan almost has its first sleeve complete.  Today I anticipate starting the other sleeve.  I am going to give the cuff the same edging as the body of the sweater so they match.  I'm undecided on the button bands as of yet.  I'm leaning towards garter stitch but we'll see.  Also on the needles are my socks which will be done within the hour.  I'm on the toe shaping of the second sock!

My reading is sporadic and brief so it's the same book with the same thoughts.  I prefer the main character, Connie, that is featured in the "past" story plot.  The current time heroine, Emilie, is  quite naive and a little too gullible to be believable.  However I'm enjoying the read over all.

My reading is sporadic because my daughter is home for a week for spring break and we've been busy doing activities together :)  No complaints from me!!

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


  1. I love looking at other knitters cardigans in progress, while simultaneously trying to forget about my unfinished cardigan! It's looking great though, and I love the idea of garter stitch button bands for contrast.

    I'm knitting a simple K4, P4, K4 stripey scarf, which creates these lovely simple, lines running up the piece as well, and reading 'Walking on Trampolines' for Book club. It's written by a well known Australian newspaper columnist, and is a sort of coming of age story. It's a bit more light and fluffy than I am used to, but given my pregnancy brain, I am enjoying it! :)

  2. PS. Spring break sounds like fun. Enjoy! :)

  3. Your cardigan is flying off your needles.
    I am so happy that you are having such a fun time with your daughter and life is good.
    Happy knitting.

  4. Your cardigan really is coming along. I'm sure it'll be done soon and you'll get to show us another one of your beautiful knitted projects. :-) I started another scarf in the purple yarn since I still have bunches left over. I've changed up the needle size though, which means I'm not really sure how that's going to work out for me. Oh well,worst case scenario, I'll frog it and start over. Have fun with your daughter and enjoy spring break!

  5. Wow- your cardigan is really moving! I really like the color.

  6. Enjoy your spring break!

  7. The sweater is looking great Karen! I can't believe you got so much done. I can't wait to see those socks! Are you guys getting more snow too? Supposedly it's getting real cold here tonight so I'll need to wear those darn wool socks again.

  8. Great progress, Karen; your knitting speed never ceases to amaze me as I am so s-l-o-w...

    Enjoy each moment with your girl! :)

  9. Karen, I haven't been in the mood to knit lately. Your book does sound interesting - though I'm pretty gullible myself. :-)

  10. I love the simplicity of this- lovely earthy color.

  11. So happy you are enjoying the time with your daughter :)

  12. I loved when my son and daughter were home for spring break. Shopping, talking, cooking their favorites. My nest is empty now and the visits are sporadic. Sigh. Enjoy your time with your daughter. Your sweater is quite pretty.

  13. Loving your cardigan! You're speeding right along. Can't wait to see your socks.

  14. Looking good :) I think garter stitch button bands work nicely, they lie quite flat and neatly. Enjoy Spring Break

  15. I don't really know a thing about button bands, so you'll get no input from me. Have fun with your daughter this week.

  16. That sweater is so pretty and your stitches look so perfect.

  17. Looks like you are making good progress on the sweater. My reading has slowed down some too due a bear of an online class. Hope spring comes your way sooner rather than later!

  18. Have I mentioned how much I adore your header?
    Looking forward to seeing your finished sweater, and I took a look at your socks, the colors are so pretty! Bet it feels good to have your daughter home. Enjoy!

  19. How are you even reading with a visiting daughter, activities and all that knitting on fire?!? I hope you have a wonderful time with your daughter and finishing your projects!

  20. Have so much spring break FUN!

  21. Love this WIP, gives me great hope I too will finish my current WIP cardi. Where are the socks, must see the socks!

  22. Your sweater looks great! You are such a productive knitter!!! I just finished The Presidents Club; it was fascinating and hard to put down. Have a nice spring break!


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