
Outside Views

Over the weekend, I spent some time alone outside with the big camera looking at my small world through the lens.  I love how we walk about in ordinary time and see beauty but when there is a camera involved the outside views are fine tuned, focused and exact.  In capturing these photos, I stopped time for a second and saved a bit of loveliness from the day. Our liatris has been blooming magnificently even though some rabbits keep trying to trim the new shoots down to the ground.  I've seen many butterflies and even honey bees! Outside walking in the garden I forgot about the heat and humidity and soaked in what summer is all about.  Summer is blooming, buzzing, flitting around me, I stop, look and  listen to the season's best offerings. I hope you are enjoying your outside views this week!


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. Frodo is recovering from a grooming appointment.  He takes extra naps and needs extra snuggles.  My weekend was slow and purposeful: -I celebrated two apartments found now- toe tapping and waiting for rental agreements to be signed for the official deep sigh of relief -corn on the cob again for a meal-lots of butter and salt -time alone outside with the big camera and loving the depth of the photos -eliminating a stack of papers on the kitchen counter -watching Dr. Who -enjoying the lull of the afternoons-quiet and peaceful -knitting -creating new lists for relocating two kids in six weeks (six! weeks!) -loving how my husband and I can help them with their transitions and appreciating our relationships with adult children Today will be Mass, laundry and gettin


-We don't stop playing because we get old; we get old because we stop playing-                                                                                                                     Satchel Paige Five or so years ago, I wrote out some goals during the end of December for resolutions.  I focused on three areas:  spirituality, creativity and health.  My spirituality goal easily evolved into praying in the mornings and establishing a daily practice.  Creativity is evident with all the knitting I produce but I wanted to get back to writing in a journal and making that a daily habit.  With the help of expanding my morning alone time and creating an environment to sit and ponder, I am happy with my daily journal entries, participating in writing prompts. My health goal was the last aspect of my daily life that I procrastinated on.  I do not like to move unless I am getting more yarn for a knitting project.  I thrive sitting inside and cocooning myself away from the