
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

Frodo is recovering from a grooming appointment.  He takes extra naps and needs extra snuggles.  My weekend was slow and purposeful:

-I celebrated two apartments found now- toe tapping and waiting for rental agreements to be signed for the official deep sigh of relief
-corn on the cob again for a meal-lots of butter and salt
-time alone outside with the big camera and loving the depth of the photos
-eliminating a stack of papers on the kitchen counter
-watching Dr. Who
-enjoying the lull of the afternoons-quiet and peaceful
-creating new lists for relocating two kids in six weeks (six! weeks!)
-loving how my husband and I can help them with their transitions and appreciating our relationships with adult children

Today will be Mass, laundry and getting together with some friends.

How was your weekend?  

Please share your weekend in the comments section and visit old friends and new friends while there.


  1. Your weekend sounds so relaxing, Karen. I love the fact that we are both list makers...about everything. I'm glad to hear that the second apartment has been found! Woohoo! I'm so glad that you appeciate your relationships with your adult children. We always have, as well. However, I realize not every family can say that. Appreciating our adult children for who they are as individuals helps with cutting those apron strings. :) Enjoy the remainder of your weekend, my friend.

    1. I hope you have a great week ahead as well!

  2. Congratulations on the two apartments! How exciting for both of your kids and for you. I can't quite wrap my head around the fact that this will be us in a few years, too. Time flies...
    We've had a mostly quiet weekend since my mom left on Friday morning. Grocery shopping, laundry, swimming and grilling, card games and of course watching soccer. :-) Gotta cheer on "my" team today for sure. ;-)

  3. I am exhaling with you Karen. I am so happy you found both apartments, I know that as a mama that is a big relieve.
    I've been playing with the camera too and learning a lot. I still have so much more to learn, but it's fun.
    Today the rain is back so I'm hanging out inside. It's a good day to knit. :)

    1. I keep learning new things about my camera, mainly it's my favorite to use but the heaviest to lug around :)

  4. Wow, great news finding the 2nd apartment. Great that you have such wonderful relationships with your adult children. I am truly blessed, I too, have a wonderful relationship with all 3 of my grown up children. We speak everyday and make time for visits to each other. We are having a quiet weekend.

    1. I wonder where our kids will be location wise, but as long as I have a phone I'm good with the distance!

  5. What a relief to find the apartments. Can only imagine the exhale after finding that out. Sounds like we have similar weekends as Dr Who and laundry are on tap for me as well. :)
    Have a lovely rest of your Sunday

    1. I love Dr who!!! I'll just keep watching whatever is on netflix over and over again.

  6. Sounds like a perfect weekend, Karen. We are headed soon over to see the GK. It's unusually warm here, so we're all about trying to keep cool. That included a nice dinner in Gig Harbor yesterday and lots of knitting enroute and back home.

    1. it's warm here as well, and I'm ignoring it the best as I can.

  7. Sounds like a fab weekend to me. - I got to get in the garden in between showers but it is soo mild here for winter that I don;t mind at all..Our dogs got groomed too but in our own backyard - Stella the poodle hates to be brushed, Mack hates to be washed and all the cats hate their nails clipped but it all got done at our place. (not by me PHEW) but dd and dh

    1. Frodo likes the new groomer but he is recovering from issues with the old one, hence the recovery time. Last night he perked up considerably. I do believe he was pouting!

  8. Quiet weekend for us. Dinner with friends on Saturday night and quilting while watching the World Cup on Sunday. I also got a little book-reading in and made some Chocolate Gelato. Yum.

    1. mmmm, chocolate gelato.....sounds like the perfect weekend!

  9. Busy and too hot here but I did get some writing done so that is a good thing.

    1. Glad you were writing and had a good weekend!

  10. What wonderful news on the apartments, so happy for your kids and for you :) I love the wonderful relationship you have with your adult children, it really is lovely.

    1. I am thankful, I know you will have the same with R :)

  11. I always love your week-end lists... you are so content in the smallest accomplishments and the biggest : What a great way to value everything you do!

    We had a little man turning ONE this week-end and family from out of town... busy busy busy!

    Hope you have a lovely week.xo

    1. happy birthday to your little one! The list making of the big and small has made a positive impact on my daily life.

  12. sounds like a busy weekend! The groomer is always so stressful (sometimes even for us, getting a haircut is anxiety producing). :) http://summerplayshouse.com/2014/07/14/weekending-74/

    1. I've kept the same hair cut for nearly over six months, the hairdresser loves me! It's changing the style that's stressful :)

  13. We're looking for a new place to live at the moment so I'm definitely looking forward to that sigh ;0) http://adeolainwonderland.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/weekending_14.html

    1. I love to look for new places to live. Saying goodbye to old ones is a challenge...Good luck in your search!

  14. Your Frodo is so sweet- I hope he feels better- must feel good though in the summer heat to get a little grooming. Luther is cool as a cucumber with his have shaven side...he.he.
    Have a great week.

  15. Frodo is looking lovely - but I can imagine it was hard work to through all that! :)
    I hope you had a lovely rest of the weekend - I am still trying to get to terms with the fact that it's Monday already!


  16. Poor Frodo!! But he looks so handsome!! And congratulations on the two apartments being secured!! Yay!

    1. I am thrilled with the apartment acquisitions :)

  17. I am really enjoying the local corn now. It's so sweet! I can't even imagine the stress of getting both kids settled in their respective apartments. Yikes! Oh the poor Frodo!


    1. our corn this past weekend was the very best yet!

  18. Sounds like a great weekend.
    We really need to get back to watching Dr.Who!
    I've nominated you as one of my favorite blogs in a blog hop and hope you would join and write a post next monday :) I know I should have asked you before I wrote the post, but it's been super busy around here as we have gotten a puppy :)

    1. Thanks Hege, will do a post next Monday :)

  19. Fantastic about finding the apartments. It sounds like you will have your hands full over the next six weeks. Hope it's lots of fun too.

    1. I will not be as busy as you are with your moving!

  20. Our pups never enjoyed their grooming appointments no matter how wonderful the groomer was. It must be all the buzzing and dryers going.
    You're summer sounds delightful, overall. Your winter will be quiet with two kids away.

    1. I think it's a terrier thing. The groomer says so!

  21. Henley is going in for a groom this week. He always looks so handsome when I pick him up and then he goes and rolls in the grass or lays in the sprinkler.

    1. Frodo rolls around outside as well, the little rascal!

  22. 1/2 play 1/2 work. Felt like all work . THe weekend included - a new knit cast on!
    An old friend for dinner on the porch
    ROzzy is sooo soft , a month now since we shaved our old cat girl

    1. A new cast on?? Now I'm off to see what that's all about!

  23. Congratulations on apartments found! That is awesome:) How wonderful of you to help. I remember being really touched by something my dad said after we had finished college. Labor Day rolled around, and he said he was sad not to be spending the weekend helping us move into our dorms. Not that he was happy to see us go, but just that it was a special thing for him to get to help us. So sweet:) We had a busy weekend, probably the last time we'll have company before the baby comes, but Eric still managed to put lots of furniture together--he is a champion!

    1. I never thought I would miss HS band and chorus concerts but I do, as a parent I think you do remember the good memories made :)

  24. all those duckies are lining up just right!!! so happy for you all!!!
    I downloaded a little Gale Zucker photographing-your-knits class this weekend....some nice little tips in it; now I just have to DO her suggestions!!!! (love her work!)

  25. I just found your lovely blog through Hege's Cloudberry blog. I live in British Columbia, Canada and we are in the middle of a heat wave. Here's my post about a perfect summer Sunday. http://journeynorthof49.blogspot.ca/2014/07/double-drinks.html

    1. So happy you joined in! I'll be visiting you shortly :)

  26. What a great pic of little Frodo... hugs to him. I feel the same way about going to the hairdressers!

    1. He is onto something isn't he? I love how tidy he looks after a 'do.

  27. I had a wonderful family BBQ at my Dad and Stepmother with my sister and her family. We watched our boys play together and tucker out my parent's dog. I baked, knit and even managed some laundry. Alas never know. Love your weekending.


    1. family BBQ would be such fun if I lived closer to my family :)

  28. I cannot imagine apartments! Eek. So very nice though to reach that stage in a way.
    Corn on the cob---we had our first tonight--with a lot of butter and salt, there is no other way.

    1. yes to butter and yes to salt, lots and lots of salt.

  29. Oh, house-hunt on this side going slow...good to read you've found smth, fingers crossed things work out! All sounds very relaxed, enjoy the week

  30. recovering from a grooming appt.! Poor baby.
    We had a West Highland Terrier when I was growing up. It came to be that whenever we took him to the groomer he would get more and more afraid until he was shaking. Eventually, my mom assumed that they weren't treating him very well there. From then on she did his grooming. ; )
    I'm sure that's not the case with Frodo, but your post just made me think of that..... he was like a white Frodo...and also liked to get himself some bunnies like Frodo does....


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