
Dogwood Trees and a Recipe

May.  May is the month of Mary.  May is the month of true spring blossoms, Holy Communions, Confirmations, Mother's Day and Memorial day.  There is so much to celebrate during this transitional month and each year that it rolls around I love it more. My grandmother (my dad's mom)  celebrated her birthday in May and for some reason I think of her, she loved when family visited for her birthday and for Mother's day.  Her gardens were teeming with spring bulb blossoms and the air was sweeter while sitting on her porch swing suspended on bouncy springs.  We would swing and bounce, swing and bounce. Dogwoods are my favorite flowering spring tree, I think.  I love their airy blooms and the way each flower tilts up to the sky saying hello to the sun.  Luckily, I have many of these trees sprinkled throughout my property that were placed by mother nature with the help of breezes. On Wednesday, I fully recovered from my NYC trip.  I confess that I did take one teeny

Currently on the Needles

Since I was out of town over a three day weekend, you can imagine that I had little time to knit or read.  However, I have been knitting here and there the past few days while catching up on chores and errands.  I've made some progress on my baby blanket .  I love the ease of the knit, so easy and mindless! I've been flipping through the newest issue of Taproot  during my days.  I continue to read short stories of Flannery O'Connor and Persuasion by Jane Austen.  All good reads and full of interest although I must say a contemporary novel is on my horizon, but I haven't picked it yet. What have you been knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments    in the comment section with a link to your blog. My favorite aunt treated us all to a girls only trip to NYC.  My daughter and I joined up with my Aunt, my sister, two cousins and my one cousin's two daughters and we spent three nights two days doing everything that could be squeezed in.  I'm exhausted!! :: I rode a taxi, bus, subway, water taxi and a ferry.  :: I saw the rockettes and the lion king (!!!) :: I was in the Upper West side, midtown, Battery Park, SoHo and Staten island. :: I rode through the Lincoln tunnels to get there but didn't for coming're crafty :: Time Square is too crowded :: I loved the dogs of NYC--so many being walked by their owners. :: I am sore from head to toe and had to take more medicines. :: My aunt was really really happy and that m