

Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments    in the comment section with a link to your blog. This weekend we went to the Endless Mountain Fiber Festival .  I love the sights and sounds of this festival.  There are the animals that are fluffy soft and adorable, each one beckoning us to visit and pet.  My husband took some photos then I took some.  He is patient while I browse and shop the stalls.  He joined in the spirit of the festival by requesting a "thin scarf".  Thin as in fingering weight thin.  I am only too eager to knit something and then we proceed to look for the yarn for his scarf.  He chose a dark purple that will look fantastic. I am drawn to mute greens and yellows and oranges and browns....Earth tones.  So while I was there I had to buy something but I was trying not to buy "my" colors.  Branch out from my comfort color zone.

Embellishments and History

The afternoon light has shifted, casting shadows on my side table and delighting me.  Autumn is creeping into each day.  Yesterday the rain that was predicted became reality.  My hair was frumpy and wild, yet I was okay with the mess. I've had a restorative week, full of knitting and reading.  Starting a new knitting project does wonders to my excitement.  I've been writing more about me, my ancestors and stories that were told to me.  I wonder how much embellishing was done by the storyteller?  How much was true?  Then I wonder does it matter? Family histories are probably enhanced with the teller's thoughts or reactions. I grew up in the city and yet had the luck of a summer cottage to visit - owned by my grandparents. I ran bare foot in the grass and learned to ride a bike without training wheels down a dirt road. I gathered lots of scraped knees and elbows, and cried over each hurt begging for a band aid.  I collected dandelions, daisies, elderberries, ras

Currently on the Needles

Last week I mentioned that this current read had me wondering where the plot was going to go.  Well, one more page and boom  the plot was revealed and my oh my is it GOOD.  Sorry for wondering, sorry for doubting.  The story is a sad story so if your looking for a pick me up happy book you might want to take a pass.  However, if you don't mind sad and some serious character development and a constant sense of cheering on a stern main character, well then you need to read this book. My knitting has been somewhat exciting.  Yesterday I bought a new sweater pattern and cast on and furiously worked all day long executing short row shaping with glee.  If you've known me a long time you know I knit cardigans, so are you surprised this is a pullover?  I am! What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Golden Pear Baby Hat

Oh my, was I distracted over the weekend.  I was looking at my knitting and the current projects and suddenly I had an urge to knit a baby hat for my grand nephew.  I wanted to make him one over the summer and never did. The joy of impulse knitting is divine. How sweet is this little pattern ?  I knit this hat in a day if all the hours were strung together. I made some modifications to make the hat a little bigger, I hope that it fits and fits for more than one season :) Ravelry notes are here .


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments    in the comment section with a link to your blog. How was your weekend? This long weekend that is still going strong held: :: long chat with my sister :: short chats with the kids :: green beans :: closing the pool :: knitting :: yoga morning rituals :: lots of reading :: firing up the grill :: MORE wedding cake :: watching Gregory Peck in To Kill a Mockingbird :: drinking morning coffee in the darkness :: light shadows :: allergies (boo) :: friends over to share a meal tonight :: having absolutely nothing on the schedule tomorrow :: daydreaming about nothing and everything :: planning goals for the next few weeks Please share your weekend!!

Yellow Flowers and Yellow Jackets

My this week has been ultra relaxing for me.  Gone are the stresses and the busyness of wedding plans, out of town families and my furious list making tasks.  I've been loving, savoring the slow quiet way my days unfold.  Truly it's a blessing and I'm grateful for this lull. I was talking to my sister who mentioned she was eating through the frozen dinners tucked into her freezer.  Initially, I thought that I didn't have any complete meals.  Well, I dug and found some curry, dahl and rice forgotten but thankfully found.  So I didn't cook yesterday, we had a "free" meal. The heat wave is ending today and yesterday it rained!  I'm not a fan of rain, but it's been weeks since we had a good soaking.  I opened the door a wee bit to listen to the thunderstorm, magical and musical! We've been battling a yellow jacket nest near our house and I think we won....still waiting to see.  One of those yellow jackets bit Frodo on the muzzle and he

Currently on the Needles

I am carefully getting back into knitting after the frantic knitting of this hat for a special someone.  I am savoring the easy knitting of my featherweight cardigan and this simple sock  design.  I've been thinking of Christmas knitting and have a few projects in mind in the coming months.  I guess while the heat wave is blaring away, I'm holding off on lots of wool on my lap. I'm reading We are not Ourselves  and the novel is slowly emerging.  Overall I'm interested in the characters but I'm wondering what will happen since the author spends little time at any given moment as he whips through a few decades of the main character's life.  Curious.  The writing is good but I'm only one fourth of the way through and I've lived 20 years of her life!  I'll tell you more next week since I'll be reading this one for a month. What are you knitting and reading? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Healing Hat Complete

If you haven't knit the wurm pattern you probably should.  It's a satisfying knit and you will not be disappointed.  I finished this hat in less than 48 hours of casting on and my left forearm will never be the same. Caution:  you should rest your hands and arms when the begin to ache.  Oh well, the slight discomfort I'm feeling was worth it.  My friend's daughter LOVED her gift and I know she will have fun wearing it when the cold weather arrives and stays. The yarn is Malabrigo Arroyo and my, so squishy and lovely.  I will definitely knit with Arroyo again.


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments    in the comment section with a link to your blog. How was your weekend?  This weekend welcomed back the heat and humidity, sigh.  I know I was bragging about the cool air and sort of gloated on about it.  Well I guess that is now flipped on me, I am hot and hiding in the AC, dreaming of cooler days. There hasn't been much rain for quite some time, the duck pond that I daily pass on a walk is at an all time low level, the poor goose can walk across the pond now.  Our pool needs water, but my husband is reluctant to fill it only to drain it to a lower level to close it. Hey!  Guess what?  We celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary yesterday!  We went out to a new for us restaurant for lunch then went over to our dear friend's house for dinner.  Their daughter says thank you for the well wishes and prayers.  Continue to k

Sights and Sounds of Late Summer Days

Oh this week has been glorious, the humidity gone, and a brisk chill is in the air in the mornings.  I know, I know, it's too early for this change.  Well, don't worry, the warm weather will be back tomorrow almost reaching 90 degrees once more.  I'm at peace with another warm up, you see, I know that these warm ups are limited now. This week was the start of school in our area and with that is a bit of stillness and silence.  Even the cicadas are being quiet..maybe they're in school as well!  I used to love when school started, new pens, pencils, notebooks and new teachers.  I felt comforted being wrapped in a schedule with syllabuses. I finished the hat for my dear friend's daughter, thank you for your well wishes and comments, I've passed them on.  Oh and she loved the hat!!  Currently, I'm am resting a sore forearm from all the aggressive knitting that I did.  The pain was worth it though.  I can still knit but I know my body and rest is wh

Currently on the Needles

I started a new project on Monday for a dear friend's daughter.  She had unexpected surgery and well, I couldn't do anything but knit.  Each stitch I thought of her and sent many healing thoughts her way.  She is back at home and I am hopeful I will have a finished hat to give to her today. According to Ravelry this is my sixth Wurm hat....I guess I like the pattern!  Have you knit it?  You should!!  My only warning is that the hat pattern uses lots and lots of yardage!  Anyways, I adore miles of garter stitch and the yarn and the pattern all melded together. Oh and I finished that cowl and posted about it yesterday. I finished my plague book!  I loved it and recommend A Year of Wonders ,  it's good.  Yesterday I started a new book We are not Ourselves  by Matthew Thomas.  I've read a few chapters and so far love the characters and unfolding plot. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams