
Currently on the Needles

See that candy corn?  Just so you know it is not healthy nor does it have an ounce of nutritional value but I cannot resist a tiny piece. One of the best foods of October :) My knitting has turned into some holiday knitting.  I finished the super secret project that I cannot talk about and then cast on a hat for another present.  However, I can say it's a hat and it is my own invention.  The yarn is an antique, if a yarn could be an antique.  The skein was in my mother's stash and that has to be well over 20 years ago.  Wool is wool!! I started reading Gone Girl , I know, I know I said I would NOT read this book but my son made the book sound really good and he promised me it is not graphic.  If it is, I'll never believe anything he says ever again.  I finished The Remains of the Day  and while it was good, there were times I was bored with some of the writing. I'm glad I read it, so give it a flip through.  Also if you like Downton Abbey this book might interest


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments    in the comment section with a link to your blog. I had a fun weekend visiting family in London, Ontario.  While up there we went to Grand Bend  and enjoyed a very brisk (blustery) wind and the end of a tourist season.  Nearly all of the shops were closed for the season and yet I had fun being on the sidewalks and boardwalk taking in the sights and sounds. I do love a beach!  We visited family, ate out for lunches and dinners, laughed some and enjoyed each other's company.  I'm now home (sweet home).  I had an internet break and missed checking in with all of you.  Hopefully this week I'll be all caught up! There was: french fries :: knitting in the car :: knitting whenever :: finishing a book :: holding a grand nephew :: meeting a new puppy who was wiggly and made me miss Frodo :: beautiful Sunday driving :

Ordinary Little Things

Last night as I snuggled into bed, I listened to the rain.  We haven't had a good soaking rain in quite a while so listening to the dripping from the gutter was a treat.  My hair...well let's say it's frizzing up and doing it's own thing.  I'm just ignoring the mirrors for the time being, it works.  The fleece jacket has been worn and even some fingerless mitts, this season makes a hard core knitter happy. The ordinary little things make my world go round. My backyard was raining yellow leaves today, so beautiful!  I love how yellow leaves lead the march towards winter.  Next up will be the oranges and reds.  The kids went home on Monday and I had a day of adjusting to the regular home.  Setting the home back to the way it was helps with the adjustment.  Knitting does too. Just so you know, Fall is officially here, because Frodo is sleeping on the sofa and NOT under the ottoman.  Delightful! In my Magnificat magazine, there was an article about Junip

Currently on the Needles

Good morning!  We are finally having some decent rainfall after weeks of very little if any.  The duck pond residents are probably quite happy.  My knitting has been progressing along.  I'm over half way on my knitting the body of my pullover .  Yay. I'm quite happy with how the sweater is looking.  That luscious skein of madelinetosh yarn is for a super secret knitting project for Christmas.  That is all I can say about it.  So each of you can use your imagination on what it is and who it is for :) I'm over half way through my book The Remains of the Day .  I'm enjoying the book but I find that I comprehend more during the day.  It's a "talking" book so long paragraphs of reflections lull me when it's late at night (late like 8:30 p.m. ha ha ha).  Daytime reading, no problem at all. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


Hello!  This weekend was my nephew's wedding and both kids (yes both!!) came into town for the exciting event :)  I documented that with that photo. The wedding was at St Vincent's Basilica where my nephew and wife (wife!) met while attending university.  I adore cathedrals, basilicas, chapels and churches. As you can imagine, there was lots of traveling, lots of eating, dancing and talking with family and friends.  All good fun and I'm disappointed that all that dancing did not register on my fitbit as exercise!  What the hell?? I'm sore from head to toe in a good way. I can never pass up a nice tiled floor without a photo :) Me and my sister, the mother of the groom, who tried hard not to cry but did. I'm thrilled that we were all together. How was your weekend?

Pumpkins and Squashes

No matter how summer like it feels outside there are sights and sounds of fall. Yesterday on my walk, I was hot but oh my, the views!  The angle of the sun feels different and the heat is less intense.  Fall is here and here to stay. This week I've been knitting up a storm, working on the hat and the sweater and cycling from one to the other with glee.  I need to add another project in the rotation.  Christmas knitting is whispering to me and yet I want to knit for myself.  Oh what to do!  A little of both I guess. Slowly salads are being replaced by warm meals... soup!  I love the change of seasons and the change of foods.  Bring on the pumpkins and squashes.  I've plans for potato leek soup as well! Have a great weekend!!!

Currently on the Needles

I've been working on a hat for my son and I've been enjoying inventing the striping pattern as I knit.  Free form knitting?  Knit doodling?  Whatever you call it, I'm finding it quite engaging.  I hope he likes it.  The yarns are all left overs from previous projects, mainly Cascade 220 and Ella Rae.  The ravelry page is here . I finished The Girl on the Train  which I found quite enjoyable.  It's a fast read and even though I guessed who did it, I loved reading and watching the story unfold.  An extremely easy read and entertaining.  Last night I started The Remains of the Day , I do not recall reading this book but once I dig in I'll know soon.  Sometimes I cannot remember what I read 20 years ago... Oh and I finished my cardigan What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Rosy Featherweight Cardigan Complete

 I finished my cardigan over the weekend and in time for the wedding.  However, I put my dress on with the sweater and it looks not good.  So I won't be wearing it after all.  Poofy skirting is hard to dress up with wool.  Just saying. If you haven't knit this sweater yet, you should.  It's fun and light and a great traveling project.  I'm thrilled that it looks great with jeans. Ravelry notes are here


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments    in the comment section with a link to your blog. A cool breeze greeted me this morning, so wonderful!  I hope cool breezes are where you are too.  This weekend has been quiet.  I walked two times yesterday and once I hit publish, I'll be heading out again.  I'm basking in that fall like air! Friday night we went out for pizza, a new to us place that we've been to about three or four times, so now I feel like a regular.  Yesterday, I shopped around a craft store and popped into a bookstore. Today was church (as always) and my husband made a new Indian dish but it was too spicy hot for me.  He loved it though!  My mouth is still tingly from my few bites of giving it a try. How was your weekend?

Volunteers and Dragonflies

September has been delightful with cool air in the mornings, wearing sweaters and windows flung wide opened to catch that chill in the air.  After lunch, the heat of the day has built up and summer once more swells and heats my days. We didn't plant a vegetable garden this summer because of the wedding planning and my husband's busy work schedule (that we are still adjusting to each day).  However, Mother Nature has graced us with volunteer tomato plants!  Frodo and I walk by them each day to pick the cherry tomatoes. He still remembers his yellow jacket sting, every time any insect buzzes near him, he is more than ready to run-run-run.  Silly, but I would be the same way.  I used to be afraid of bees and dragonflies as a child.  I cannot explain the dragonfly fear, I'm guessing it is the hum of the wings and the way they dart.  Now I think they're quite pretty. Most mornings are started with writing, praying and a short yoga routine.  I'm finding thi

Currently on the Needles

My pullover and my cardigan are slowly making progress.  I just finished the second sleeve of my cardigan and will be picking up the neckband today!  I'm still thinking that I'll be wearing this pretty cardigan at a wedding at the end of the month :) Oh my reading!  I finished We are not Ourselves  and it was spectacular.  It is a sad book so read some reviews on Goodreads before you take the plunge.  I enjoyed it, I thought that it could have been a shorter book but other than that, a great read. I'm now reading The   Girl on the Train on my kindle.  I only just started so I have no opinions. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams