

Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. Isn't he a beauty?  He or she is a box turtle that I found at the wood's edge enjoying the sun. Too bad the turtle is an awfully shy one :) So now that I've finished with the nature part of the post, how was your weekend?? We were busy doing indoor chores and outdoor chores yesterday.  The little upstairs bathroom is finished, done, complete.  My overhaul of the two linen closets is also finished.  I'm on a purging roll and am seriously contemplating my dresser clothes.  I love to clean, organize and freshen up areas. Yesterday the university had it's annual book sale, which tends to be my favorite, lots of novels and textbooks and how to books.  Look at the stack I bought-- total of nine dollars, pretty sweet!  I was excited about the artist's way , I'

Knitting Project Tour and Some News

I decided to pull out the "big" camera and take some progress photos to update my Ravelry project page, then I thought I'd share them here as well.  I confess, I'm looking forward to finishing some projects so that I can start some projects.  My maximum amount of works in progress is FIVE.  Do you have a maximum?  I'd love to know! The purple scarf is for my husband and when I initially started the project I was not thrilled with how much attention it needed.  What I thought would be a tv talking project ended up with a pay attention project.  Now that I've made lots and lots of progress, I can work on the scarf while watching tv.  My game that I play is to place a stitch marker right were I start each day so I can see my progress.  Scarves tend to be never ending in my mind so when I finish for the day and see 2-3 inches, I'm quite happy! Next up is this lovely lacy shawl that is pure pleasure to hold in my hands.  The pattern is for fingering

Currently on the Needles

This past week I've been rotating between all of my projects on the needles.  The pincha shawl  is coming along nicely and is nearly done.  I am going until I run out of yarn!  I love that this pattern allows you to use up as much as you can.  My other project, a scarf for my husband, is the project I've been working on during the evenings while we watch tv together. Hausfrau has been a compelling read for me.  I have to warn you, it is explicit and against all of my moral values.  The main character is incredibly flawed, unhappy and self destructive in her extra marital affairs (some are in detail).  I am drawn again and again to figure out why and that is why the novel is good.  I want to read it. However, my next novel will be a palate cleanser - devoid of risky behavior! What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams