
All I Care About is Knitting

 Spring has sprung around these parts of Pennsylvania-- truly beautiful.  I'm still in that flux of not knowing weather to wear a long sleeve or short sleeve shirt, wool or cotton sweater.  I guess I love that most about spring, you never know and sometimes you guess correctly! My husband has a colleague visiting us for a few days and I've been frantically getting the house "company ready" for his arrival yesterday.  On Saturday, our son comes home for a second spring break (yay!!!) Already the week is filled with activities, mainly finding him a new apartment for the fall semester. Our daughter's birthday is tomorrow!  Happy birthday if she is reading this :)  I cannot believe she is going to be 26 years old.  I still feel like I'm 26 on the inside, well let's be honest, I sometimes feel like I'm 15 years old on the inside.  My outside self belies me especially when I look in the mirror :) Yesterday I had an appointment with my RA doc

Ginny's Baby Sweater - Yarn Along!

Today is the virtual baby shower instead of the regular yarn along for Ginny!!  I've been waiting and waiting, secret keeping is so difficult for me... I'm  excited to show you all (finally) what I've knit up for Ginny's baby to be.  As you know I love Elizabeth Zimmermann's February baby sweater , so of course, that was what I knitted.   Surprise !! Ginny , I wish you a happy healthy pregnancy, birth and baby!! You are loved and we appreciate your dedication to hosting Yarn Along . Thank you Tracey for organizing this virtual baby shower !!

Pincha Shawl Complete

I'm thrilled to share with you my little shawlette.  My oh my, an unassuming garter stitch short row pattern that has you counting every stitch on every row :)  This is not TV knitting or talking knitting. After a few "feathers" I was able to listen to audio podcasts and I felt quite accomplished. I love how the pattern showcases a variegated yarn.  You know the ones that you buy then think, what can I make?  Yep, those skeins have a pattern now, this is it. A tip:  I used stitch markers to place after doing each short row section which helped me immensely. I loved working with Camilla's yarn , such a treat!! The notes are here