Hello Spring!

One of the aspects I love about the seasonal changes is how I'm waiting for what seems like forever and then boom I see the changes. The grass in greener and growing. All of my daffodils are blooming. The birds sing early in the morning greeting each day. The air smells fresh and earthy. You know I adore winter but my oh my I do love early beginnings of spring. I'm ready to wear light jackets and feel comfortable with one layer of clothing instead of many. I'm ready for my window views to green up. Lately warm comfy meals are switching to salads and grilling food outside. If it snows I know it will melt quickly. This week I've managed life quite well. I balanced my errands and tasks with my work schedule. I'm getting good and 'bundling' errands. I try my best to make a grocery run last and I drop into any other stores that are near by to save a future trip. The toddler is officially a preschoo...