
This weekend was glorious!  There was plenty of sunshine overall amongst the clouds and the temperature was 71 degrees yesterday.  I'm ready but not ready to let go of the cold weather.  I am ready for spring and warmth, I'm not ready for the heat which will be coming right along shortly there after.

This weekend was spent at home and getting back into the regular routines.  We took a walk with Frodo and enjoyed being outside without a jacket.  We heard the spring peepers (frogs) loud and clear as well.  They are all yelling 'pick me! pick me!' to each other.

I was tempted to switch the winter quilt to the summer quilt on our bed but the weather is going back to chilly, so I'm waiting another few weeks.  Oh and my daffodils bloomed overnight as well.  What a delight to look out the window and see something yellow. 

I sketched a bit and watercolored a bit.  My friends came over for some serious knitting time.  I do love being with them.  The laundry is done, the kitchen is cleaned up and so are the bathrooms.  Once I'm done on the computer, I'll be reading a book and then knitting.

How was your weekend?


  1. I sat on my butt outside today and crocheted away. It was beautiful out, sunny but not humid. I moved to the shade after a bit because I hate to get too much sun. Even with a bit of a rest day I am still not ready to head into work tomorrow, sigh!

  2. I can't believe how much the trees and flower buds have opened up in the past couple days, but 71 degrees will do that! It was delightful to open the windows and hang laundry outside but the 40s are going to feel quite a bit chillier tomorrow!

  3. We drove 2 hours to Louisville last night to watch Purdue get beat. Then I sat at home knitting and watched my Cats get beat. Now I am pulling for Texas Tech, the underdogs!

  4. Oh 70s sound amazing! We may get a few 60s in a week or so. The weather in Oklahoma was warm and 70 and that made our March go faster. We saw some crocus coming up in full bloom at the golf course. Im ready for the barn to be warm again. It has been so so so cold this winter. We are tired of bundling up and cold hands and feet!!! But the arena is warm

  5. Daffodils are a sure sign of spring. We had one 70 degree day and then back to 40's and 50's. Actually I rather like walking on a 50 degree March blustery day. Nice weekend here - getting back to a normal routine - walks, church, coffee, a pan of brownies (oh no).

  6. Sounds like a wonderful relaxing weekend.

  7. We cleaned the garage on Saturday. I wanted to get that taken care of before it gets too warm. Anything above 75 degrees is hot to me. I don’t mind the cold. It’s the wind that drives me crazy and it has been so windy here.

  8. Sounds like a lovely relaxing weekend. I love this time of year with blossom and those wonderful yellow clumps of daffodils.

  9. It looks like you had a great weekend! Those daffodils are just so happy!

  10. The Spring Peepers by us have been NOISY!!! In our woods! (Usually we do not hear them back in the woods) And one daffodil has opened by out mailbox. The others are all budded, but closed tightly. It was a beautiful weekend - glad yours was so nice too.

  11. I am ready to put the cold behind me. It was such a lovely weekend and here we are back to the cold :(
    Thankfully our daffodils haven't bloomed yet.. every year they come out just before another frost and die a quick death. :(
    Nice to get back to a normal routine.


  12. We are back in the windy, cold weather that is more like the beginning of March than of April. I have one lonely daffodil in bloom, but soon there will be more. Now I am enjoying watching the robins and the bunnies.

  13. oh, I don't think we have frogs here ... but I would love to hear that back and forth! I am LOVING seeing the daffodils crop up across my feed today ... finally. spring arrives for the rest of y'all (and I don't feel quite so self-indulgent for sharing blooms for the past seven weeks ;-)

  14. That was a great weekend for you ! It got cold again here in Georgia. For weeks we barely needed a cardigan and now we're back to light jackets. The daffodils are lovely. My spiderworts have grown a lot and will be blooming soon. I can't wait. One of them has the prettiest purple ever.

  15. I always liked walking the dog. It got me out and toned up my legs.

  16. I'm pretty late to this party but wanted to say your daffodils are gorgeous!


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