
Magical and Beautiful

I've been scrambling around trying to get ready for the Easter weekend.  I've checked off many of my tasks and still have tasks to do.  Isn't that life?  Yup.  How are you?  Are you enjoying some decent weather?  This week has been overall a nice week. I love when I'm driving to and from the gym and I see tree after tree leafing out.  The beginnings of spring are beautiful and remind me of springtimes past. My parents had half an acre of land in a quiet suburb.  We moved to this house when I was 11 years old.  The previous owner planted everything imaginable on that little tiny plot.  The first spring was exciting as we watched many ornamental trees blooming.  I remember:  dogwood, cherry, magnolia and pear trees.  Lilac bushes lined the driveway and underneath were grape hyacinths galore.  The yard was magical and beautiful. We'd like to plant an ornamental tree in honor of my husband's father somewhere on our property.  I'm leaning towards a we

Noro Socks

The socks are done, I finished them about 10 minutes ago!  Overall I love the mis-matched socks even though I'm a matchy matchy girl deep down inside. The pattern is one that is in my head that is old and memorized and fits my feet exactly.  I love to knit the same patterns over and over again. The Noro sock yarn (taiyo sock yarn) is a lovely long repeat colorway.  Half of the yarn is cotton and that is hard on my hands, I tend to shy away from cottons because of this.  The yarn is tightly spun so while I was knitting it would easily twist up and tangle.  On the second sock I was finishing the short rows and heading to the gusset pick up when to my surprise there was a knot made with green yarn added to the lavender yarn!  (the company did not match up the wool colors).  I was lucky to pull a bit out and continue with the sock with enough of the remaining skein.  Phew! Ravelry notes


How was your weekend?  I spent all day yesterday getting ready for Easter.  I am seeing lots of family and, well, I wanted to create Easter bags for everyone.  My weekdays are so busy I really needed to work on the gift bags on the weekend. I worked more on my never ending sweater and while the realist in me believes I will get by with the yarn I have, the crazy little voice in my head keeps whispering panic thoughts.  I know I will have just enough yarn....really! Yesterday we walked the dirt road with Frodo and enjoyed plenty of sunshine and blue skies. Today it's raining (the drippy drizzly kind of rain).  I have the back door opened and love listening to the rain, such a springlike sound to hear.  This weekend also contained:  -curry dinner - apple crumble -  big salads - episodes of Endeavor - tea sipping and book reading in tandem - cat dog chases that Holly the cat always wins - watercolor painting - The weekend was great!  How was your weekend?

My Creative Process

Early spring is difficult for me to capture through a camera lens.  I've been outside twice trying and I've learned that different lenses lend to different captures.  I love learning. No matter what the temperature is outside, it looks like spring and that is enough for me.  Fresh leaves are sprouting and every day is a new development.  I adore the green sheen along the roadways as I drive.  Spring has sprung!  I keep circling back to thinking about making each day the best day ever.  How do I do it?  Well it's a splattering of a few things.  Of course, I have to do certain chores every day.  I try to do them as soon as possible so that the rest of the day can be free.  I tend to usually go to the grocery store on a gym day (ugh), however, I've been stopping at the grocery store on my home after a work day.  My oh my has this freed up time on the gym days.  I guess I consider grocery shopping as work...which it is for me.  As you know I knit every s

Knitting News

Well well well, the panicking over the yarn abundance has settled down, for now.  If I can get to 7-8 inches from the armhole with the current skein then I have enough yarn.  I think I'll be fine - phew!!  The sweater   knitting is fantastic while watching TV.  You know I love mindless stockinette knitting and this project fits that description perfectly.  I've been working on the Holly Inspired shawl  (Holly picked this skein from the stash and when crazy with it...).  I have the pattern memorized and I love working on it.  I enjoy starting with a few stitches and then watching the shawl get bigger and bigger with each row! What are you knitting or working on this week?


My Weekend: -finishing that first sock! -watching Holly watching me -spying deer spying on me -attending my husband's co-worker's daughter's wedding  -enjoying watching young love, good food and friendships -not quite mastering the 'selfie' but having fun -watching Frodo catch (!) a tiny garter snake -the garter snake escaped -Our first photo booth  -three out of four photos are great -last photo is meh Today -I attended Mass, came home then did the laundry  -we are both quite tired How was your weekend?

Hello Spring!

One of the aspects I love about the seasonal changes is how I'm waiting for what seems like forever and then boom  I see the changes.  The grass in greener and growing.  All of my daffodils are blooming.  The birds sing early in the morning greeting each day.  The air smells fresh and earthy.  You know I adore winter but my oh my I do love early beginnings of spring.  I'm ready to wear light jackets and feel comfortable with one layer of clothing instead of many.  I'm ready for my window views to green up.  Lately warm comfy meals are switching to salads and grilling food outside.  If it snows I know it will melt quickly. This week I've managed life quite well.  I balanced my errands and tasks with my work schedule.  I'm getting good and 'bundling' errands.  I try my best to make a grocery run last and I drop into any other stores that are near by to save a future trip. The toddler is officially a preschooler!  She turned three this week, ca