

Oh boy did I have some technical difficulties this morning.  There's always something to keep me on my toes.  However, I solved the problem of my dropbox account NOT syncing.  Phew.  How was your weekend? Well, we still have company (my son and his girlfriend) until dinnertime today.  They were to leave this morning but want to stay for the day.  Isn't that nice?  I had a quiet weekend with their company, lots of knitting, reading, talking and watching movies.  I am grateful for my mighty new dishwasher that is a godsend when people are here.  The dishes are so clean!  I should have upgraded years ago.  Anyways, I'm over half way through reading Grant, trying my best to wrap up this read by January 31st.  Wish me luck.  My purple sweater is nearing the edging portion of the sweater instructions.  This project is my go to knit while reading my kindle.  Miles of stockinette while reading miles of history.  The weather was dreary each and every

January Days

Happy New Year!  Usually I have great difficulty writing the new year on documents but '2020' is so easy.  This bodes well for how great the new year will be.  My house is de-decorated and everything is back to the way it used to be.  I love January and how 'fresh' the month feels.  New planners, new plans, new goals or (non-goals) and brushing off a dusty old year. As you know, I do not pick a word for the year, I just can't boil down to a word.  Also I usually have a litany of goals for the new year. Among them:  menu plan - exercise more -  eat more fruits and vegetables - read more - knit more.  Well you get the idea, I pick a myriad of goals some I achieve and some I do not.  This year my goal is to document my creative days in a daily planner.  I was in Barnes and Noble and impulsively bought a daily planner and the idea hit me:  Oh, I could track my creative days and see what I accomplish.  I've tried bullet journalling in the past and it

Looped Cowl

I know that I said that I wanted this cowl done by Christmas Day.  Well, the knitting was done by Christmas however the blocking did not occur until after the company left.  So it goes when the house is full of guests. I am thrilled with how this cowl turned out.  This is the fifth cowl (kept one) and honestly I see a sixth one in the midst.  I like that it doubles around the neck for some warmth and using a skein of soft special fingering weight wool is a treat to myself. Ravelry notes Happy New Year!!!


How was your weekend?  I'm knee deep in a wonderful holiday lull.  Over the weekend our company left, I blitzed the house something fierce.  All of the scurrying was done so I could sit and enjoy my knitting, reading and painting.  Even though the weather was drippy, foggy and rainy, I continued to enjoy the weekend of leftover dinners and tons of cookies.  Supplies are running low for my no cooking streak so I guess I have to start menu planning.  I resurrected my purple sweater and started knitting it once more.  It's nice to not be knitting Christmas gifts and to have time to knit. How was your weekend?

Christmas Wrap

Ho ho ho!  Did you have a good holiday?  This week was crazy busy for me since most of my days are slow and easy.  We had a full house all week with both kids here.  Yesterday my daughter and son in law went home and today my son and his girlfriend are going to her parent's house for more celebrating. Christmas Eve dinner was made by my daughter as seen in my photos.  She worked really hard all day and the dinner was delicious.  Between Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas Day dinner, I have enough leftovers for over a week (no cooking!). I have never been so grateful for the new dishwasher which I ran twice a day and still managed to have pots and pans to do by hand.  The new fridge also didn't disappoint.  I stuffed it full and still had room. We sat around talking and watching Christmas movies, did a puzzle in ONE day, ate more cookies than we should have and did daily walks down the dirt road. Being the hostess did not leave me with much


How was your weekend? I have my daughter and son in law here and tonight my son and his girlfriend arrive.  Each day is plotting out meals, gleefully loading a new dishwasher.  I'm sure the novelty of a new appliance will end but for now, I am loving the clean dishes! Holly sat this morning watching the machine as it made new-to-her sounds.  My skeptical cat wasn't sure what to make of the new addition to the kitchen. Yesterday we went to Mass and then later in the early evening went out for dinner.  It's been nice having them here for the holidays.  Whenever I have a moment I sit and knit on the cowl that is almost done.  I'd love to wear it to Christmas Eve Mass if possible. The presents are wrapped and the baking is done.  I am ready for Christmas!!

All is Calm

this mini sock pattern is free on my site and on Ravelry All is calm....for now.  Tomorrow our daughter and son in law arrive as the first wave of family kick off the holiday season.  On Monday our son and his girlfriend arrive as the second wave.  I'm getting excited but I am embracing the calm days as we approach the BIG day.  Even though I am embracing the quiet, it's been a busy week.  I finished wrapping presents, I finished baking all the cookies on my list and my new fridge and dishwasher arrived on Wednesday.  A new fridge is a big deal.  I have more room than ever and every time I go in for something, I end up rearranging food.  We tried our best to eat as much from the freezer as possible - we are still working on that. The old dishwasher was original to the house and approximately 18 years old.  I was correct in that the dishwasher was not cleaning the way it should (yuck).  Just thinking of the filth swirling about gives me the creeps.  However we are alive

Knitting News

Ho ho ho! I have been knitting exclusively on the husband's socks .  Steady progress is being made and I have turned the second heel and started the gusset.  I have high hopes that the second sock will be done today and then I can get back to focusing on me. What are you working on this week?


Good morning!  How was your weekend?  My weekend was pretty nice overall.  I finished the gift wrapping on Saturday morning.  Then focused on knitting my husband's socks that I hope will be done before Christmas day.  Even though the photo I'm sharing from yesterday morning looks like it is not done, I did finish the first sock last night and cast on the second sock. We attended Saturday night Mass then picked up a pizza at our favorite pizza shop.  I've been playing Christmas tunes every morning and there is always one song stuck in my head for the rest of the day.  Sunday was laundry (and I still have to do more today).  In the afternoon, I met my knitting friends and had a wonderful time with them.  Dinner yesterday was left over pizza (no cooking!).  This is my week to get all the baking and cleaning done before my family starts arriving on Saturday and the following Monday.  Thank you to all the new readers of this space, welcome and feel free to co