
Good morning!  How was your weekend? 

My weekend was pretty nice overall.  I finished the gift wrapping on Saturday morning.  Then focused on knitting my husband's socks that I hope will be done before Christmas day.  Even though the photo I'm sharing from yesterday morning looks like it is not done, I did finish the first sock last night and cast on the second sock.

We attended Saturday night Mass then picked up a pizza at our favorite pizza shop.  I've been playing Christmas tunes every morning and there is always one song stuck in my head for the rest of the day. 

Sunday was laundry (and I still have to do more today).  In the afternoon, I met my knitting friends and had a wonderful time with them.  Dinner yesterday was left over pizza (no cooking!).  This is my week to get all the baking and cleaning done before my family starts arriving on Saturday and the following Monday. 

Thank you to all the new readers of this space, welcome and feel free to comment if you wish.  For all the returning readers, thank you for your dedication and visiting me.  Most of all to the silent readers, I was like you before I started posting. 

I'm wishing all of you a mighty to do list for this upcoming week and spaces of time to sit and craft!

a new MUG!!
How was your weekend?


  1. It sounds like a productive but low-key weekend before you gear up for this week. I haven't decorated much yet, but I'm feeling surprisingly on track. I feel like I must be forgetting to do something important!

  2. I love seeing your drawing/painting. Sounds like you had a very nice weekend. Mine was just about perfect. I did so many different things (all of which I wanted to do) - reading, baking, wrapping gifts, knitting, napping. I am so relaxed this holiday it is almost weird - lol.

  3. Sounds like a great weekend. Your drawings look so good!
    Our weekend was busy and this week will be too, but it's worth all the hustle to spend this short time with our family.

  4. What a great weekend. How wonderful to have all your gifts wrapped. Hope you get your baking done and your knitting finished.

  5. Saturday Pizza! Nothing like it!!! -smile-

    Sounds like a lovely and productive weekend. Quite perfect.

    Here, I have little to wrap, but still have to put-items-in-little-gift-bags. And should get going on that.

    Looking forward to the Eve of Yule this weekend. Love to notice the Winter Solstice. And then, Christmas Eve. I am one of those people, who really likes Christmas Eve. It is still anticipatory. -smile- But Christmas Day with its Family Gathering, is lovely as well.

    Wishing everyone a stress free coming 9 days!


  6. Yes for crafting! I need to get back to my pom poms.

  7. Your drawing is so wonderful, Karen! You make me want to try that one year!

  8. Your painting/drawing is lovely. I can barely draw a stick figure so I enjoy your artwork. Sounds as if you are on track for the holiday. I finished addressing cards this morning. Yippee! I plan to do a little baking and just a smidge of cleaning this week. I have just a few more books to wrap - local presents that don't have to be mailed. I hope to savor this week.

  9. My weekend was fine though rather uneventful. I didn't get much knitting done though.

  10. I love that last photo with the tea and the candle. It looks so peaceful! Once again I'm late in reading your blog and I don't even remember the weekend. I know we were busy and I know we were busy doing things that weren't on my to-do list but I probably couldn't tell you what we did if my life depended on it. Yikes!


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