
Creative Spells

  I've been trying to come up with outings for the two of us that are socially distant. So far walking and hiking have been my brilliant idea. The weather was unusually warm last week and yesterday was quite chilly. We picked up some bagel sandwiches for lunch and valiantly tried to eat them outside. We gave up and went to the car.  We are discovering trails that are new to us in our community. It won't be long before the weather will be too cold for outdoor adventures. I confess I loved wearing my favorite winter hat that I made so long ago . I remember buying the wool with my sister at an indoor fiber festival. This green hat is the first hat that I loved to wear and commenced a flurry of hat knitting. I painted a thank you card this week. Ever so slowly I've been pulling out the paints and dabbling a bit here and there. I'm amused at how I go into and out of creative spells. Right now I am into art journalling with ink. The journal paper can take a wee bit of waterco

Baby Elephant Cardigan

  According to Ravelry this is my tenth February baby sweater that I have knit for someone and it will not be the last.  Perhaps I have this pattern completely memorized? Almost. I love that this sweater can be just the size that it is and will fit a baby whenever it wants to fit a baby. While I was digging through my button stash I found a lone elephant button. Mrs Nephew loves elephants so I sewed it prominently at the neckline.  Ravelry notes


  How was your weekend? Mine was eventful and busy. Our son and future daughter in law were in town for a little wedding shower that my husband and I threw for them and their PSU friends at a local venue. The weather was fantastic for outside photos, the food was delicious and the venue was extremely spacious and ultra social distancing was experienced! I enjoyed seeing them and meeting friends whose names I've heard over the course of four years.  Both Holly and Frodo were exhausted from the weekend as well. I'll be honest, I was tired too! I had lots of setting up, cleaning up and extra laundry on Sunday.  Can you believe the incredible weather we've been having? Who would have thought it would be over 70 degrees in early November? Today is our last day of warm weather and then some chilliness will arrive starting tomorrow, I'm ready. I've been working on sock one of the third pair of holiday socks. How was your weekend?

This and That

  Good morning to all of you! How have you been? I've been focusing on my knitting and my relaxation techniques which includes daily meditations. I am also trying my best to NOT multitask. This is quite the challenge since I love to be doing two things at the same time. Apparently multitasking increases stress levels, who knew! I have two projects on the needles, another pair of holiday knitting socks (number 3 out of 4) and a hat for me that is of my own design.  I haven't made a project page for the hat as of yet. I'm enjoying both projects immensely and while working on them I think about a knit for me. In other news we woke up to a 'bear' incident yesterday morning. The little stinker got into our garbage and threw that around as well as broke into the fenced in area and tried to walk on the pool cover.  We think it's a cub based on the footprints below. This is one huge disadvantage of being surrounded by woods in a rural area.

Socks and a Blanket

  I finished two projects since I last posted my knitting news update. Sadly I have to guess when I finished these socks ! So let's say sometime last week? I have no idea. But they are finished and they turned out great. I'm knitting a pair of socks for each of the kids and their partners. I am half way done! The baby blanket turned out so nice and because it's all cotton, it's soft and has a cosy feel to it. I'll be wrapping this up for the nephew's baby to be within the next week or so. I have a wee cardigan to go with it, more about that next week. What are you working on this week? Joining Ginny


  baby sweater is almost done! Good morning! Another weekend has come and gone, how was yours? I hope it was as restful as mine was. I spent most of the weekend doing what I love: knitting, reading, and some watercoloring. The above card is for my mother in law's birthday. I was in the moment while I dabbled with my paints. I need to do this more often but for some strange reason I push this aside for other creative pursuits. Saturday was a nice enough day for a much needed walk in between days of rain. The trees are mostly bare around here, good bye fall! Sunday morning I watched Mass on Youtube and did all of the laundry for the week. We had rain in the morning and then a cloudy dreary day until evening. The time change has messed me up most of all! The pets are fine with it and so is my husband. How was your weekend? sunrise

Rainy Days and Planners

  This week before the daily rainy days, we were walking our usual daily route. Most of the leaves have fallen but there are some trees that are resisting, mainly the catalpa trees. Maybe we are on our third rainy day, I've lost count. Rainy dreary days are perfect for knitting endlessly. My new planner arrived on Monday afternoon as well as a new fountain pen and new ink. I've been setting it up so that I start in November. This planner is replacing two to four notebooks or loose pages. I am focusing on daily tasks, menu planning, exercising, budgeting and my schedule. Migrating information from one location to another has been fun. Nothing motivates me more than a new system. I'll keep you updated with my progress. The fountain pen is a TWSBI Eco pen  and my new ink is 54th Massachusetts Noodler's ink  which is a blue/black ink - I love it. (I purchased through JetPens this is not an affiliate link) I continue to use my creativity planner as well. That holds my knit