This and That


Good morning to all of you! How have you been? I've been focusing on my knitting and my relaxation techniques which includes daily meditations. I am also trying my best to NOT multitask. This is quite the challenge since I love to be doing two things at the same time. Apparently multitasking increases stress levels, who knew!

I have two projects on the needles, another pair of holiday knitting socks (number 3 out of 4) and a hat for me that is of my own design.  I haven't made a project page for the hat as of yet. I'm enjoying both projects immensely and while working on them I think about a knit for me.

In other news we woke up to a 'bear' incident yesterday morning. The little stinker got into our garbage and threw that around as well as broke into the fenced in area and tried to walk on the pool cover.  We think it's a cub based on the footprints below. This is one huge disadvantage of being surrounded by woods in a rural area.


  1. Yikes, a bear cub usually means mama is not far behind. That is a bit disconcerting. Never knew multi-tasking caused stress. I can see where it could though. I think it would depend on what tasks you were trying to do at once. To me, knitting and listening to music or a book or TV go together quite well. Or until I make a major boo-boo in my knitting lol.

  2. Yikes, a bear! I hope they hibernate soon, but even so, they'll be back in the spring. My SiL lives in Tioga county and loves to feed birds, but she has an ongoing (usually losing) battle with their bears.

  3. Yikes! We have seen bears meandering through our yard but we must not have anything interested enough to make them stop. I am also trying not to multi task- it’s is a hard habit to break

  4. Wow...we've seen a few bears in the wild...they're pretty scary and we leave them alone...hopefully you didn't have any damage done...I'm definitely a multi-tasker...and I'd not thought about that not being 'in the moment'...but I guess it does limit the amount of focus you can apply to any task if you're spreading it around...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  5. When I lived on Orange Co., NY, we had regular visits from bears and I remember what a mess they would make. One time I found my shepherd's crook plant hanger completely bent over and the bird feeder that was one was torn apart and every bit of birdseed was gone! Good luck and have a great weekend!

  6. Yikes! I would not like to wake up to a bear incident. I would be scared lol

  7. Wow - I think finding bear tracks by my house would unnerve me. I guess that is the price of living in the beautiful area that you do. I love your knitting projects and your mediation journal. Have a good weekend and I will see you again soon!

  8. Those bear tracks!!! playing a bit of catchup after this weird week ... I LOVE Mass 54th ... I have it and a lovely cherry pink loaded into my two everyday pens. and I just ordered my 2021 dated inserts. YIKES! November arrived too fast!

  9. Oh No! those bears mean business. WOW. I thought about you saying you dont hang birdfeeders due to the bear.s I thought this while we were our in the state park that has wolves, but not bears.....

  10. Bears oh my. I hope this cub moves on past your property. New projects are always fun. I like the colors in that hat. They look like your colors.

  11. Oh my a bear, wow. We don't have them here so I am not sure how I would feel if one came crashing through my garden. Multi tasking causes stress eh, I can see that in some instances it might but not all the time surely? Something tells me that a man might have written that, or is that just me being cynical?

  12. We have had a bear visit our yard a number of times since we moved in. One time he was maybe only 50 feet from me when I noticed I had company in the front yard! Thankfully, Rambo did not catch sight of him and the bear hurried back up the ridge. I think we were equally afraid of one another. : )

  13. Oh wow, if there is a cub, not doubt there is a mama close by. We have raccoons, possums, bunnies and squirrel, but thankfully that is all in our suburban neighborhood. Your knitting is very pretty.


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