

  How was your weekend? Yesterday my in-real-life knitter friends had our annual Christmas exchange. We met in a driveway and socially distanced while dropping off our gifts for each other while wearing masks.  We have not all been together since March. Later in the afternoon we zoomed and opened them. It was fun to do an annual tradition no matter what.  Look at all the goodies I received! The weekend sped by.  I spent most of the day yesterday doing laundry and wrapping the kids presents so I can get them shipped today.  I'm curious to see how much this is going to cost! But then I am saving tons of money on gas and traveling, right?  I believe I am done with shopping for the two of us and I have only a few more gifts to wrap up. Overall our Christmas is simplified and that makes planning so easy. I also did daily sketching, knitting and reading.  I'm stuffing my days with what brings me joy. How was your weekend?

Making Merry

  Hello! How have you been? How are your days as we approach the shortest day of the year? I'm still in shock that the winter solstice is so close. It seems like yesterday it was the middle of July and I was yearning for cold and bemoaning the hot and humid weather.  I've been keeping busy at home doing all the crafting, if that's possible. As you can see I'm making steady progress on my sweater . I might be half way through the yoke charting - I also want the color work to never end because I love seeing the pattern emerging.  I don't know how Santa knows, but he's giving me more yarn for more color work sweaters. Santa is a clever man. The deer started huddling in the yard the past week or so. I was lucky to get a photo before they scattered. We has some snow earlier this week much to my surprise. I don't think it was forecasted but then I wasn't paying attention to the weather news.  I've made a conscious effort to sketch and paint daily since the

Christmas Sock Knitting

  Over the weekend I finished the LAST pair of socks for the kids. I knit each adult child and spouse a pair of socks.  I am thrilled that I met my knitting goal before the end of November. The above photo is a pair of socks for my future daughter in law. What are you working on this week? Joining Ginny


  Overall my weekend was nice. My weekend was filled with: -reorganizing art and journaling supplies - playing Christmas music -  journaling - thinking of family - walks - knitting (always knitting) - reading Fred Roger's biography - eating all the leftovers from Thursday - daydreaming - wishing for snow - finally witnessing the first hard frost (my fall allergies are thankful) - contemplating new knitting projects - online Christmas shopping How was your weekend?

Because I Can

  How was your Thanksgiving (for those of you in the USA)? I had a lovely Thanksgiving. It was just the two of us and I enjoyed the non-traveling and the cosiness of being home. I missed the kids and I missed my family. I had phone calls and zoom meetings and that bridge the gap of being together.  I've decorated my house earlier this year because I can. It's our third year with the 'smaller' tree because of Miss Holly the Cat and her inquisitiveness. So far she has not tried to climb into the tree. We have the tree bungee corded to the wall just in case. I'm one step ahead of her, or so I would like to think so. Because I can, I am choosing to focus on creativity and mindfulness. Each morning I set an intention and think of what I want my day to be like. Sometimes I follow those intentions and sometimes I forget those intentions. The beauty of each morning consists of a brand new slated day - the newness and openness is a treasure. Because I can, I repeatedly list

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you and how are your knitting projects or other works in progress?  I've been in a knitting frenzy this week. I started a new project, a top down sweater that is the last photo. It would have been the first photo if Blogger would upload my photos in the correct order. This sweater has been such a delight to cast on! I get excited each afternoon when I pick up and knit a few rows.  I'm using yarn from my stash which permits me to buy more yarn right? The above photo is a hat a started earlier this month and haven't spent much time working on it. I decided to photo the project and add it to my Raverly notes so I remember that I should be working on this beautiful hat. Lastly, I will be finishing the last sock of the last pair of holiday gift knitting. I estimate that I will be done in three days. I'm so excited to reach my knitting Christmas goal! What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? First of all, thank you thank you thank you for the birthday wishes. My birthday was wonderful and filled with phone calls all day long from family and friends. Even though I celebrated with my husband and the pets, I felt loved by all. My pumpkin pie was delicious and the day was serene. Over the weekend I started decorating for Christmas, why not? I'll put up the tree some time this week. It's been joyful to look at the decorations and feel the spirit of the holidays slowly approaching. Usually I decorate after Thanksgiving but since we are going no where and seeing no one the rules have been broken and I'm doing whatever I want. On Saturday afternoon while sitting outside (OUTSIDE! in November) I received a beautiful birthday gift from my daughter and son in law. Polish pottery hand crafted, stunningly gorgeous. I have precariously set them out so that Miss Holly will not go near them, they're blockaded by other knick knacks. Even though she i