
Knitting News

  I haven't talked about my sister's sweater in a few weeks, so here is a photo update. I'm on the body of the sweater and love the mindless stockinette stitching at night while watching a tv program.


  Good morning! How was your weekend? Mine was full - but a good kind of full if you know what I mean. The photo above was a beautiful sunrise in my backyard.  Saturday, we stayed home and I worked on my Christmas junk journal and knitted on the possibly last Christmas project (there might be one more...). I had fun dabbling in some watercolors and sketching as well. Sunday was a full day of chores. Lots of laundry and house cleaning and in between those tasks I was reading and again sketching. I get so excited to do all the things and then I wonder if I am spreading myself too thin doing all the things! Sadly on Sunday I had to give my aching hands a rest so I did not knit one single stitch. I managed to write out Christmas cards and alerted the receivers to our new address. Do you write holiday cards? I'm toying with quitting the tradition but then again, I like getting them in the mail. I don't have many to send out maybe 22 cards? The list dwindles every single year. The ph

This and That

  How are you all doing? I'm doing great and am in the midst of the tail end of the Christmas knitting marathon. I might be down to one project.  I've been enjoying my bird feeder and identifying the birds that come to visit. And the new squirrel proof feeder does work! However it is not raccoon proof so we bring it in every single night. All I can say is at least it's not a BEAR. So far no bear sightings but never say never... The above photo is a snap of my Christmas junk journal that I whipped together with scrapbook paper and some Christmas cards. I'm joining in with Brie at Documented Journey on You Tube (she's on Instagram as well) with her Create December and daily prompts until the 25th.  The other evening, Miss Holly crept into the family room to sit by her beloved (aka not me) while Frodo was sleeping under the ottoman. Let me tell you this, she is one brave determined kitty. Luckily for us, Frodo is completely oblivious to her presence and it remained a

Even More Mitts

  Good morning! How are you? Can you believe it is December 1st?? I'm thrilled to report that I've knit up another two pairs of the peekaboo mitts and I am done (well I think I am done) with the mitt knitting frenzy. There is a slim chance that I will knit one more pair for my husband but I will convert them to traditional mittens....that is still marinating in my little old brain. I did not make a new project page for these two pairs of mitts but added them to a project page for the previous mitts I made. I believe I've knit up five pairs of mitts for this holiday season. What are you working on this week?


  Hello! How are you? It seems like forever since I posted but really it was just less than a week ago. How was your Thanksgiving (if you celebrate of course)? Our son and daughter in law arrived on Wednesday to stay with us during the holiday, It was nice to see them and we will not see them again until the baby is born in early February or later, it is all up in the air since babies do not follow a set schedule.  We spent Thanksgiving Day at my dad's house and exchanged presents with him which is our yearly tradition, We missed our daughter and son in law as well as my nephew, his wife and child who could not be there. Hopefully 2022 will be the year we are all together! On Saturday, my husband and I hosted a small baby shower for them. Lots and lots of preparations but also a really nice time with close family and a few of their friends. I was exhausted AND I had many many helping hands with my family. I cannot imagine how tired I would have been without their help. We've ha

Bear Hat and Mittens

  I finished another Christmas knitting project last week, isn't this the cutest set ever? I love them, they are for my grand-nephew. I've knit this hat a few times and love the way it comes out especially the earflaps. The construction is fun and those wee little bear ears just about kill me every time I look at them.  The mitten  pattern was recommended to me by Jane a few years ago and it is super easy and comes in a large range of sizes. Thank you Jane! Thank you all for the birthday wishes, I had a great birthday celebration. Just a note that I will not be posting on Friday, I'm taking the day off to be with family. So Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who are celebrating! What are you working on this week?


  Good morning! How was your weekend? My weekend was my birthday weekend!  To be honest though I've been celebrating for a few weeks. Why not? My sister and brother in law came over on Saturday for dinner and apple cake. Of course I opened presents as well.  Below in the photo are some of them. My sister crocheted the red basket and I received some books and pens from my husband (how did he know??). I also received some new rain boots to slip on and off quickly when I take the dog outside and a new tote bag.  I put up the little tree yesterday since our son and and daughter in law will be visiting mid week! I'm assuming Holly will not bring it down, fingers crossed. How was your weekend?