
My weekend started off with getting ready for my sister and her family to arrive.  Potato salad (yum) was made, rice salad was made and chicken was marinating in Newman's Lime salad dressing for the grill.  Everyone arrived safely and the visiting commenced!!  We ran to the LYS and of course I bought yarn and of course I started ANOTHER knitting project and of course the sweater is for me.    We had such a good time being out :)  

Saturday we shopped for new purses, you know the basic necessities.  I found a great basic black bag that my camera can fit inside so the next time I am out I will not be wishing I had my camera.  It happens more and more.  For dinner we had baked potatoes, corn on the cob, steak and shrimp on the grill with a tossed salad.  

Before you knew it, Sunday arrived and we where saying goodbye to each other.  

All day Sunday my daughter packed for school and I occasionally mentioned "do you have _______?"  (I am an excellent supervisor or a back seat driver).

As a special ending of a fabulous weekend, we spent 45 minutes of our lives looking for Frodo.  Yes, he escaped AGAIN!! He crawled under a part of the fence that is not boarded up (yet-another project for this week).  When he is wet from the rain he obtains super dog powers!!!!  Meaning he is slippery and can squeeze that body through anything.  Anyways, he was in our woods not obeying the "Frodo come" command.  


  1. Sounds like a splendid weekend! I am sorry Frodo escaped. It seems our little dog always finds the most inopportune moment to take off too!

  2. Darn that Frodo! He is so determined isn't he! I'm glad he was found safe.

    What a wonderful weekend -- too bad it was not longer.

  3. Glad you had a great time with your sister and you were able to shop for the important things in life. Having yarn and the right purse really does make the day better! ;) Good luck with keeping Frodo contained..a regular little escape artist! xx

  4. What a lovely weekend! Can't wait to see your next project. Now, about that naughty Frodo...he doesn't wear a special ring or cloak or anything, does he? ;-) Magic powers, indeed!

  5. Oh Frodo... What are we going to do with you?

    I'm glad you enjoyed your visit with your sister. I know she'll be back if you fed her like that. Heck, want to adopt a sister? ;)

    Blessings, Debbie

  6. That sounds like a great weekend! Great food and company. I am glad you found Frodo. He is a little stinker isn't he. ;)

  7. sounds like you had a great weekend with lots of girl time!

  8. The purse sounds versatile - great idea to have your camera on hand. Have a magical weekend. Frodo sounds hilarious. Katie x

  9. Sounds like you had a very full weekend! Glad the visit went so well. :)


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