Catch My Breath

These days have been elusive and speedy, especially this past week.  Our son has been home on his spring break and I've been on the go every single day.  I'm either at the gym, at babysitting or out shopping with him.  The week has been bursting with activity.

I'm happy to be doing lots of stuff with him, the years are numbered for when he graduates with his PhD and who knows where he will land when he gets his first job.  So I wake up, try to do my best with whatever pressing household chores that need to be done and then I'm off on adventures. 

Next week will be quite dull and I can catch my breath and resume my creative pursuits. 

Even though the snow is still here, doesn't it feel like spring?  Sort of?  Maybe?  I think it does.  The sunshine is at a different angle, the birds are starting to sing in the morning and we change the clocks this weekend!  My body has already started the time change with waking up at 4:30 am most of the week. 

I've been trying to be 'present' where ever I am in what ever I'm doing.  I can quickly be grumpy (who me?) when I'm rushing around trying to keep up with my day to day life.  I'm focusing on being present in whatever I'm doing.  Standing doing the dishes, loading/unloading the dishwasher, folding laundry, cooking dinner are all opportunities to just 'be'.

I know I've sung the praises many times about my gym habits.  I am grateful for the ability to function in the world without any back pain.  I'm stronger than ever and so far my arthritis likes the routine.  I'm lucky to be pain free and I never ever take it for granted.

Even though I dislike cooking (I'd rather be knitting), I've been planning dinners and sticking to the menu I've created for the week.  Around this time of the year we eat a lot of salads for lunch - again a sign of spring.

No matter how crammed my week is I find time to sit and knit.  Even though the progress is minimal during a busy week, my happiness while knitting is magnified.


  1. I appreciate the reminder to "just be." And even though we are forecast to have some snow today, Spring is definitely in the air - I, too, have noticed the birds singing more (and the Chickadees are back!!) and the angle of the sun . It's light after 6 p.m. - next week it will be light after 7 p.m. The world keeps spinning and sometimes it's nice to just sit. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I want to believe spring is coming and I really want to rotate some spring clothing into my wardrobe.

  3. It's definitely beginning to feel and sound like spring. I've seen the return of a flock of red-winged blackbirds, the tips of hyacinths sprouting, and even though it's a grey, cold day with some snow in the forecast, I know spring is on the way!

  4. Replies
    1. I received the travel mug as a gift (it is a starbucks brand), I do not think they make it friend supplied the pattern to knit a cozy that is tucked inside!

  5. I am feeling the coming of spring as well and am grateful because it will make puppy training that much easier! Busy weeks can be hard to navigate but, like you, I find if I just pause and remain present they go more smoothly. Have a great weekend!

  6. Isnt it a lot less stressful to just live in the be present in whatever we are doing so that we can actually enjoy the task at hand? I can so relate to your comment about when you are rushing around trying to get things done that you get grumpy. I can TOTALLY relate to that one. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend...enjoy that son!

  7. With all the snow piled in my yard, it doesn't quite look like spring yet.

    Love the photo of Frodo. He's so cute.

  8. LOVE the knitted cup liner!
    I woke up this morning to snow flurries... yet it's supposed to be in the 70's on Sunday. Nothing seems to be blooming yet though. Well, nothing but my Christmas cactus. It keeps producing buds that never open.
    Happy knitting!

  9. We were welcomed home from AZ with fog and snow, and it's been spitting snow off and on all day today, so spring seems to have come and gone in January, and the plants in our yard are very confused. Do you think the time change will help? I, too, love that water jug. Our DD gave us something similar with photos of the GK, but it never occurred to me that you could knit a liner for it! It's interesting how time flies when your routine gets changed, isn't it?

  10. <3 Frodo. I need to start planking again to strengthen my core. My lower back seems weak now when I get up from the chair or from squatting down. My day was busy running errands to four places but thankfully everything got done and I was able to tidy up around here for Craft Night and the husband is doing pick up for me right now. I am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning.

  11. Spring is definitely in the air here too, although some quite damaging winds hit Thursday night knocking out the electricity supply. Our Church service as it is Communion weekend was conducted by torchlight. I am thrilled you arthritis is under control.

  12. I am sitting at my kitchen table dreaming of being pain free. Your story inspires me and I really hope to be able to beat this back pain and be able to begin exercising. It is wonderful when a son is home from school. I miss the fact that neither of my children live near me anymore. Spring is definitely in the air. The birds are making nests in my neighbor's birdhouses and there are some daffodil shoots poking through. Enjoy your knitting and keep being "present".

  13. I don't think I can get to pain-free until I retire -- so that another 18 months from now! But I'm glad you've been able to find it for yourself. I know I need to be more careful at work to sit more to give my feet a rest.
    When you have a chance to spend time with your adult kids, you have to grab it. I'm going to spend most of my spring break in Miami, not because I feel like traveling (I don't like to during the school year) but both my kids are there.

  14. I am in a cooking rut! I just can't think of things to make. Maybe I need to look through my old cookbooks and just start picking things.

  15. I am ready for spring. We’ve had a nasty cold lingering for too long. I like the cool weather but I think my mood could do with some sunshine.

  16. I agree it is spring like these days. I resent busy days that don't have a lot to do with me but sometimes I need that change. The cowl is pretty.

  17. What an awesome array of books! I've read and enjoyed a few of these titles. and SO curious to know what that gray bit of knitting is gonna be. Hope the last few days with your son provided at least a few opportunities to knit!

  18. It sounds like a busy but wonderful week. Glad you could visit with your son. Have a great week.

  19. So happy the pain is gone!!! Enjoy your son. I know you wilL! I got to see my son Saturday . We took him to lunch and adored his kitten. Its nice to have him close enough to visit for the day!


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