
Showing posts with the label knitting

Knitting News

  Hello! How are you doing? My knitting progress has been fantastic. I'll admit the cool weather helps motivate me immensely. First off, I finished those socks and am now done with sock holiday knitting. I like the way they turned out and will probably not knit socks until mid December for my husband, but never say never. Below is the progress of my grandson's holiday sweater . I am thoroughly enjoying this project, the yarn is divine and the pattern is easy-peasy. I hope to finish the first sleeve today. What are you working on this week?


  Hello, how are you? I'm doing pretty good, trying my best to keep busy and fill my days with the last bits of warm weather activities while anticipating the cold weather activities. Although later this week the temperature will be back into the low 70s, the next few days will be chilly. I love when fall breezes in and ebbs back out. Each time we are closer and closer to colder weather. My husband and I walked the local park over the weekend, I wanted to see the trees changing before they are past peak. As you can see, we are still early for peak colors. We were lucky because they closed the road down for some tree maintenance and that eliminated car traffic (yay!). We had a beautiful walk. Holly continues to be brave and bold since Frodo left us in August. She still checks his spot on the loveseat but doesn't look terrified when she does. Her progress has been steady. I love when she drinks from his water bowl which we have kept out for her. Gah!!  Over the weekend, I was kne

October Bliss

  And just like that, October shows up and gives us a breath of fresh air and a chance to wear woolens. How are you? How has your week been? I have been basking in this beautiful fall weather. Might I add chilly as well. My morning walks are quite brisk but a wonderful kind of brisk. Probably next week we will be peak fall colors. Maybe! I love being cold so I am happy and content. This week I finished a lot of my first session non-classes, phew! I signed up for a lot and I enjoyed the classes but I did not like how busy I was and how I forgot about  weekly grocery shopping. Silly! The next two weeks will be a much more manageable schedule for me and then I will start the second session of fall classes. My schedule will be easier, I won't have to gobble up a lunch in between two classes and I will have opportunities to grocery shop in the mornings once more.  Besides loving this weather, I've been working on my grandson's holiday sweater which is coming along nicely. Still

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you doing today? My knitting news is quite thin, but I am knitting every day and I'm so very close to finishing these  socks which are a holiday gift. I'm confident I will finish them tonite. I've been enjoying knitting socks lately and this pair is turning out so nicely. I love the simple seed stitch bands in between the stockinette rows. (four rows seed stitch, six rows stockinette). I love anything repetitive and easy to break up the monotony of endless stockinette stitching. Also it makes it super easy to match the socks exactly without measuring. What are you working on this week?


  Good morning! How are you? My past week was filled with classes and appointments. I am ready for a super boring weekend! In the above photo are the mums (chrysanthemums) I bought in memory of dear Frodo (who I miss so much!) and they are now blooming. So far the deer are leaving them alone. Sometimes you never know what the deer will eat up.  I love seeing my flowers and remembering our sweet boy! Holly the cat is getting ever so bold and brave now that her nemesis is gone. She still checks the loveseat where he slept which I find quite funny. She is very concerned that he might be there. She now lays in sunbeams in the kitchen and comes visit me briefly while I am knitting. Maybe one day she will snuggle. I had a cardiology appointment last week to discuss shortness of breath while exercising and he decided to discontinue one of my blood pressure meds (yay) thinking that is what was causing my symptoms. As a precaution he ordered an exercise stress test which I did yesterday. Of cou

Woven Stars

  Good morning! How are you doing?  As you know, I have scaled back on my holiday knitting and have implemented a slower pace of knitting gifts to protect my hands and wrists. Last year I had an arthritis flare up knitting gnomes which caused a self-imposed knitting ban until I recovered. Knitting is such a lovely way to handle stress and to relax for me. So I've been mindful of what I knit, how I knit and to rest more often all with the goal of always knitting and to not be in a self-imposed knitting ban.  I'm pleased with my progress! I found these little stars on Ravelry and decided they would be a wonderful little gifts for my family. They use up little bits of scrap yarn and you could go wild with the color combinations. I enjoyed knitting them and the pattern was easy to memorize after one little star. What are you working on this week?


  Good morning! How are you all doing on this fine Monday? Finally after weeks of no rain, we are in a rainy season. Yesterday we took a long walk in the drizzle while taking in the signs of fall. We were a little wet but it was worth the fresh air. We visited his mother earlier this week and yet again, I have no photos to share. However, once I was home I was back at the documenting my life. Whenever we are visiting people we eat out a lot and so when I get home I need to get back to healthy eating and living. There is nothing like a fresh salad except a fresh salad made by someone else. Also when we got back home I started to feed the birds with the 'winter' feeder. Word was spread within the hour and I had my birds back. I love them so. Also my hydrangea bush is heading into the fall season beautifully. Saturday morning I ran a bunch of errands and did some returning at a few stores. Once I was home, I wrote down a quote I stumbled across, then did some knitting. I'm wor

Russet Cardigan

  I finished a sweater !! Honestly I'm thrilled with the way this turned out especially since I'm not knitting nearly as much as I usually do. How nice to have a finished item to wear when the weather gets chilly! Now I will be watching the forecast wishing and hoping for that autumnal breeze. What have you been working on this week?

Joyful and Present

  Good morning, how are you doing?  I am fully recovered from our trip last weekend. I spent a little bit each day catching up on chores, going to my classes and resting. I love being home! Maybe I have more gratitude towards my home life only by going away?  I spent most of yesterday afternoon on my back patio knitting away for hours (with breaks of course!). I enjoyed being by myself, listening to the birds and watching my resident chipmunks and squirrels scurry around. I was joyful and fully present.  I finished knitting my sweater! Today I will dig around for the perfect buttons and weave in those pesky ends. After that will be the great blocking spa treatment.  As you can see by the photos, fall is inching its way in and squeezing out the summer days. I am so ready for cooler weather. Most exciting of all, they are predicting some much needed rain. We have had no rain for 11-12 days and everything is looking kind of sad from it.  How do you get into a 'joyful and present'

Knitting News

  Good morning! My knitting news is very scant this week. I did not knit over the weekend I was so exhausted each day and even on traveling days I was too nervous to focus on my knitting or even read a book. However, I am home and I am once more knitting in the evenings. The above photo is the last pair of socks for a Christmas present (first sock). I've mentioned this before, but I've scaled back my holiday gift knitting significantly so I wouldn't be 'stressed' out and I wouldn't initiate an arthritis flare. So far this is working out for me! I am in a lot of classes this first half of the fall session. In mid October my schedule will ease up a bit and then I can dive deeply into knitting. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning! How have you been? How are your projects coming along? Even though the warm weather is trying to edge in, in my heart I am knee deep in autumn. No one can stop me! I'm on the second sleeve of my sweater, making great gains and enjoying the process. I thought the sweater might be a bit off in sizing but I tried it on and I think it's going to be okay. Also blocking does wonders squeezing out a bit of wiggle room. Phew!

Knitting News

  How are you?  Last night I finished that cuff and have started the second sleeve on my fall sweater. I cannot wait to wear this! Also this week we've been having cooler weather and so when I work on this sweater I do not get hot from having a big old pile of wool on my lap, it's the simplest of pleasures. I hope that we are done with heat waves, I am so ready for fall and cold weather. How are your projects coming along?


  How was your weekend? Mine is still going strong since it is Labor Day today. Yesterday after Mass we walked to a local coffee shop and I ordered a matcha latte. It was okay, I was expecting more from the drink! I'm not a drink lover over all so maybe it was me and my expectations going in.  Maybe just maybe we are over the heat waves? I can dream! I worked on my sweater and my socks through out the weekend making progress on both of them. I sat on my back patio reading both Saturday and Sunday knowing that by the end of this month it will be too chilly to do so. Usually the awning gets taken down early October. I am so looking forward to Autumn. In my heart that season is already here. I've been extending my walks trying to add more time to my outings and I've started using my left arm in my exercising routine. So far I am feeling great, just a tad weak.  How was your weekend?


  Yesterday was our 37th wedding anniversary, time does fly! We went out for a celebration lunch before my appointment with the ortho doctor to recheck my cracked elbow. I am so excited that I am medically cleared to live my life, return to my exercise routine and I have a clean bill of health. I've found that when I exercise, I feel so much better and the past two weeks of 'just walking' isn't enough. I am grateful. We are adjusting to our quiet house and our cat-only house. I drove to the kennel and the groomer to deliver cookies and thanked them for the way they loved Frodo. At home my husband and I continually are amazed at how much time we have gained without him. Such a weird state of existence. I have also gained a lot of brain space now that I am not worrying about him. He was declining in health since the end of May when he was hospitalized. We balanced hope and reality with each vet visit. My classes start up in two weeks and I will be BUSY. Gah! I am excited

Ocean Socks

  Yesterday evening I finished these socks which will be a Christmas gift. I hope the gift recipient will love them. I created a simple design to break up the monotony of the stockinette knitting. I did 4 rows of stockinette, 1 purl row, 4 rows of 1x1 ribbing, 1 purl row. Then I repeated that. It was a nice diversion. Thank you for your well wishes and happy thoughts about Frodo. He was the best dog ever and he is living free and easy in doggie heaven. We have Holly (the cat) to devote all of our love and attention to for now. She is the Queen Bee of the house!! We are adjusting to all the free time we have now that we are not taking care of an elderly dog. Bittersweet! What are you working on this week?

Around Here

  Around here, I'm noticing a shift in the weather. The cool mornings are delightful when I walk Frodo and sometimes it even feels like Fall is beginning. I've enjoyed my hydrangeas and their showy blooms all summer long. The black cherry trees are starting to turn yellow. I am all in for the seasons to change. Around here, I am noticing I am impatient with recovery and wearing a sling. I remind myself it could be a cast and still I'm grumbling in my head. Frodo was groomed this week and he will be 'cold' for 1-2 weeks until he adjusts to his haircut. He has been doing well and sometimes he acts so annoyingly. I feel blessed when I am irritated with him and his demands to be outside (he loves to walk around the yard). He is tolerating his new medicine well and we are happy. Around here, even though I am allowed to knit while my elbow heals, I find all knitting very slow going. Again, I'm trying to learn patience as an impatient person. I lean into gratitude and

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you? I am blissfully knitting the second sock this week and loving the project. I snapped this photo yesterday and I am now at the heel flap.  My knitting has slowed down some (again) because I fell on Sunday in the kitchen doing something un-smart and my left arm and wrist has been aching since. Yesterday after dinner I decided to go to urgent care to make sure everything was okay because I had wrist pain. Luckily for me, my wrist was fine but my elbow has a little fracture in it. Luckily for me, I am in a sling and not a cast and I am allowed to knit. I'm supposed to have a follow up with an ortho doctor in two weeks, scheduling can be a challenge though. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning, how are you doing? What have you been working on this week? I've been thoroughly enjoying the endless sea of stockinette knitting of my sweater . When I was young, I didn't like mindless knitting, now I love it! Who am I? The knitting is easy and comforting, just what I need at this moment of time. I'm also working on the first  sock . They will probably not match (again). I fear I might run out of yarn if I try to match them up so I'm going rogue and letting the colors fall where they may!!


  How was your weekend? Both Saturday and Sunday were relaxing and chill. I worked on the above sock each evening while during the day I worked on my sweater. Nothing super exciting happened over the weekend. That makes it the perfect weekend for me!! The weather was so humid and warm that it was challenging for me to feel my very best. This week is going to be hot and I need to accept that summer is here to stay. That doesn't stop me from wishing for fall to arrive though.  Below is a beautiful photo of Holly looking so pretty. She is an elusive cat, but sometimes she sits and poses for a photo. Yesterday was one of those days. How was your weekend?

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you? How is your crafting coming along? I finally took a decent photo of my gift socks . Oh how I love working on these! I am on the heel flap since taking this photo earlier in the week. I'm zooming along. I have one more pair of socks I'd like to knit and give as a Christmas gift then I am onto knitting some ornaments. I've decided to not marathon knit numerous gnomes to save me from an arthritis flare. I love knitting gnomes but I cannot control myself with pacing the knitting (yet) so I am taking a seasonal year off. My wrists will thank me! What are you working on this week?