Thankful Thoughts

Yesterday morning was so beautiful I ran inside to grab the camera and thought I'd share what I captured.  Today I'm thankful for:

-lights on the tree
-crisp cold air
-pink sunrises
-Frodo when he is sleeping
-hot coffee in my morning mug
-hot tea in my evening mug
-new page in a journal
-broccoli, brussel sprouts, and black olives (not together)
-shopping lists that get shorter
-darkness after dinner and feeling cozy inside
-frost covered leaves
-homemade ornaments

What are you thankful for today?


  1. Beautiful post! I am thankful for you and your blog! :)

  2. There's so much to be thankful for today, but on the top of my list is -- thankful for new experiences in life. It's just amazing how life offers you something very different from what you are used to.

  3. Is it cold there and are you going to get any of the snow I saw on the Weather Channel?
    I love homemade ornaments and plan on making a few this weekend.
    Sounds like our mugs hold the same liquids, love them both. I am
    enjoying Chai tea lately, what about you?

  4. I love the frosty leaves! Jealous! We just have rain..... I am thankful for my beautiful family (even though my daughter woke me up much too early today!)

  5. Oh, yes!!! The 3 "B" a kid I used to get black olives (and cocktail onions) in my Easter basket!!! LOVE those things!!!

  6. So jealous of your shortened want some of mine? Have a lovely weekend!

  7. A lovely post of gratitude. Today I am thankful for time in nature with my little man watching porcupines, dark evenings, hot tea, time to craft and my wonderful online community (including you). Happy weekend!

  8. my family. my sweet little boys. learning to become a better parent. reading good books and articles that help me on my path.

  9. Beautiful. So much to be thankful for.
    Today I am thankful for the opportunity to go back to work, to do what I did before I was a mama. It was my first day back to the classroom -- today I worked as a substitute. Sometimes it's great to remember who we once were.

  10. ooohhh are you also thankful for Frodo when he is awake? Not so much, eh? That cute little rabbit chasing pup. ; )

  11. Oh....and today I am thankful for...
    a healthy strong body that can dig in hard clay-based soil (planting more veggies.)
    my kids, my hubbie, my home, the usual....

  12. It most certainly is the season to be thankful. And I'm going to try to remember that after the holidays as well. I wish my shopping list was getting shorter. In fact it's still the same length it was a couple of weeks ago...

  13. I love your reminders of all the " smaller " things to be thankful for. so many that I over look daily, Thanks again.

  14. My friend's son is making a successful recovery after surgery for a hole in his heart. He is only twenty years old. It made me pause and be thankful for healthy children.

  15. I'm thankful for the nice young man that picked up my hubby and me at the side of the road today, he realized that the stranded and abandoned car he saw earlier must've been ours :) Just when I finally thought I'd get some exercise...

  16. I'm thankful for the reminder to be thankful ... it has been a rather discombobulating kind of day and I was feeling rather too sorry for myself!

  17. the blogging community, yarn, my kiddos, my husband, gorgeous weather...Have a great weekend.

  18. Lovely sky...we've had lots of lovely pink skies and even some snow this week. I'm grateful for a warm home and my family and so looking forward to the holidays and extra time together.

    Thanks for a lovely positive post.
    Happy day.


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