
Showing posts with the label reflection

Daily Rhythm

  How are you all doing? Over here, summer is showing off with all the flowers blooming. I cannot get enough of my hydrangea bush, gah. Our butterfly bushes are starting to bloom as well. I might not like the heat and humidity of summer but I do like the flowers. My first summer session classes have ended and I have a two week break before the second summer session starts. I'm loving the rhythm of my days during the in-between time. I'm reading a lot and getting little jobs done around the house. We will have a house full in a couple of weeks when all of my children come to visit. This time around, I am pacing the chores so I do not slam myself with doing everything the day before they arrive. Future me will thank past me for this. We had no electricity for one hour the other night and I sat and wondered why I am so committed to being tethered to the internet. I have no answers but I did question myself endlessly. The electricity came back on and I forgot about my reflections u


  Good morning! How are you doing?  Right now I am sitting at my kitchen table in the morning writing this post. Yesterday the rain came all day long, today we are in for some more rain. Our backyard is a mud pit and I try to walk Frodo from one tuft of grass to the other trying my best to avoid mud - the success is intermittent, but my determination is strong. On my daily walk yesterday, I snapped that tulip photo from a neighbor's garden. We cannot grow tulips in our yard because the deer eat them up but I guess where she lives the deer are respectful. My daffodils continue to bloom and are wonderful to look at. I came across these two gratitude quotes and decided to write them down to remember them.  Today I am grateful for: - my healing wrists - being finished with an antibiotic - my raincoat and umbrella - leftovers - a captivating novel on a rainy day - easy peasy sock knitting - Frodo and Holly - phone calls from the kids - silence - the kindness of others What are you grate


  Good morning! How are you on this first day of March? March!, can you believe it? Time just fly by sometimes and sometimes it moves at a snail's pace. I love winter but I have to confess, I'm excited about spring jacket wearing weather.  With a new season so close to arriving, I'm thinking of goals. Personal goals, menu planning goals and what I want to focus on.  Whenever the summer schedule is released at school, I might do more exercise classes, maybe. I enjoy Tai Chi so much, maybe I would like the others and the only way to know is to try one out. What I choose depends on what class it is and when it is offered. I try to bundle my classes on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I like Thursdays and Fridays free for my regular life and other commitments. My knitting goals are to not have knitting goals. I am thoroughly enjoying my free and easy knitting time. Below is a shawl I started early in January. After a month long break from it, I have returned to leisurely knit

Happy List

  The Happy List: - blue skies - cloudy skies - early morning walks with Frodo - the quietness of the mornings - the no plan plan (doing nothing?) - reading lots - sketching some -inspiration from others - reorganizing art supplies - big salads - lemon poppyseed dressing - green goddess dressing - romaine lettuce - radishes - back patio dining - sour dough bread  - endless reading and gobbling up knowledge - heavy eyes while reading (the best doze ever) - steady stitching on a sampler - phone chats with kids - lunch out with my husband - tv watching at night - daily journaling  What would make your happy list?


  I'm delighting in the ordinary days of approaching summertime. During nice weather (as in not raining) I go for my walks and notice the changes in nature. This week the tree frogs have started to sing. In March I cannot wait for trees to leaf out and wonder when it will occur. In June I feel like I didn't pay enough attention to the changes for spring.  Around here the kids are done with school and I love to listen to the neighborhood laughter.  For the party last week, my husband quickly filled some pots with annuals to brighten up the deck, their pops of color fill me with delight whenever I'm washing my dishes and looking out from the window.  Many times this week I dabbled with paints and pens, exploring new ways to be more loose in my work. Not an easy task but it's fun to try. Letting go of expectations and exploring without a means to an end is the most delightful way to spend some creative time. What has delighted you this week?


  Can you believe the crazy weather these days? Yesterday was 80 degrees and today is going to be higher than that. It's too soon! My dogwoods are starting to bloom and it feels a bit early to me.  I've been thinking about how I give myself grace. Sure it's easy to give grace to others and it comes easily.  I wonder why I'm so hard on myself especially if I am not feeling well. Living with a chronic autoimmune disorder (Sjogren's Syndrome) and trying to come up with the best ways to manage my symptoms and eliminate triggers, I lose sight on accepting my reality and just giving myself grace. After battling sinus issues for most of this week and a runny nose for three weeks, I saw my doctor and now have some medicines to get me back to feeling healthy. Phew! I'm doing my best! So how do I give myself grace? Being mindful in each moment is helpful. Journaling my thoughts, feelings and pouring my heart out onto the paper with a favorite fountain pen, the best free t


  Thank you for all the prayers and well-wishes for my dad. He continues to improve and we are hoping within the week he will be out of ICU. He was admitted on February 22nd and throughout the early days and the unknownness I've been pondering on the word Nourish. How do I nourish my body, mind and spirit? As you know, I was thoroughly enjoying writing a haiku a day and doing a bit of art sketching to go with the words. That daily process stopped the day he was admitted. I just didn't feel like writing or sketching. I gave myself grace to quit. Maybe at the beginning of April I will start back up? I also gave myself grace to blog when I can instead of blogging on a set schedule. Nourishing my mind for me is letting go of some creative pursuits and clinging to the ones that soothe me. I continue to meditate daily, knit daily and do a bit of reading. I pack knitting for the hospital visits in case there is waiting time to visit. When I visit by myself, I also pack a book to read

Art Inspirations

  Yesterday my husband and I went to the art museum and wandered about because the weather was supposed to be rainy all day long. But it just so happened that it was a warm cloudy day that could have easily been spent at a local park with a light jacket. My predictions of the weather are only as reliable as the local weather forecast.  We had such a nice time! We finished the contemporary gallery where some of the art is a temporary exhibit. We also breezed through the impressionism area (our favorite).  Afterwards, we went to a restaurant for a pizza lunch then off to the main city library to peruse books. Once home we took Frodo on a quick walk thinking the rain was surely going to start but I don't think it ever did! Maybe it rained a bit while I was sleeping, I'm not really sure. The warm weather has ended and once again I'll be wearing a winter coat.

Ordinary Days of Delight

  Oh my, we are knee deep in ordinary days. I might be one of the few people who love January. I love the cold weather and the restive schedule that envelops me since the holidays are over. I've been enjoying my bird feeder and watching the birds who are making quite the mess. They delight me. Through my back yard, through the woods, at an adjoining business development exists a private preschool. Every day I listen to the children play (squeal) outside during their recess while I am outside walking Frodo. Another delight. January has a slew of family birthdays, I wake up and text/call each family member wishing them a wonderful day. This week I've chipped away at all of my works in progress in my knitting bag. I finished a hat and now I'm working on my scarf. When this scarf is finished I'd like to whip up two pairs of fingerless mitts for me and for my husband.  I am delighted that you visit, read and sometimes comment on this space. How wonderful to have a like minde

Counting Blessings

  Today I'm counting my blessings: - Frodo's groomer who 'gets' him and is so wonderful to him and gives him a great haircut - Frodo snuggles and Holly antics, both pets make me smile - phone chats with my children - living near family especially my sister! - my early morning routine - -my yarn stash which is massive and yet I can always buy more yarn, go figure - this little blogging community where we uplift each other and support one another, it is one of the best blessings the internet has provided - summer yielding to fall ( I know! it's crazy but the days are shortening and I've been putting a light on in the morning, we are getting closer to fall!) -  - BIG salads and no cooking days - dark chocolate - green decaf tea - my favorite mugs - a tidy house - my husband - this house - books - knitting - daydreaming - believing in the goodness of others - friendly waves of hello to total strangers on my walks - all the drivers who slow down and yield to me on my

Constant Work in Progress

  This week I've been working on 'being present' in what I do. When I'm on a walk with Frodo I notice what I see, hear and feel. The wind, the neighborhood dogs barking to say 'hello' to Frodo, the birds singing and feeling my cold hands and face while Mother Nature dips into wintry weather (I am not complaining!).  I've noticed that mornings are favorite times to notice the here and now.  I am a part-time dabbler in the 'what if' scenario thought process. "What if this happens?"  "What if that happens?" These thoughts are not being present. And so I work hard at my mindfulness techniques, a constant work in progress.  Guess what is NOT a constant work in progress...I finished that blanket! Oh boy what a labor of love. I hope to have some photos of the blanket for you next week. I'm excited that I can now do some casting on of short term projects while I mull about what long term project I want to do in the future (not a blank


  I've been thinking about the word 'abundance' all week long. Specifically, in my daily life and where is the abundance. In nature, there is an abundance of spring time blossoms and birds singing away. On my walks I try to notice what I see and hear to ground myself and to be present. This noticing crowds out the to do tasks and what's on my mind. I have abundance in yarns, projects and all sorts of creative pursuits. I believe you all do as well. That's what we creators do. Most importantly I've been thinking of the people in my life. Family, extended family, friends, neighbors and all the other people I have yet to meet in my new town. I still keep in touch with my friends from my old town. All of you dear readers who are friends as well. The community we share here is quite abundant. In other news, they came and put up our awning! Now I know it's going to be warmer days. Of course there is snow in tomorrow's forecast but I'm ignoring that bit of

April Musings

  As I sit here and write this post, there are teeny tiny snowflakes doing their best to say 'ha ha, springtime, winter can still be here'. I'm ignoring the flakes and celebrating the first day of April! Can you believe it's April? The daffodils are blooming and my lilac bush is sprouting.  Yesterday we went to the local park for a walk that we haven't done since late fall. The weather was warm but the winds were fierce. I don't mind being cold and/or damp down to my bones but I highly dislike windy days.  My very first time visiting this park was after the high blood pressure event in early August and my meds being adjusted. I then committed to walking over 150 minutes a week which I've kept up with except for extreme snowy weather conditions or that horrible stomach bug. I'm proud of my commitment. April beginnings remind me of new beginnings. I'm looking forward to more outings, day trips and exploring our new to us area. April means: fresh - new

Bring Joy

  We've been home for over a week and I just might be recovered from the travels. I am pleasantly back into the ordinary swing of things and doing the activities that bring me joy. Such as:   - walking daily, weather permitting - exercising - menu planning (not enjoyable but I do like to eat!) - knitting daily - easing in a bit of sketching and watercoloring - reading daily - trying my best to be PRESENT - journalling - connecting with family While it took me a week to get back into my daily groove, Frodo needed three days to recover from the kennel stay. He might have too much fun and bark more than he should. Thankfully he had a grooming appointment and looks dapper. I pulled out my little watercolor notebook and quickly sketched and painted some daffodils.  While the weather was spectacular these past few days, it looks like winter will edge back in and --gulp-- with it some snow showers. Oh March you do love to do this!! What  brings you joy?


  Yesterday it rained all day and most of the snow melted and today I woke up to intense 'flurries' that could or could not accumulate, that's to be determined. I know why it's snowing, I put the heavy coats and the winter boots in a different closet. I jinxed the warm up!  This week has been 'busy' with a splattering of random appointments strategically placed nearly every day breaking up the rhythm I enjoy. We met our new dentist earlier this week (and passed the exam!) and now I think we are done with establishing care with new medical providers. Phew!  I enjoyed reading your comments from last Friday's post about saving things for special occasions and the special occasions never come. I have plans for my deep stash with yarns that are over 20 years old. In my defense, I inherited much of my mother's yarn stash when she died in 1998. I have yarn that I bought in 1990 that I have yet to knit up! Right now I'm thinking I should always have some kin


  Lately I've been thinking about what brings me joy. I revisit this theme over and over throughout the year and try to tweak my days so they reflect what fills my bucket. My challenge is that I have many many things that bring me joy and trying to fit all of them into my days is nearly impossible. I keep a track of the following in my planner: knitting, journaling, sketching/watercoloring, reading and cross stitching. I'm not strict at what I do each day I just like to see how I end up allocating my time. Anyways, when I eat well and exercise daily I feel fantastic and that brings me joy. I keep track of those activities as well as daily meditation and yoga. Good health is a top priority for have a good day. Keeping my creative pursuits revolving in and out during my days makes for a delightful existence! Since moving here I've been managing any perceived stresses (usually self generated!). I want to sit down at the end of the day and feel like I enjoyed the day, lived it

Morning Focus

  Every single morning I write in my journal about the day before and anything else I'm pondering about. I've been doing this daily journal writing for years and love the ritual of picking up my Lamy fountain pen and Moleskine notebook and beginning my day in the very best possible way. I pour myself a cup of coffee into a 'current' favorite mug and sip away while writing. Sadly one of my favorite favorite mugs sprung a leak. So sad. However, that lets me shop to find new favorite mugs along the way. The sprung leak mug was over 30 years old so it served me well. art journal In my daily planner (not the writing journal), I write what I'd like to accomplish in that particular day. Sometimes I am really good at meeting these loose goals and sometimes I am not. I just move them onto the next day or the next week.  While sitting in darkness and silence sipping coffee, I play fetch with Holly. This particular fetch game really isn't a true fetch game. I throw a mouse


  Hello! How are you doing?  This past week I've been pondering about a mindfulness prompt in a book I'm reading throughout the year, A Year of Living Mindfully by Anna Black. It's a really nice book and I've enjoyed the prompts throughout this year. Anyways the prompt this week was to consider what you believe to be nourishing or draining. I've thought about this all week long. My obvious nourishing events are knitting and reading. But over the course of the week I've added some surprising concepts to the nourishing list and challenged my draining list. I had the opportunity to help my cousin at her house with her preparing for company this past week. I found helping her nourishing to me, an added bonus was making her very happy. I also initially considered walking 150 minutes draining because of the amount of time it takes to get that done and I'm not doing other 'things' but then I changed my mind because I am nourishing my physical health which i