
In the spirit of Thanksgiving and focusing of gratitudes, I'm grateful:

-peaceful mornings always with lots of coffee, pens and paper and moments in prayer
-family and friends
-a miniature schnauzer (Frodo) who still delights us with his rowdy antics
-a rescue cat who continues to be a little braver and less shy

-yarn shops, yarn buying and all the knitting I can do
-my gym membership that insures my ability to knit (and sit!)
-living in the country (with electricity, ha ha)
-back road driving to and from babysitting, enjoying the fields and mountains I pass by

-clean kitchens, easy throw together meals and desserts
-a cup of green tea at the end of the day
-twinkle lights

-all the possibilities before the day starts
-seeing a well made to do list crossed off
-book reading and book buying

-for all of you dear readers who have been visiting here, caring about what I write.  
-may you have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you are celebrating!  


  1. Checking to see if commenting works :)

  2. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving day, we certainly have a lot to be thankful for.

  3. Happy Gobble, Gobble day, Karen. I love that stitch texture; it's beautiful as well as the color.

  4. A wonderful list, Karen! Thank you!! Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, Karen. May the peaceful spirit of today flow all through December.

  6. Hoping your day was all you envisioned!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving, Karen! Our day was lovely with our family! xoxo

  8. Lovely post! Gratitude is a good thing!

  9. Im thankful for all my blog knit pals. I Love the guitar image at the end

  10. Wonderful post! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!


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