
I don't know about you but I believe spring is around the corner.  Sure we will get another snowstorm or two but the birds are singing sweetly in the mornings and it's music to my ears.  How was your weekend?

I didn't go anywhere because I stayed home and rested.  I'm feeling so much better, thank you for the well wishes.  On Saturday I rearranged some art supplies and tidied up my craft room a bit.  On Sunday I reorganized my big closet in my kitchen and threw away 'stuff'.  Most of the puttering about was putting things back where they belong in other parts of the house.  I read books and I knitted during most of the afternoons.

For some strange reason I'm reading sad sad books.  I decided to read Night.  I will not read this before bedtime but in the afternoons.  What an atrocious part of history the whole world should be taught.

I finished my purple sweater and it's blocking as I type this.  I've been racing through the Felix sweater sleeves like many of you predicted.  Once my second sweater is finished I'm thinking about knitting some dishcloths as a knitting palate cleanser...maybe.

Whenever I post a photo and you wonder is it a 'sunrise or sunset'.  It is always a sunrise - I am up at five a.m. most mornings and I witness some beautiful beginnings of each day.

How was your weekend?


  1. Night is a powerful book — sad but so important to read and understand. I'm looking forward to seeing your sweater(s)!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend. Can't wait to see your sweaters!
    We had a good one too. Went to the beach with friends and did a whole lot of nothing.

  3. So glad you are feeling better. I agree, spring is coming. Actually, for me, it has sprung. We will be in the high 70's all this week. There are blossoms everywhere we look and the air is thick with fragrances from said blissoms.

  4. Glad you are feeling better. I walked yesterday and the trail was muddy and there were people out in shorts! In February!! I would love a really big snowfall before Spring arrives. Looking forward to seeing your sweaters.

  5. You are an early riser like myself. We have had virtually no snow here and it doesn't even feel like winter ever came. I like at least one or two snowfalls to enjoy before Spring arrives. I have only been reading mostly happy stories lately as my life is too hectic to be depressed in my reading. I have wanted to read Night, but I can't bring myself to do so right now. I have to do some of the straightening up this week that you completed. I want to make my work-spaces welcoming and useful rather than cluttered. I am off this week so I will see how much I can get done. I look forward to seeing those sweaters.

  6. How delightful that you get to witness sunrise, every morning!!!!!! -happy sigh-

    Oh I could not read a sad, sad book. At any time of day or night. I would not be able to "come up out of it," I fear. That's just me.


  7. I have read and taught Night to 9th grade students. Powerful, but heartbreaking. Glad you had a good weekend. I am off to do some reading myself! See you again soon!

  8. Night is one of those very hard, but must read books. And, YES to the increase in birdsong that greets me each morning! It might not look like spring, but the birds know it is coming!

  9. My weekend was a relatively quiet one as I am cat sitting for my daughter and son-in-law while they are on their honeymoon. I spent most of Saturday on the train and subway and on Sunday I did a little exploring of the neighborhood. Their apartment is so hot because they can't control the heating system so I went out and bought a couple of t-shirts - I definitely packed for colder temps! There are daffodils coming up in their neighborhood and I hope they don't get hit with a frost!

  10. I finished a vampire, Kindle read and am now reading a contemporary romance series that involves a Navy SEAL and his hometown. Oh and for Valentine's day I got the kittens a can of soft pate to mix in with their hard food; they haven't had Fancy Feast for months and dunno if they had noticed.

  11. I am also an early riser but sadly, the sun does not rise with me these days. I want very much to knit a Felix pullover but I am committed to finishing a few more things. Hope you continue to feel better. Enjoy your week.

  12. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better and that you have had a good weekend at home doing chores and other lovely things. Like wisps of words I am not able to read sad books at any time of day, they make me too heavy and become a burden. You are a demon knitter, I cannot believe that you are already blocking one of your sweaters. I did lots of knitting over the weekend too, I am on the last few rows of daughters tunic.

  13. Glad you are feeling better, I did a lot of 'puttering' around at the weekend too. Putting things in their rightful places and organising a few projects.

  14. Good to hear you are feeling better. Yup.. spring is definitely around the corner and I can not wait.. but I do miss having a one good snow.. the boys making snow angles.. we haven't had one in a few years.

  15. I hope you continue to feel better. I think rest is critical to recovery. We had a quiet weekend too although a bit warmer. On Sunday afternoon my husband and I walked a trail on the outskirts of our little city. Even though it was a bit overcast and the trees are bare, the afternoon was warmer and as you say the birds were singing. I loved being out away from traffic.

  16. Glad you are feeling better! Love the quote on the tea bag thingy!


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