
How was your weekend?

We visited our daughter and son in law on Saturday and had a great time together.  They live by a really big prosperous mall which we walked around in.  All I bought was candy, body lotion and two books.  I enjoyed the energy in the mall and the bustle of shoppers. Our drive there was nice, sunny skies and lots of knitting. 

I mainly worked on the second sleeve of my purple sweater, I'll be perpetually knitting sleeves since I'm on size four needles!  Thank goodness I love to knit sleeves.

Yesterday I didn't get much done around the house, so today will be my Sunday chores.  I'm doing laundry and making my menu plan.  I inventoried all the foods in the kitchen last week and I'm slowly using up freezer food and pantry food.  I might inventory once a month, seems like I forget what we already have in the house frequently.

Today is also back to eating big salads for lunch.  I loved eating whatever I wanted over the weekend but I feel like a french fry and a gummie bear right now....

How was your weekend?


  1. Your watercolor tiger is stupendous (and so is the purple sweater)! My weekend was good (I think); it went by so fast that I hardly remember what I did.

  2. We visited our daughter and her houseful of boys yesterday. I'm enjoying the calm, quiet of a Monday here ... LOVE the progress you're making on those sleeves and your watercolors. wow!

  3. Love your watercolor and your purple sweater! I should inventory the food in our house because I have the same problem (forgetting what we already have).

  4. Glad you had a good weekend. Mine was spent resting and knitting. I had (have) a bad cold, but all is well, since I can still knit ;-)

  5. My goodness the tiger was a real delight to see, impressive. How wonderful to spend quality time with your daughter and son in law. I managed to catch up with family via the computer but it is always fun to 'see' the children.

  6. -chuckle- Ours was snow/ice covered. And still is...! And I am finally tired of it!!!! -grin- Feel free to laugh at me! After all my wishing for snow!!!! -smile-


  7. A monthly inventory check would be extremely useful here. Good idea!

  8. Your water color paintings are really good!
    I love food inventories! My husband was sure we had nothing to eat in the entire house, I would of been great for another 6 weeks without stepping in a grocery store! We did go, it had been 3 weeks. Food is seen by the stomach of the beholder?

  9. Good to hear that you are doing the inventories, I know that was something you wanted to do more of. Sounds like you had a good weekend with time with your daughter and time at home. Happy sleeve knitting.

  10. Look at that tiger. Wow. How nice to spend a weekend with your daughter and son-in-law. I have been trying to start my menu planning with pantry/freezer ingredients. Sometimes I stretch the time between grocery shopping by making an evening meal from what is on hand. Have a good week.

  11. I love that you were able to visit your daughter and son-in-law over the weekend. Taking inventory of what you have in the house already is a great idea! Have a good week!

  12. It's been a while since I've visited a mall; the one nearby is small and okay. The tiger watercolor is fun. I like Holly's cat house.


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