Knitting News and Resources

How are you?

My knitting is the same as last week, this time I thought I would show you my progress of my hitchhiker.  The garter stitch is soothing and calming while I watch the news and try my best not to freak out. 

I thought I would share some links to keep you busy if you are experiencing a shut down in your state like me, or if you are huddled in your home.

Scott Shapiro, a professor at Yale Law, is doing a podcast class on Jurisprudence and is opened for all if you are interested.  He is fun to follow on twitter and that's how I found the class.

Cambridge university press is making all their online books free access
Need some culture?  Here's some Free museum tours
And for all you Catholics (and religious) Magnificat has made their publication free.  I highly recommend their publication, I've subscribed for years.

Please if you know of any other resources to share mention them on your blog or in the comments section.  We are all in this together, stay safe!!

What are you working on this week?


  1. I love these links! Thank you!! I found a fun link last night for anyone who wants to learn to sew! 7 free lessons which will walk you through the "how to" of sewing a garment

    1. I'm copying that down! I've always wanted to learn how to sew properly!

  2. Thanks, these links are great!

  3. I didn't think of posting links on my blog. Thanks for the idea. I have some that I can share also. Keep knitting and stay healthy.

  4. Thank you for these links! I'm going to post a few this weekend as well - the museum tours are splendid!
    You hitchiker looks lovely. I hope the news don't ruin your tension on this project!

  5. Love that Hitchhiker! This link is from Norwegian TV and called National Knitting Eve. It's their attempt to go from sheep to sweater and break the Australian record. I think its almost eight hours, but I've only watched for about one. It's in English and captivating to me!

  6. Thank you for these links! Such a good idea, Karen! I'm nearly done with my hat, I'll post a pic on instagram when it's complete. xo

  7. I'm currently working on crocheted dishcloths for our daughter. :) Keeping my focus on God's Word and enjoying a more attentive focus on homemaking.

  8. EXCELLENT!!!!!!

    Thank you!!!!!!

    This is a wonderful helpful post!!!!!!!!!

    Again, thank you!

    And I will pass along these links... Saying of course, where I got them from. I always give credit!!!!

    Again thank you!!! You make me so happy!!!!

    Stay calm,
    With common sense,

  9. I am currently working on pretending to be a teacher.. my kids are remote learning and it's a lot of work! sigh

  10. Some nice resources thanks. The hitchhiker looks great.

  11. Your hitchhiker reminds me of melted crayons (in a good way, not an oops! I made a real mess way). One of the things that's making me very happy right now is all the resources being created and shared. My favorite thing by far is the story time on IG live ... 2pm with Oliver Jeffers and 3pm with Mac Barnett.

  12. Your hitchhiker is looking lovely. Great links thank you. The only one I have found so far was offering free streamed performances of London shows but it was only available to UK residents but you might find something similar for the US?

  13. Your hitchhiker looks great so far! I am working on a shawl too Casual Lace Knit shawl it is taking me quite a long time but being home more now is finally giving me the time and focus I need to work on it. Good idea to look to online resources and things to keep busy we do have access to so much online and good to keep us busy while stuck inside! Stay safe!

  14. Well I love your museum link!! YES!!!!!
    I love all of your hitchhikers . They always look great. But. me . and . garter.......
    The days are flying by oddly enough. My arse is healed and my foot is better! Im watching that 70s show reruns now before I turn in. Gosh we loved that show. Just seeing the avocado kitchen and the clothes and hairstyles is so fun.
    I just can't dwell on what if. I do miss the barn tremendously . They made their Tack sale this saturday an online auction event which was very smart. Im knitting a baby blanket and a summer cowl shawl.

  15. These are impressive resources. I love how ppl are helping out others in ways they can. I've been working on my nephew's cardigan, my shawl, and my hsuband's socks. I had tried to podcast before surgery but didn't like the quality. I should just blog as I still can't talk clearly very well.


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