
Phew! This weekend was filled with family visiting.  My sister and brother in law along with my daughter and son in law were here this weekend for a get together.  The weather was beautiful for early March.  My sister and I headed out for a walk Saturday to take in the early signs of spring.  The sunshine was abundant!

We played Trivial Pursuit (family edition) as teams of boys vs. girls.  That was fun and the girls won.  Heh heh heh.  My husband and I cooked both Friday and Saturday and my sister supplied desserts for both days.  I am filled with gratitude.

Sunday was tons of chores and putting the house back to the way it was.  Almost.  I had my knitting group and I managed to remember to take a photo!

Thanks for all the well wishes!  I saw a kidney specialist due to abnormal results from routine testing.  My RA doc referred me and I was super lucky to get an appointment last Friday (randomly assigned).  The doctor was wonderful and says I need to have repeat testing the next few weeks, while she would not do an official diagnosis, she said she didn't think it was my auto immune disease (yay) and believes it's my medicines (both can be toxic to the kidneys with long term usage) based on what is currently in my medical chart she indicated that I have a good prognosis (unofficially).  I've discontinued one immediately and will have more testing in two weeks.  I see her in about a month and then see what she says and if the other medicine will be discontinued.  She was very reassuring and so kind and nice!  I am so grateful to have her as my doctor.

How was your weekend?


  1. It sounds like a lovely weekend with family! I'm also glad to hear that your visit with the kidney specialist was positive and reassuring. Good news indeed!

  2. I am so glad you had such a love-filled weekend! Here is to a week of sunshine (whether it is actually shining or not!)

  3. That sounds like a lovely weekend - especially after such a reassuring doctor's visit on Friday! Wishing you continued good news!

  4. What a lovely weekend you had with family. To end it with a knitting group is like having a cherry on top. Sometimes the drugs for our RA causes more issues than the disease itself. I had to go off my RA medicine for 18 months because it messed my liver up so bad. I am thankful it is your drugs and not the disease though. Will say a few extra prayers for you.

  5. Good to hear about a most likely good prognosis.
    Wonderful to have had you sister and son over a visit. The weather was quite spectacular.

  6. whew about the good doctor visit! and the fun, family/friend-filled weekend. so glad you had good weather and got out to enjoy it.

  7. it's wonderful to have family visiting! I hope all will be clear soon for your kidney situation and that your RA will not flare without the meds! God bless you!

  8. Lovely family time...

    Best wishes with your continuing doctor visits...


  9. Glad you got a helpful and good doctor report! We had a quiet weekend and got a few chores done, thanks to the coronavirus. Our church service yesterday was only online, and choir practice has been cancelled for another week along with lots of other things. Unsettling times to say the least!

  10. So good to hear that your kidney diagnosis sounds promising and you found a doctor you like, that's half the battle. Take care of yourself!

  11. Your weekend sounds lovely! (We had family time, too, no gaming, but lots of great food) I haven't played Trivial Pursuit in ages, but my parents have a very old game, from the .... 80's (imagine the questions in the sports section).
    Fingers crossed for your kidneys! I hope they find the cause AND a remedy quickly. Your doctor sounds great though, I'm glad she put in effort immediately!

    I just discovered your blog, so I'll be reading a few earlier posts to find out about the sweater you're knitting. It looks great!

  12. I'm dealing with some of the same and for me it is my medication...that I cannot do without. So, we pray and we do what the doctor says. I'm glad that the problem for you could also be medication and not something else. Hugs to you, my friend.

    1. I hope your doctors can help you find a solution. I'm off of my one medicine with little pain so I'm happy about that.

  13. The medicines designed to help us can unfortunately hurt us too. I hope all can be figured out soon. It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. I like to play games with my family too. Wonderful memories are made.

  14. Hooray for good medical news. Meds are such a mixed bag so I am thankful for your kind competent doctor. How fun to have family for a weekend. We had a warm windy weekend. I worked just a bit outdoors on Sunday and took two walks on Sunday. We are keeping a low profile due to the corona virus. Cautious but hopeful.

  15. Very sweet friend took me to dinner Saturday with my new donut. I think this new donut is really helping ...that or the tincture of time. It is almost 4 weeks to the day of my fall. I am thrilled for your new doctor and her compassionate and intelligent approach! You and your sister really look like sisters. I loved seeing the knit table. First I saw the yarns, then the bunny plates, then the cookies. then the phones!!

  16. So glad to hear that you have found yourself a good doctor, that must a big weight off your mind.

    Your weekend sounded perfect sunshine and family, what is not to like?

  17. Sounds like a great weekend spent with family. Glad you like the new doctor and that the problem doesn't seem to be too serious. Be well,

  18. I hope your further testing goes smoothly and your doctor's hypothesis is supported. You and your sister are so cute.


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