
How was your weekend?  Mine flew right by.  I had the best intentions to read all day every day and do some creative watercolor paintings.  Instead I made coleslaw (because my dad's coleslaw was so good and I knew I could make it as well).  I also made basil pesto for some pasta and a cold rice salad with veggies, feta cheese and olives (yum).

Oh and I made two loaves of zucchini bread.  Our zucchini is producing and my dad gave me some as well.  I have to admit I am thrilled to be out of the banana bread phase.  Oh and the best nuts are pecans, just saying.

the boulder wall with growing grass!

Saturday I toodled about knitting and half heartedly reading a book on my Kindle.  I have 1 1/2 hours to go and I am determined to finish it today.  I swear!

Sunday I you-tubed Mass and did all the laundry and cleaned the house.  

My son and future daughter in law to be are settling in nicely up in Indiana.  I hope we can visit them soon and see the place in person.  Fingers crossed for that happeing!

We took a super steamy sticky walk yesterday morning around 8:30 a.m.  All three of us then sat in AC the rest of the day!  Frodo is definitely a fall/spring dog. On our walk we saw a goldfinch and just then I decided that if I was reincarnated I'd come back as a bird.  They are beautiful to watch as they flit and fly.

I worked a bit on everything this weekend, my golden wheat shawl and my never ending socks where the main projects.

How was your weekend?


  1. Your weekend sounds delicious! I'm deep in zucchini bread season, too. John found a zucchini that "got away from him" and it must be 18" long. I wonder how many loaves of bread it will make? I'm going to find out today!

  2. Your weekend sounds lovely despite the major heat!! We don't grow zucchini since Fletch doesn't like it (and he is the gardener). But now I want zucchini bread - I may need to get to the store! My weekend was nice - I met up with Dee and went yarn shopping!! Hope you can stay cool.

  3. Hello - hot here too, but not as humid. I did a lot of reading this weekend too, and have two books I want to finish this week. Hope you will share what you are reading sometime. I am nosey when it comes to books. Always looking for good reads. I love the knitting projects. Glad your son is settling in to his new surroundings.

  4. My weekend was lovely. I worked hard on Friday to set myself up for a good weekend. Reading in the garden was my highlight.

  5. We had a lovely weekend as well.. even though very very hot.

  6. Looks like a great weekend! All those dishes sound yummy. I know how you feel, I want to read all of the books right now. Your shawl looks great!

  7. Wonderful and tasty weekend, for sure. Would that the one coming up be just as lovely.

  8. EVery time I see that shawl, I want to make it. Huck panted from APril to OCtober. HE was hot. We paddleboarded today and there were so many dogs at the dog play water area. Some of them were funny. BUt the one that was all business, who retireved and focused was the German Shephard. I love a well trained dog. It was fun to watch.

  9. Hot, but okay. I need to make some zucchini bread.

  10. I was only thinking this week that I had a courgette/zucchini bread recipe somewhere and I ought to dig it out! Haven't found it just yet. I had a relaxing Saturday as I knew I had a busy Sunday. We walked up the highest hill in England and very busy it was too. There were more people on the top than I have ever seen in one place since visiting London, our capital, in January. It was a little hard to take in but a wonderful walk!

  11. Mine was not as fun as yours, I wash pressure washing my pavers by my pool, not fun at all. But I did get to watch Wreck It Ralph for the 3,000 time with a little boy I adore. Stay safe.

  12. Your weekend sounds as nice as ever. Sometimes puttering around and just being is the best of all. I remind myself to take a day like that now and again. Hot and humid here too. We are still zooming church although some smaller churches in our area are meeting in person. Personally I think that is too risky. My friends and neighbors supply me with zucchini. I made a savory casserole with some. Now there is a big one on the counter that just might become zucchini brownies.

  13. I drool a little bit every time you post a photo of that shawl. I just Love the color!


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