

How was your weekend?

My weekend was a quiet one - just the way I like them to be. Around here we are expected to get some warm temperatures mid week so I thought I'd document my wool sock wearing. Sure it will get cold again but we are edging towards less wool wearing. I'm giddy just thinking of what we should do with our warm days - do a trail? - eat outdoors at a bagel shop? -dust off the grill? 

Yesterday we were able to finally get out for a walk. For the past 5 days it's been too windy. My husband hates windy days and I have to say I'm not a huge fan either. Our walk was in 100% sunshine and it was glorious to be breathing some fresh air and getting all the wiggles out.

Holly has been enjoying watching the day break. Did you know we change the clocks this coming weekend? I was surprised that it crept up on me like that. Time is flying by.

The residential deer below love to stare me and Frodo down. They act like the whole yard is theirs and snort at us. Silly guys.

How was your weekend?


  1. We had one day of lovely sunshine for a bit followed by a hail and wind storm followed by more sunshine. Definitely spring-ish around here.

  2. I love your socks! Our weekend was uneventful, but wonderful too!

  3. Glad you were able to get out for a walk yesterday, it always feel great doesn't it? Love the photo of the deer. They do look like they think you are invading their space lol. I can't believe the time change is next weekend already either! Have a great week Karen :)

  4. We, too, are warming up a bit. We are in the 80's for the next few days only to go back to the 60's and 70's again. It is perfect weather for sitting on the porch to knit and listen to a book or music and watching the happenings of my neighborhood. Those deer are a bit cheeky, aren't they. I'm surprised Frodo doesn't want to go and meet them.

  5. I'm looking forward to the 60 degree days that are predicted! I will probably have to stop myself from throwing open the windows, but I have plans to hang my laundry outside.

  6. Love your socks! I get such a kick out of snorting deer...sometimes I attempt to snort right back at them. Glad you mentioned the upcoming time change - I had forgotten about that. Looking forward to warm days this week. I want to walk! Like for you and your husband, it has been too windy for me.

  7. This was a big walking weekend for me. It was cold, but not too windy. This week looks like spring in New York City and I'm going to be outside as much as I can.

  8. Your socks are adorable, I dream of knitting socks one day. Loved seeing the deer, they are certainly brave.

  9. Our deer are the same way. Our squirrels are full of sass as well.
    The colors of your sweater look great.
    I can not wait for the warmer temps..

  10. I love your socks. ? are they toe up? The toes look very softly curved and like they will stay in place. Our weekend was another one in isolation. But we spoke to our family! The weather is warming up and our snow is about where yours are

    1. they are cuff down - simple plain pattern that is memorized in my little head.

  11. I did a huge amount of raking. And after I finished I would see leaves everywhere again, so a few hours later I would do it again. We lose our oak leaves now in spring right before the new leaves pop out. There was a bit of knitting but not as much as I would like. Love your socks. Stay safe.

  12. The weekend was quiet but the weather is lovely - about 66 degrees. In my book, that is perfect for walking. I made some banana bread to go with our Sunday coffee and church. I looked at your wool sock project. That Lang yarn makes nice socks doesn't it? I made a pair from it and gave them to my sister.

  13. I love those wool socks. So glad you were able to get out and walk in the sun. Wow, I didn't realize that clocks changed ahead this weekend. You are right - that came up fast. Have a good week. See you again soon!

  14. Holly loves the smells and "treats" the deer leave behind when they wander through our yard. sigh. I wish I could understand what makes their poop so appealing to her ;-)

  15. I love your socks! They are so cute! We were able to get out for a nice walk as well, although it was a little chilly. : ). On Sunday we had our moms over for dinner, and my brother-in-law as well. My husband made Osso bucco and I made Risotto Milanese. Both were delicious! I was hoping for leftovers but it was not meant to be! ; )

  16. I love your stripe-y socks...we used to have deer in the yard in West Virginia a lot...but I've never seen any here...we do have the occasional escaped cow though...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  17. Great socks!! We had a busy weekend, our daughter had a colorguard show, 7am Sat. We made pizza and had my sister and her family of 7 over, plus my mom. We went to church as usual Sun. morning, then relaxed the rest of the day. I did get a wee bit of knitting done.

  18. I believe I haven't seen deer in person. All we see are feral cats about.


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