Good News


Good news! Our grandson, Blaise, was born earlier this week! All is well and good. We hope to see him in person within a month and fingers are crossed that the weather cooperates. Now I have to stitch his name and birthdate into that space and get this little sampler framed. We are beyond excited to be first time grandparents. He will be called Grandad and I will be called Grammy. I had a Gram who was formative in my life and so I hope to carry on her legacy.

I continue to read a chapter a week out of Code Girls which is very interesting but dense information. I'm excited if I finish a chapter each day! 

I decided to paint my Valentine cards and I enjoyed this process immensely. My watercoloring habits have slipped away with pursuing other creative pursuits so it was nice to sit at the kitchen table and be creative in a different way.

My dinner below was an approximation of bibimbap. I was missing a few ingredients so I improvised to the best of my ability. All I can say is kimchi is the best and I'll be noodling around the internet for more recipes and hopefully buying all the ingredients the next time around.

The storm we were supposed to be slammed with doesn't seem to be too bad. However we have four more hours to go so there could be some crazy stuff happening. I have electricity so I am happy, oh and I have a new grandson too :) 


  1. Congratulations! I love the name Blaise! My new grandson calls me Grammy too. Right now all he can say is "ahmee". A new baby to knit for is so fun.

  2. Blaise has always been a favorite name of mine! Congratulations on your new family member. xo

  3. Congratulations to you, Grammy! Welcome Blaise!

    (we love kimchi... and kimchi fried rice with an egg on top is about my favorite comfort meal ever!)

  4. Congratulations!!!!! God grant him and all of you many years!

  5. Wonderful!!! Congratulations Grammy and welcome to little Blaise. How exciting. Can't wait for you to meet him in person.

  6. Congratulations Grammy and Grandad on the arrival of Blaise. Grandchildren are the best thing ever. I have never tried kimci. May need to look into that.

  7. Welcome to the world, Blaise, and congratulations to your son, DiL, Grammy, and Grandad! This is wonderful news and stitching should be fun while you wait to go see him.

  8. What a lovely, wonderful surprise. Congrats to all and welcome baby Blaise. Look forward to reading all about his growing up days. I love the cross stitch and what a treasure, Grammy. The Kimchi looks quite delish! Enjoy.

  9. How wonderful! Congratulations to you all xxx

  10. Many congratulations to all in your family. How wonderful for you all, I am glad to hear that your grandson has arrived safely. I hope the weather is kind and you are able to visit soon.

  11. CONGRATULATIONS!! Grandchildren have been the absolute BEST for us these past few years. I do hope you'll be able to share photos of the little guy ... snuggled in the beautiful blanket you knit for him.

  12. Congratulations! Wonderful news about that sweet new grandson. So glad everyone is doing well. You will be a wonderful grandma. Have a great weekend. :-)

  13. Congratulations on becoming a Grammy. I can tell you it's one of the best things in life. Enjoy every minute. Welcome to the world little Blaise.

  14. Congratulations on your new grandson! I think I might want to be a Grammy also. It is one of the names I have been considering. I really like that cross-stitch birth announcment. Did you use the recommended flosses or DMC? I hope you didn't get the predicted weather. We are currently getting freezing rain and a coating of ice. I hope you get to meet Blaise very soon.

  15. Congratulations ! I hope you get to see the wee one in person soon indeed, must be very exciting !

  16. so excited for you Grammy!!!! You will be the best Grammy ever!!!!

  17. Exciting news! Congratulations Grammy! Enjoy every single minute with your new grandson! Blaise is lucky to have you as his Grammy!

  18. Congratulations! It's an exciting time! I cannot wait to be Grammy myself! I do have two very sweet step grandsons and they are very dear to me, but I cannot wait to hold a little one! :)

  19. Oh so happy for you!!! A baby !!! I want to be Grammy too

  20. Congratulations on the new grandbaby! Beautiful cross-stitch! :)

  21. Congratulations! I am so happy for you. With spring around the corner and the move behind you, there is a lot to look forward to!

  22. Wonderful news, congratulations, that's a great name.

  23. Congrats on the safe arrival of your grandson! it's so sweet you can finish that cross stich for him too :) My kids both have a cross stich framed in their room from my mum with their birth details and names on it, it's a sweet thing to have! :)

    Hope that you had a fun weekend :) We had a good one, last one of the summer school holidays!

    Away From The Blue

  24. Congratulations Grammy. What an interesting name he has. Yay for bibimbap. Yes, you can use any ingredients to make that dish as it means rice with cooked vegetables, generally, and meat is often accompanying it.

  25. Congratulations on your new grandson! Grandparenting is the best thing ever!


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