Winter Days

Good morning! How are you? I'm doing great over all. I've been consistently exercising and trying to expand my routines while avoiding an arthritis flare-up. It's a slippery slope that I am managing so far. I have some good news --- we are two-thirds of the way through winter. Now you know I love winter and can tolerate the cold way more than tolerating warm/hot days. But yesterday afternoon, we finished lunch out and we were returning to the car when a blast of wind hit me, I was cold down to my bones. I had a fleeting thought of wishing for 30 degree weather. Yes, it's true, I feel like I'm betraying my love of winter. It's been six months since Frodo (our old miniature schnauzer and Holly's nemesis) has passed. Holly has been blossoming. Every day we see more and more of her. And yes, she still checks the loveseat where Frodo slept but there is less alarm and more of a 'yay he's not there' kind of glance. We love her! I still miss Frodo but...