Freeing Decisions


Good morning!

This week has been really nice. I was appointment-free all week long, a rarity. The weather is right back into the rainy season. Since I'm coming up to one year living here, I don't know if it always rains here or if this is unusually wet. Does it matter? 

Since moving here, I've let my hair grow long and just let it be. Another freeing decision! Why fight humidity? Growing out my bangs was another-freeing decision made more than five years ago, I highly recommend it if you fight styling your hair and yet it does whatever it wants anyways.

I love when Holly stuffs herself in the downstairs cat tower. She enjoys looking out the windows and watching the world go by. She's been playing with all of her stuffed mice and leaves them outside our bedroom meowing to us that she gave us a special gift in the middle of the night. Sweet!

Yesterday while noodling around on Ravelry I came across a laceweight shawl that inspired me to dig through my yarn stash, wind up two skeins of Malabrigo Lace and print the pattern all in the span of 30 minutes then promptly started while sitting on the back patio. Sometimes I just make these freeing decisions on the fly. I had a cast on knitting 'high'. 

It's the long Memorial Day weekend. We will be calling our son to wish him a 'happy birthday' otherwise we will be enjoying a calm relaxing string of days. Maybe in between the rain we will venture outside.


  1. Your iris are gorgeous! Have a great weekend!

  2. An appointment-free week is a delight for sure! So is shopping in your stash and casting on a lovely new shawl. Enjoy!

  3. Freeing decisions are good for a person. The shawl pattern you choose is beautiful. I hsve had lace yarn in my stash for over 10 years. Thank you for finding the pattern. Maybe, now I can finally get that weight of yarn made into something useful. Holly is such a pretty cat. Have she and Frodo ever called a truce or even tried to be friends?

  4. Sounds to me like a pretty awesome week Karen - no appointments, finding a new pattern and yarn in your stash, gifts from Holly, gorgeous Iris blooming. And some rain which means it's time to stay inside and knit or read. Our weekend will be quiet too...the kids fly back up from Texas, but not until the following weekend. My Dad's birthday is the 30th - he would have been 102 this year!!! And, our anniversary is the 31st. Have a blissful weekend doing what you love the best!

  5. Your iris are beautiful! I love rainy days as long as there aren't a string of them. : ). We have a busy weekend ahead of us, I'm volunteering at my town's book sale tomorrow morning and then we are having a family/friend picnic on Sunday. Have a happy memorial day weekend!

  6. I like the color or your next project. Glad you had a good, relaxing week. Our Memorial Day weekend is forecast to be cool and wet, with up to ten more inches of snow in the mountains. Hope you have a good weekend. Relax and enjoy!

  7. Sounds like an excellent week ! I intend to plan an appointment free week, already looking forward to it ( maybe I sometime like the anticipation even better than the real thing... ). Miss Holly has become quite a big lady, I always love seeing her appear here. Wishing you a very relaxing & knitfull weekend !

  8. Beautiful Iris Karen! Enjoy your weekend and your knitting… that shawl will be beautiful!

  9. I love the iris and Holly photos. I love the yarn color you have chosen for that shawl. It matches the name. Enjoy your weekend.

  10. Oooh, yes, freeing and doing something just because you can (and it's easier), like growing out your hair is nice! I'm doing many little things differently since our move, too. Simplified life.

  11. Your freeing decisions sound so good, I am all for making life easier for myself, when and where I can.

    That shawl patter is beautiful thank you so much for sharing it, looking forward to seeing how it knits up. I love that you had the yarn in your stash :)

  12. Those are the most amazing iris's I have ever seen! I have been doing the same with my hair and ya know... it is very freeing! Soon it will all be long enough to put in a bun on the back of my head or at the nape of my neck!
    I love the color you have there for your next scarf. Can't wait to see it!

  13. I am in the process of growing out my bangs as I thought they’d be cute but they’re just annoying the heck outta me. My hairdresser tried to convince me otherwise, but I am just not interested in investing the effort to make them work. I like it when the yarn/pattern match works out quickly! I can’t wait to see how it turns out!

  14. What gorgeous deep purple iris. Stash shopping is the best and I do like that color. Even if I bought it once, stash yarn feels so economical to me. No accounting for knitters.

  15. Your flowers are beautiful! Yay for freeing decisions.


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