Diversion Scarf


Earlier last week, I finished this Diversion scarf and it took a while to dry since it's winter. I was finally able to take some photos and share them with you today. Remember when I said I would NOT buy any more yarn to finish the scarf? Well, I bought more gray yarn. A whole skein of sock yarn for 81 yards. I tried to make do with another color and I didn't like the way it looked at all. 

I can easily use the rest of the gray yarn for other projects.

Overall I'm pleased with the way this scarf turned out!

What are you working on this week?


  1. Oh, Karen! It is gorgeous! Wow! (and I think those 81 yards were a good choice to add in!)

  2. This scarf is really lovely and I love the colors you used. Good call on the extra 81 yards!

  3. It really blossomed after blocking. So very pretty. I like the size of it too. Gray is a great color to have on hand in stash. Can be used lots of ways.

  4. Beautiful finish Karen! And, the extra grey will come in handy for any number of projects.

  5. it's so pretty, Karen! the gray looks so nice at the end, it was definitely the right choice!

  6. That scarf is really pretty and worth the extra yarn! Nice work. I am working on a pair of long ago started mitts and had to relearn how to vikkel! Sigh.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. What a beautiful finish. Buying yarn to finish such a beautiful project was a great choice. Gray goes with everything and it would knit up nicely as heels and toes for man socks. I'm chugging along on the infamous gray sweater and weaving in ends on a scarf made from handspun.

  9. Wow, that is stunning what a beautiful knit.


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