
Showing posts with the label health


  Good morning! How are you? My past week was filled with classes and appointments. I am ready for a super boring weekend! In the above photo are the mums (chrysanthemums) I bought in memory of dear Frodo (who I miss so much!) and they are now blooming. So far the deer are leaving them alone. Sometimes you never know what the deer will eat up.  I love seeing my flowers and remembering our sweet boy! Holly the cat is getting ever so bold and brave now that her nemesis is gone. She still checks the loveseat where he slept which I find quite funny. She is very concerned that he might be there. She now lays in sunbeams in the kitchen and comes visit me briefly while I am knitting. Maybe one day she will snuggle. I had a cardiology appointment last week to discuss shortness of breath while exercising and he decided to discontinue one of my blood pressure meds (yay) thinking that is what was causing my symptoms. As a precaution he ordered an exercise stress test which I did yesterday. Of cou


  Good morning! How are you all doing on this fine Monday? Finally after weeks of no rain, we are in a rainy season. Yesterday we took a long walk in the drizzle while taking in the signs of fall. We were a little wet but it was worth the fresh air. We visited his mother earlier this week and yet again, I have no photos to share. However, once I was home I was back at the documenting my life. Whenever we are visiting people we eat out a lot and so when I get home I need to get back to healthy eating and living. There is nothing like a fresh salad except a fresh salad made by someone else. Also when we got back home I started to feed the birds with the 'winter' feeder. Word was spread within the hour and I had my birds back. I love them so. Also my hydrangea bush is heading into the fall season beautifully. Saturday morning I ran a bunch of errands and did some returning at a few stores. Once I was home, I wrote down a quote I stumbled across, then did some knitting. I'm wor

Around Here

  Around here, I'm noticing a shift in the weather. The cool mornings are delightful when I walk Frodo and sometimes it even feels like Fall is beginning. I've enjoyed my hydrangeas and their showy blooms all summer long. The black cherry trees are starting to turn yellow. I am all in for the seasons to change. Around here, I am noticing I am impatient with recovery and wearing a sling. I remind myself it could be a cast and still I'm grumbling in my head. Frodo was groomed this week and he will be 'cold' for 1-2 weeks until he adjusts to his haircut. He has been doing well and sometimes he acts so annoyingly. I feel blessed when I am irritated with him and his demands to be outside (he loves to walk around the yard). He is tolerating his new medicine well and we are happy. Around here, even though I am allowed to knit while my elbow heals, I find all knitting very slow going. Again, I'm trying to learn patience as an impatient person. I lean into gratitude and

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you? I am blissfully knitting the second sock this week and loving the project. I snapped this photo yesterday and I am now at the heel flap.  My knitting has slowed down some (again) because I fell on Sunday in the kitchen doing something un-smart and my left arm and wrist has been aching since. Yesterday after dinner I decided to go to urgent care to make sure everything was okay because I had wrist pain. Luckily for me, my wrist was fine but my elbow has a little fracture in it. Luckily for me, I am in a sling and not a cast and I am allowed to knit. I'm supposed to have a follow up with an ortho doctor in two weeks, scheduling can be a challenge though. What are you working on this week?


  Good morning! How are you? I am doing well, I continue to ignore the summer weather. It hasn't been too hot this week. I had to buy some more items to repel the sun: sun block, sun hat, and another fishing shirt that blocks the sun. Even though I cover myself head to toe, the sun still finds a way to get me! (sun exposure activates my auto-immune disease). I am determined to win the battle. I saw a fallen leaf on the ground as well as an acorn. Delightful!! Promises from Mother Nature! Above is the sock I forgot to photo for the knitting post. I'm doing four rows of stockinette, a purl row, four rows of 1x1 ribbing, another purl row then repeat all of it. I need to do something to keep the knitting engaging.  I've been thinking about my priorities and how I am sometimes skipping out what is important to me on the days that I get a little busy. I started changing my exercising routines and incorporating more healthy meals as well as making sure I get my much needed down ti

The Quiet

  Hello! How are you?  After a week of dry hot weather, we finally had some rain. Our area is still behind in rain accumulation but the bit we had helped a lot. Frodo and I walk early in the mornings before the sun has a chance to be intense. I've flipped my whole morning routine around so I can get some exercise.  I'm enjoying the quiet this week. Nothing going on and oodles of time to read or knit. I started a pair of gift socks only to rip it all out and start over again. They were too big?! I love when I make rookie mistakes, it's humbling.  Frodo had his vet recheck. He is doing much better and clinically has minimal symptoms, but his liver is still wonky, but not alarmingly wonky. I'm grateful his symptoms are under control once more and he acts like his old self (annoying at times, lol). He will see the vet again in October when he is FIFTEEN years old. He hates the vet and lets her know it. I've been exercising more in the house and incorporating more streng

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you? How's the crafting been going for you? I am surprised that I finished these pair of socks amidst the stress of Frodo's illness, but when you are sitting with a dog for long periods of time you end up with some knitting time. These socks are the last pair I'm knitting for my husband, but they are not the last pair of socks that I am knitting. I will be making some pairs of socks for holiday gifts this year. While the yarn was nice to work with in my hands, I did not like the super long repeat of colors and I found the colors too muted for my liking.  In other news, Frodo is back to his old annoying self! He is slightly thinner than before and maybe a tiny bit fatigued. He is still on many medicines until the weekend but we are thrilled to see him acting like his usual self. Thank you for all the well wishes! He felt them and I am grateful for them. What are you working on this week?


 Hello! Just a quick note that our dear Frodo came back home yesterday afternoon. He has more recovering to do and I'm the main nurse. So because of my nursing duties, I will be posting infrequently on my blog until he is less needy.  He is on a bland diet, two antibiotics, a probiotic and an anti-nausea medicine as well. It's nice to see him eating again even if it's chicken and rice. Hopefully by the end of next week, he will be on his regular diet. He is a terrible patient and tries to bite me. I'm a terrible nurse with limited patience. We are a fantastic team!! May you all have a lovely weekend!


  Good morning! I hope all of you are having a fine weekend. I'm popping in to do a post since tomorrow morning I'll be busy visiting my dad and my step-mom.  Earlier this week, we went to London Ontario to visit his mom. We stayed at the nicest hotel named the Idlewyld Inn and Spa . Our room was perfect and everyone we met was kind, friendly and helpful. We will definitely stay there again whenever we are there for a visit. We had a nice time with his mom and took her about town doing what she wanted to do and eating at restaurants where she wanted to eat. I think we made her happy. We had nice weather going up and back, but sadly on the way home a major highway was shut down in Canada due to construction and they didn't give detour information. Our US phones act like they are gasping for air in Canada when they try to use the satellite.  The navigation app on my phone used up most my battery, but we did find an alternate route, got back into the USA. My phone breathed a s


  Good morning! How are you on this first day of March? March!, can you believe it? Time just fly by sometimes and sometimes it moves at a snail's pace. I love winter but I have to confess, I'm excited about spring jacket wearing weather.  With a new season so close to arriving, I'm thinking of goals. Personal goals, menu planning goals and what I want to focus on.  Whenever the summer schedule is released at school, I might do more exercise classes, maybe. I enjoy Tai Chi so much, maybe I would like the others and the only way to know is to try one out. What I choose depends on what class it is and when it is offered. I try to bundle my classes on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I like Thursdays and Fridays free for my regular life and other commitments. My knitting goals are to not have knitting goals. I am thoroughly enjoying my free and easy knitting time. Below is a shawl I started early in January. After a month long break from it, I have returned to leisurely knit


  Frodo wants you to know it is too cold outside! How are you guys? Life around here has been nice. After weeks and weeks, I finally started to feel better over the weekend. (YAY) On Saturday I made dinner for my sister and brother in law. What was supposed to be nine people attending, dwindled down to just the four of us. This is what happens with winter gatherings and viruses. We had a great time and did play a board game as well. I've been knitting up a storm, still! I am just going with it until the knitting fever ends sort of like Forrest Gump and his running.  Sunday morning was lots of snow, crazy winds and the roads were a mess, so we stayed home and stayed warm inside. I did my Sunday chores and relaxed. How was your weekend?

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are all of you?  I'm still recovering. I know what a sad sentence to write. Early on Friday morning, 7:40 am, I snagged a doctor's appointment for my sinus infection that is now an ear infection in both ears and my hearing is compromised in one ear. I'm on a different antibiotic and a round of prednisone.  I'm still trying to schedule an ENT appointment, wish me luck! I have been knitting up a STORM people!! I don't know what's got into me. I think it's because the company has left, I'm not in classes at the university at the moment and I am motivated to cast on all the new shiny things. It's a wonderful feeling. The top photo is a shawl with changing colors that is thoroughly addicting. I chose a Helen Stewart pattern that I have knit before so it's like being with a best buddy. I won't tell you how I had to unknit twice four rows of knitting because I wasn't paying attention. Below is a baby blanket for my nephew&

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are all you lovely people?  My knitting this week has been slow. I am feeling better and because of that I am knitting once more. On the left is a simple cowl of my own design that I call knit doodling. The pattern is two rows of knit one purl one, one knit row then one purl row. That's it, then I go on repeat.  To be honest the hat on the right hasn't been touched until I took the project out of my bag for this photograph! I ended up going to express care on Monday for some modern magical medicine to treat a nasty sinus infection. I would love to tell you all about my resolutions and plans for the new year. Sadly the extended family visit and nearly three weeks of feeling awful have waylaid any intentions. Sitting upright was my goal yesterday, ha ha ha. I am eager to get back to my regular exercise routine and of course knit something new. Non-credit courses start back up again in a few weeks as well. What are you working on this week?

Christmas Wishes

  Good morning! How are you doing? Are you ready for the holidays?  I'm pleased to report that Frodo has been doing really well! He was barking so much yesterday that I have gratitude that he was back to his old self plus some annoyance mixed in with the gratitude. What a wonderful place to be. I am still battling my virus, but each day I see progress and that makes me happy (today is my first day to not be under a blanket!) and luckily my husband is fully recovered. Onward and upward. Yesterday I did lots of knitting and have mad scheming plans to finish these stockings for the grands for Christmas day. Completely doable if I set my mind to it! The worst part is the duplicate stitching of their names.  May you all have a Merry Christmas and I'll see you in the New Year. 

Around Here

  How are you doing? Around here autumn weather has been showing up. The nights are cold and daylight is dwindling away, I love it and I'm all in for the change of seasons. I'll be surprised if there is one more heat wave. Even if there is one, it will be the last one.  Yesterday my husband and I went out to lunch at a local restaurant that has outdoor seating overlooking a pond. We each ordered a salad and enjoyed our views. We did a little shopping as well. Earlier this week, I had an intense arthritis flare (ouch) that had me calling the doctor for medicine. I am so grateful that my doctor and her nurse responded quickly and I was able to pick up and take the medication by dinner time. I'm thrilled to report that I am feeling a bit better.  It's difficult for me to take it easy, but that is what I am doing.  I should be finishing up the sweater today! I'm excited to get it off the needles and blocked. I am already planning out the next knitting projects (holiday


  Can you believe the crazy weather these days? Yesterday was 80 degrees and today is going to be higher than that. It's too soon! My dogwoods are starting to bloom and it feels a bit early to me.  I've been thinking about how I give myself grace. Sure it's easy to give grace to others and it comes easily.  I wonder why I'm so hard on myself especially if I am not feeling well. Living with a chronic autoimmune disorder (Sjogren's Syndrome) and trying to come up with the best ways to manage my symptoms and eliminate triggers, I lose sight on accepting my reality and just giving myself grace. After battling sinus issues for most of this week and a runny nose for three weeks, I saw my doctor and now have some medicines to get me back to feeling healthy. Phew! I'm doing my best! So how do I give myself grace? Being mindful in each moment is helpful. Journaling my thoughts, feelings and pouring my heart out onto the paper with a favorite fountain pen, the best free t

Change of Plans

  This morning my husband and I were planning a trip to Indiana to attend our sweet grandson's first birthday party. I wasn't feeling that great last week and early this week went to urgent care for a salivary gland infection and am on meds. The healing has been slow-going (I'm extremely impatient!). I'm seeing a specialist next week thankfully. Anyways, whenever we travel my dry eye and dry mouth symptoms (due to Sjogren's syndrome) are worse. I can only guess it's something to do with the long car ride and the dry air circulation in the car. Besides not feeling the best, I knew the car ride would not help me continue to recover. So we canceled. I haven't done much of anything this week except drink lots of water, finish reading a book or two and of course put in a few rows of knitting here and there. 


  Good morning! How was your weekend? Well mine was just fine! I have recovered from the whirlwind impulsive trip to Indiana and so far feel 'healthy' may it continue. Saturday and Sunday I hibernated inside my house only doing whatever was necessary. I pulled out my paints and paint-doodled and I also swatched all my graphite pencils in my pouch and sketched a bit. I am rusty but it felt so good to get lost in what I was doing. In the evenings I knit but I didn't photo any of that. I impulsively bought a bullet blender over the weekend and a smoothie recipe book because why not? There is a local smoothie place that I go to once in a while but wouldn't it be great to make your own? Now keep in mind that it will be some time before I get all the ingredients together. Plus the book has tons of info to read. How was your weekend?

Where I've Been

  On Monday afternoon we spontaneously decided to go to Indiana to help our son and daughter in law as a virus (not covid) was shared in a staggered fashion and surprisingly it was two different viruses. How is that possible? Our grandson was fully recovered and as happy as can be. Our son was well until we left on Friday when he started a fever. Our daughter in law had the worst of it the whole time we were there. I did tons and tons of laundry, cleaning and cooking. My husband trimmed hedges and installed five smoke alarms in their purchased home. Since we live near a BIG city we were unable to board Frodo at the kennel (I miss living in the country, I never had that problem) so we packed up Frodo and brought him with us. He did surprisingly well! He acted like he loved the adventure. He's not a fan of riding in a car but if he sits on my lap for SEVEN hours straight he manages his dismay. Let's just say I did not knit, draw, paint or do anything creative, unless you count co

Simple Pleasures

  Good morning! Here we are another Friday and here I am writing another post about everything and nothing at all. This time around I'm going to be musing about simple pleasures and what I take for granted on a daily basis. Grab your tea, coffee or juice and join the meandering. When the nasty summer cold was at its worst, I romantically thought about all those days I could breathe through my nose. Seriously, we should all sing praises to nasal breathing. When I sat around and read my book, I thought about all the exercising and walking I do on a daily basis effortlessly. I have walked this week but golly it was an effort and I was so glad to get back home to sit. I am grateful I had the time and the luxury to sit at home and recover, there are many who cannot do that. I am feeling so much better! I am grateful for that.  Simple pleasures:  knitting, as always - thinking about a pumpkin hat for the grandson - buckets of hot green decaf tea - logic puzzles and sudoku puzzles - summe