

This weekend contained: -me ignoring clutter. -me caving in to peer pressure and making this  Peppermint Bark .  Unfortunately (or fortunately) I am unable to eat it because of all the dairy in it.  I tried and felt awful.  Lactaid pills are only so magical for me.  The family LOVES it. -making potato and leek soup that was super yummy! (with homemade bread) -knitting while the kids are playing video games. -doing way more laundry than I usually do. -trying to come up with my menu plans, I was getting very comfortable cooking for two.   Joining Amanda at the habit of being

This Moment

Joining Amanda at Soulemama

Ridge Cowl Complete

Here are some photos of the Purl Ridge Cowl  that I completed last week.  I have not blocked the cowl yet and I am thinking maybe I should.  Very gently though because of the alpaca and alpaca can be droopy.  I love the feel of this cowl, but I am not thrilled with the curling of the stockinette area. I have been trying very hard not to buy any more purple yarn.  It's difficult because I am attracted to purples and grays oh and greens.   The kids are coming home today.  That means my clean and tidy house will not be clean and tidy.  Let's see if I can relax and enjoy the mess for the three to five weeks that they are home, I promise to try, really!!  I have only just started to menu plan.  I have to wrap all the gifts.   Are you ready for Christmas?

Yarn Along

This week for knitting I have been concentrating on a floppy (slouchy) hat for either my son or my husband.  I wanted to use up some of my left over sock yarn from previous sock projects.  I striped four different sock yarns during the ribbing section.  I felt that I might run out so I added a fifth stripe in the body of the hat.  Each stripe is four rows.  I think it looks pretty good.  I will not be happy when I have to bury all the loose threads though. Here is my project page . My other knitting is the cold mountain shawl that I started a couple of weeks ago.  I have barely touched it, but I did knit a row or two this week.  I finished a little baby sweater over the weekend that just turned out wonderfully.  I think gray is my new go to color. This week I am reading The Wednesday Sisters.   This book is a very compelling read.  I am interested in all of the characters and the story flows quite nicely.  She writes about the personal lives of five women and weaves in their cu

Baby It's Cold Outside

And what would keep a baby warm?  Why a cardigan of course.  Not just any old cardigan but the good old standby of Elizabeth Zimmermann's creation-February Baby Sweater!  I decided to do a gray yarn because the recipient loves neutral shades. I decided to eliminate the lace pattern so the two shades would be the main focus of the sweater.  I also could not resist adding a touch of flare with the red buttons.  The details of this sweater can be found on my Ravelry page . Tracey over at Clover is hosting a little baby shower for Amanda from the habit of being .  Hop on over to Clover to see all the lovely gifts for this very special baby to be :)


  (this is me swirling my camera around as I photo the Christmas tree) This weekend contained: -shopping, on a Saturday, with EVERYONE on the planet.....well, it seemed to me to be everyone on the planet. -realizing that I am not going shopping on any weekends before Christmas-I dislike crowds and traffic and tend to lose my Christmas spirit. -relaxing knitting, which means I am not under any deadline, it is a good feeling. -dinner out with my husband! -lots and lots of Christmas music "it's the most wonderful time of the year".......Yay, Johnny Mathis!  I also have the words to "Santa Baby" memorized, it is a selfish song that I cannot resist liking-- a '54 convertible light blue would look pretty nifty. -knitting with my friends-honestly I think we laugh and talk more than we knit.  I always take simple knitting so I do not make any mistakes. How was your weekend?? joining Amanda at the habit of being

This Moment

Joining Amanda at Soulemama