
Slowing Down

This morning I'm thinking about how the first week of October is over and I wish for time to slow down, so I can savor this color packed month.  When I was in the kitchen cooking, I glanced out my window and took in the the falling leaves and the sky line that is brighter by each day.  Last weekend was the end of traveling and busy plans which is good because I'm tired! After catching up on necessary tasks around the house, paperwork that was begging for attention, I have carved out some much needed slowing down time to do whatever my little heart desires. My priorities are knitting, reading and taking the camera outside for some nature observations.  I've written a list of outings that are local that would be fun to do, but aren't critical. Our meals have shifted slowly this past week.  Gone are the massive salads and we've herald in the first chili of the season.  My mind is spinning with slow cooked warm meals to add to the menu rotation.  Of course there&

Yarn Along

This side to side shawl is quite addictive.  So far I'm extremely pleased with how easy the pattern is and I'm able to knit while talking without making a mistake.  The pattern is named Nae , I could see me knitting this one again with many different colorways, so pretty don't you think so? I finished my cowl  last week, now I'm patiently waiting for some cooler weather.  Okay, impatiently waiting for some cooler weather.  It's so soft and cozy!  My ravelry page for that cowl is here . The Secret Keeper  by Kate Morton is an excellent book so far.  I've read all of her other books and I adore her style of writing.  She seamlessly weaves between the present day and the past.  I love reading and tumbling gently into the plot.  Each page has me questioning more and wishing I could just sit and read all day and all night long. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny

Dew Drop Cowl

I was gifted a luscious skein of sport weight alpaca last Christmas.  All year, I've eyed that skein wondering what it wanted to become.  A month ago the skein spoke to me, it said "a cowl".  So I searched Ravelry and found this pattern  (the original). I added a purl row in between five rows of stockinette stitch to add visual variety, I love the way this cowl turned out.  And it can be wrapped twice around the neck--so so cozy! Here is my ravelry project page .

A Weekend in Ottawa

This weekend we went up to visit my husband's brother, his wife and family in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  Oh the fun that we had.  Whenever we are all together within 24 hours I am laughing so hard I am crying.  It's over something silly and childish but my oh my it's fun!  My brother in law is funny.  I love when it gets too crazy and my sister in law reprimands him (while laughing). We did the same market ( byward ) to walk around and take in the sights sounds and the delicious aromas of what is for sale.  I enjoyed a lovely breakfast outside in a courtyard (not photoed, I was too busy eating). The patriotic cookies are still there in massive quantities-yum!  The streets were speckled with outdoor musicians hoping for some spare change and the sidewalk chalk artist was sketching just like the last time we were there. Would you believe that crossing the border each way was easy peasy?  We've been doing it for decades.  It never fails that the Canadian o

Randomness of the Week

Look who I was able to finally photograph!  Shortly after stopping the car, grabbing my phone to capture him, I saw another heron fly to be with him.  The romantic in me likes to believe they're a couple.  Watching them fly is like watching dinosaurs fly-the wing span is incredible! Oh how I wish I had my big camera, one day I will. I woke up this morning having computer issues and so my long post is going to be a short post.  Our perfect weather moved to slightly imperfect-it's been muggy and warm, that combination puts me in a cranky mood.  But there's hope in that the forecast looks chilly once the weekend is over.  And we need rain terribly.  So I'll try to be patient, really I will. Have I ever told you about my love of Brussel sprouts?  Well now I did, they are nature's candy in vegetable form.  I bought some at the farmer's market this week and they were delicious just simply steamed, with butter of course. They will never replace green beans that

Yarn Along

I am ready to start the lace portion of this shawl  that is a super secret holiday knit.  I love keeping secrets and so far I love knitting this shawl.  Yesterday I cast on three other projects and I posted about them here .  I am back to having four projects which is the ideal number for me.  I think my knitting bag gets lonely when there is just one. Ha!  Can you believe I have a different book this week?  Yes, I finished Little Women  and reading it a second time was just as good as the first time around if my memory is right.  So I haven't much to say about my new book The Secret Keeper  by Kate Morton since I've only started last night.  I'm sure this book will take me a few weeks to read as well. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny

Knitting Frenzy

Let's just say I went a little crazy with the casting on, however I've been in a blissful state of happiness that every knitter knows.  There is nothing, NOTHING, like starting a new project.  I love mulling over my choices of patterns and yarns and thinking of what I want to start.  I do this a lot, it is my choice of daydreaming when I've got a bit of time.  Standing and waiting in the grocery store checkout?  I'm thinking about sock patterns.  Looking at the leaves on the trees turning?  I'm thinking about a skein of yarn in my stash that looks exactly like those leaves....what should I make? So now I will introduce you to the madness.  The first photo is a new pair of socks for me.  I haven't made a new pair of socks for me in a few years.  I tend to knit for my husband.  When I bought those two skeins of orphaned sock yarn many years ago, I knew that they would be socks and though a bit on the ugly color combinations, I fell in love with the colorway!


My weekend was -having a full house-full of laughter, talking, sharing -having both kids home at the same time-that is when the house is the loudest -socializing with friends for their thirtieth wedding anniversary -gifting the biggest potted fall mum, I was sad it left my kitchen-so so pretty! -eating bagels -finishing another knitting project -strategically stepping over many pairs of shoes at the landing of the stairs (the dumping area) -watching Frodo be extra wiggly with a full house -knitting with friends -saying goodbyes-finding the landing area void of shoes-doing laundry and dishes-making beds-cleaning the house -a Sunday evening quiet after a walk and back to the two of us how was your weekend? Joining Amanda

Around Here Moments

Fall is officially here.  Everywhere I look I see signs of it.  The roads are lined with brown leaves, the evenings are cool and the sun feels different when it shines-less intense.  During the day, I have a window or door opened to let in the fresh air (or fall allergies).  Yesterday I drove to pick up our son up for the weekend.  Today our daughter and her boyfriend will arrive then we will have a full house. Frodo will be delighted to have extra playing and more snuggling.  I've cleaned the house, made beds, and I am as ready as I'll ever be.  Of course I have to make one more run to the grocery store, one day I hope to make "the List" that is comprehensive and inclusive to what I need. Yesterday's drive was beautiful.  When I was a girl, I thought living anywhere but Pennsylvania would be grand.  Currently I wonder how I missed Pennsylvania's beauty?  The mountains, trees, and rolling hills of farms is quite lovely.  For more than one hour it

Yarn Along

My reading remains the same, Little Women,  and I'm reading a little speedier because I've added an hour or two during the daytime hours.  To switch things up a bit I've decided to photo the magazines I've been enjoying.  Over the past three years I've discontinued my subscriptions of magazines because they keep stacking up and I don't knit from them very often since Ravelry is my go to source.  However, whenever I see a knitting magazine at a bookstore, I give it a flip through.  Both of these magazines had more than one project that I could envision being on my needles. In the photo is a comfy cozy cowl on size 10 needles, yes! size 10!  I must say I do love how quickly the knit is going but I will always have a special place in my heart for the tiny needles.  It's where my loyalties lie.  The cowl is knit out of yarn that I received as a gift from a friend who shopped at a local to us alpaca farm.  This wool is soft!  and I love when I come across a

Short Row Love

Another shawl has been completed and yet again, I'm thrilled with the results and can't wait to wear it.  There's something to be said about pairing garter stitch with short row shaping-the perfect combination like peas and carrots, or bread and butter. In my imagination I have another shawl planned in gray and purple.  Soon. The pattern is pendulum shawl and it's well written and fun to knit up.  It's an easy pattern for your very first time of dipping your toes in the water of short row shaping.  I did not block the shawl because I enjoyed the results once it was off the needles.  I'm sure it would be much bigger when blocked. Malabrigo sock yarn is a fantastic yarn for making a shawl, so very soft around your neck and I enjoy the colors!  Just for a bit of reality I've photoed the shawl with my jacket and the pile of papers, notebooks, and books that are continually on my kitchen table.