Currently Knitting

For a change, I pick up and knit a tiny repeat of this alpaca silk scarf that is buried under all the other current projects-I wouldn't want any of my projects to feel neglected :) I did finish this shawl last night after the forever bind off. I'm itching to see how it blocks!! Yesterday I posted about all of my other projects here . I finished Nella Last's War which I enjoyed. It was a slow read and quite dense in content. I loved how even though she experienced the WWII so long ago, she had feelings and thoughts that are timeless as a mother. She worried about her boys who served, she became creative in the kitchen when food was limited. She was a budding feminist. She stated that women should be equal partners in a marriage because women were like business owners-running and managing a home. How true! I have been flipping through my Cast on, Bind Off book, mulling some ideas of the edging of my cardigan. Curren...