
Currently Knitting

For a change, I pick up and knit a tiny repeat of this alpaca silk scarf that is buried under all the other current projects-I wouldn't want any of my projects to feel neglected :)  I did finish this shawl  last night after the forever bind off.  I'm itching to see how it blocks!!  Yesterday I posted about all of my other projects here . I finished Nella Last's War which I enjoyed.  It was a slow read and quite dense in content.  I loved how even though she experienced the WWII so long ago, she had feelings and thoughts that are timeless as a mother.  She worried about her boys who served, she became creative in the kitchen when food was limited.  She was a budding feminist.  She stated that women should be equal partners in a marriage because women were like business owners-running and managing a home.  How true! I have been flipping through my Cast on, Bind Off book, mulling some ideas of the edging of my cardigan.  Curren...

The Happenings

  Last night I started to bind off this shawl , and I think it's going to take most of the day today.  I'm getting excited to see this beauty soaked and blocked.  Fingers crossed that I'll be doing that this afternoon.  I'm already thinking of the "next" shawl in my dreams.  There are so many to choose from and only so many hours in each day. My Kelp Cardi has been neglected this week, so very sad.  I think maybe once the shawl is blocking I will resume my knitting of the body.  Once the body is finished I know it will be a breeze to whip up the sleeves and button bands. My socks are in a little bit of a time out because I believe the socks caused the hand pain.  So one more week of a time out and I'll resume the knitting and see how it goes.  My hand is feeling pretty good and I think the worst is over.


My weekend was restful.  When the snow started to drop, plans were placed on hold.  A dinner out became an impromptu dinner in.  I explored the freezer and unearthed some forgotten shrimp and with a lovely risotto created a meal probably better than any restaurant could create.  However a restaurant has dishwashers.... I also- -watched a few episodes of Sherlock and am sad I have only one episode left :( -watched more Dr. Who -visited the natural food store who had a sale on chocolate so guess who has had a bite every day? -feverishly worked on my shawl-getting close to casting off! -did not finish reading a book -I cleaned and scrubbed and sat enjoyed the labors -chatted with both kids -crossed off items on my to do list, then added items on my to do list -menu planned how was your weekend? Joining Amanda

How Lucky am I?

How lucky am I to receive some heart puffs from my sister?  We had a phone call a few weeks ago where she asked me to please buy pink salt because it's healthier for me than table salt. I am a salt addict and proud to be one.  Being a funny big sister, I said "why don't you send me some".  So not only did I receive some 'healthy for me' salt but heart puffs that are now displayed in a large vase on my side table.  Thank you sister!!! How lucky am I that Amy over at Amy Hood Arts sent me the red elephant postcard she made when I expressed my love of red?  I was so excited to open my mailbox and see a red trunk peeking out at me, she says it will bring good luck!!  Thank you Amy!! How lucky am I, that my left hand has been behaving and I can knit on my lace shawl.  Maybe it's because of all your well wishes that it has healed OR it's because I gave it a full 24 hour rest and haven't touched any cotton or dpns since then.  Either way,...

Currently on the Needles

Surprise!  New book and new project :)  Yes I'm still making progress on this sweater and this shawl .  But for some strange reason, I felt like starting another pair of socks this time for me!  No ravelry page as of yet, but soon.  The yarn is online supersocke .  The sad news is yesterday at the very end of the day my left hand started to ache.  So much so that I think I need to ease up on the knitting for a few days. I have no idea why it hurts but I am suspecting the cotton (yes the dreaded cotton grr) yarn I was knitting with for my swap partner caused some strain.  Fingers crossed it's temporary. I'm still reading Nella Last's War  but nearly finished.  I am enjoying the book but it is slow going for me.  So last night I decided to start The Lavender Garden by Lucinda Riley.  To early to opine but it's also set partially in WWII.  This book is set in the present day and visiting the past to solve a mystery ki...

The Knitting Life List

Fun Facts about my Knitting Life -I love double pointed needles over two circulars or magic loop -I knit all of my socks on size 2 needles -I prefer cuff down socks -my favorite interchangeable needles are chiaogoo Twist . -wool and other animal fibers are my go to yarns of choice if silk is added well that's even better -I shy away from plant fibers-too hard on my hands -I love to knit simple hats and read at the same time -I can listen to anything and anyone and knit anything -I cannot talk and knit at the same time very well.  I stop one or the other. -my mother and my mother in law knit in the past -I have saved every hand knit for each baby-tucked away for future grands -my sister and my sister in law knits -I inherited a LOT of yarn from my mother, it's tucked away in my closet -I started to knit before my teen years -my first successful knit was a fisherman's boat neck sweater in mint green, at 18 years of age -I still have that mint green swea...


This weekend in list form: -more snow! -a short quick visit from my daughter -homemade pizza -finishing up homemade cookies :( -constantly looking at boots, gloves, hats, scarves drying on the floor -knitting quick gifts for the blog swap -long afternoons of reading leisurely -all caught up on chores each day only to start all over again the next day -a walk in 23 degrees and thinking it's a warm day Joining Amanda