
Knitting News

I have the same two projects on my needles - my son in law's sweater and a pair of socks .  Naturally, I forgot to photo the progress of those so you'll have to use your imagination.  I received for Christmas from my husband a mitten kit from Tanis Fiber Arts  because Steph mentioned the kit. Ah, knitters who enable knitters, what could be better than that? a lovely unexpected gift from a dear friend, thank you!  I wanted to cast on the mitten kit on Christmas day but sadly, both of my size 2 dpns are currently being used.  One pair for a pair of socks and another pair are whisking up a cozy for a Starbucks thermos.  Photos of the cozy thermos will hopefully be on Friday, if I remember. In my defense, my house is full of family and I'm still in the throes of cooking, cleaning, planning menus, kitten care, Frodo loving,  etc...  I haven't had much time to knit or remember to take photographs. all ready for me!


Merry Christmas Eve!  As promised, I'm doing a quick post to wish all of you Merry Christmas and happy holidays.  My house is full of company and like many of you I'm swimming in details of a long to do list. my son's 3-D print project and painting  I have the menu plan for a Christmas eve appetizer dinner - I'll have some help from the family but it's all on me to remember everything. My added to-do item is kitten-proofing the front room today.  Holly needs some freedom, so I'm putting the Christmas decorations and the little tree away so that she can be F R E E.  I hope she likes it.  Right now she is hiding under the sofa, I hope in 24 hours she loves her new space.  I was trying to wait until January 1st, but gosh, she is getting bigger and bigger.  We have her sit with us in the family room many times during the day to socialize with Frodo and us.  We have the lap sitting down to a science.  cannot remember the video game from whence she ca

Life Adjustments

Tomorrow night, our daughter and son in law arrive and the festivities begin!  Am I ready?  Well, let's just say I'm as ready as I'll every be.  I should be baking some chocolate chip cookies but I'm writing a post with a kitten on my lap and that is where I want to be.  Holly Berry and Frodo are getting along pretty well for less than two weeks.  I babysit for Frodo's groomer who is a dog trainer and she knows everything.  I arrived at work this morning and just gave all the worries and fears to her.  She told me I should relax (HA!).  Seriously though, she thinks everything is going great.  So we are moving forward to getting these two pets used to each other. Holly LOVES under the tree on the satin skirt getting closer, one is chill the other is confused  I've hit a rhythm to my days that feels like a rhythm I've had forever.  I'm learning to let some duties go and I'm embracing the kitten cuddles and kitten stares.  I also manage

Knitting News

Good morning!  How are you?  I'm doing pretty good, I am finding pockets of knitting time here and there.  I try to squeeze in a few stitches, all for my sanity.  I do at least 3 - 4 rounds on the son in law sweater each day.  I also started a pair of simple socks for my daughter.  That luscious skein in the photo (far right) will be a simple cowl for me.  I haven't had a chance to cast on as of yet.  Thank goodness for simple knits, it's what I need at this time of my life.  Christmas is just around the corner and soon the rest of my family will be arriving on Friday.  What have you been knitting or crafting?


Ah, another weekend and guess what -  I did not rescue another kitten, phew!  I am nearly getting used to the idea that we have a kitten and I have nearly struck some sort of rhythm to my days without going nuts from my self imposed anxiety stress. Frodo is doing really well.  He might just be on board one day within the year.  I'd like to think so.  I've learned to have a kitten station, let's face it, it's my knitting station that supports kitten care.  I try to hold her and play with her several times a day.  In the evenings, my husband has her loose in a confined area of the living room for her play time while Frodo is upstairs with me in the bedroom.  Everyone is settling into a routine. My favorite thing so far is when she is on my lap purring and she stares deeply into my eyes.  I'm guessing she is saying 'thank you'.  I stare back and say 'you are one VERY lucky cat'.  We agree. Today, my friends came over for our Christmas e

Support and Guidance

Thank you thank you thank you!  Thank you for your support and guidance while we adjust to our new family addition.  Holly is doing better and Frodo is being Frodo.  I cannot get a photo of him - he's too busy moving around all over the place.  I value our on line friendships and the unwavering support we give each other.  Isn't it wonderful? I take comfort knowing that people are giving us positive thoughts and well wishes.  Somehow I know everything will be okay. Our son is home and he's been playing the piano every couple of hours.  Holly lives in the room with the piano so today I moved her to the front room (formal living room? turned into a temporary cat room?) that has doors to close or use a baby gate.  After she adjusts to that new location in her cage, we will begin to let her out of the cage (doors closed - no Frodo) and be under adult supervision.  The room is decorated for Christmas and it's only a few weeks more of that business.  All too soon,

Knitting News

Hello!  How is your knitting or crafting going?  Mine has come to a screeching halt because of Holly the Rescue Kitten.  However, yesterday I was blissfully working on the  sweater for about an hour and my stress lessened.   That is a signal from the universe to knit more, worry less.  I hear you universe!  I finished another gift hat a few days ago.  Notice how skillfully I photoed the hat without showing the messy desk.  I need to get in that room and clean it up before all the family arrives.  I'm done with hat knitting for now.  I've started a pair of socks for my daughter but forgot to snap a photo yesterday. Holly update:  She had her first wellness visit on Monday and gained 2 oz in 48 hours.  The vet guesses she is 8 weeks old.  She did not receive any shots because she isn't fully well enough, we are scheduled to go back right before Christmas for that.  She is being de-wormed.  She had her first bath yesterday - wow!  What a difference in th


before the vet visit yesterday Well well well, I've had quite a weekend!  Yesterday while coming home from the grocery store preparing for my daughter and son in law's overnight visit to see us.  I was turning up our road and I spied a little orange ball of fluff.  I thought "God rest its soul" assuming it was dead.  Then it moved. I put my four way flashers on and picked it up and drove home.  I was on the phone with the vet off and on for a half hour trying to assess how serious the kitten's condition was in.  Eventually they said 'bring it in'. after the vet visit yesterday  While we waited at the vet hospital as they assessed and triaged her condition.  I said to my husband "Holly for a girl and Jingle for a boy"  and he said " we are keeping it???"  Call me crazy but yeah. Meet Holly. She was below body temperature and had low glucose and dehydrated, not to mention below weight.  I don't know how long she was i

A Work in Progress

It's the end of the week, again.  The days are flying by for me and I have a list crafted daily for all the tasks I'd like to achieve.  Do I get everything done?  Nope.  But I do what I can and what doesn't get done goes on the next day's list.  I'm sure all of you are doing the same thing. During Advent, I can get lost in being busy and acting frantically.  This year I'm being mindful and practicing being present in whatever activity I'm engaged in.  I'm a work in progress. Speaking of works in progress, I've got two!  Above is yet another hat to give as a gift.  Below is my son in law's sweater.  Just think, once I get to the armhole shaping that sweater is going to fly off the needles.  I'll be past the stockinette and into the juicy part of the pattern. By the way, the mom loved the tiny tea leaves cardigan .  If I get a photo of the toddler girl modeling and I have permission to share the photo, you will see it!  To be hon