
Knitting News

I am swirling with doubts about the above sweater.   My gauge is off (and yes I did gauge before starting).  I am just not sure about how this will fit.  I think I'll be okay but ....what if?  I just keep going as I think about this knit.  So while I was excited to knit and make progress, I'm now doubting my decision. I'll be remeasuring again today.  Sigh.  This is why I prefer top down construction of a sweater.  Bottom up has all the knitting done by the time you get to the armholes.  (and yes, I should have thought of this sooner but you know experts do make rookie decisions it's the spice of life) Worst case scenario --- I rip it out.  I'm not there as of yet. My other knit which is new and not contingent upon gauge is a Christmas gift for my mother in law who has vision impairments.  This bright pink can be seen anywhere and I thought she would love it.  She does like pink but I'm not sure how bright a pink she will favor.  I'm excited abo


I mentioned on Friday's post that my family was arriving.  This weekend was full of fun and socializing.  I remembered to take photos of people!  Seriously -  I frequently forget to get my camera out and this time I did.  I probably remembered because my aunt was walking around taking photos to share with her family back home. So my aunt and sister arrived Friday afternoon and we sat by the pool chatting (my sister was in it).  My husband was focusing on fixing that darn bear fence.  My son arrived just in time for dinner and dessert. My daughter and son in law arrived in the evening completing the family gathering. Saturday after dinner of turkey burgers and corn on the cob, we celebrated our son in law's birthday!  Yay!!  We sang, ate cake and of course there were presents. selfie madness and 'where is the button....'  Just like the way they arrived, my family staggered their leavings.  I've been doing all the laundry and making beds.  Putting

This and That

Ordinarily I'd start writing about the weather, but I'm tired of this weather.  We had record local flooding in near by towns, I lost my electricity for 3 hours on Monday night (thank goodness it was only 3 hours!)  and now it's raining, again after 48 hours of sunshine.  From now until mid-September, I find myself in an anti-summer state of mind.  I started a new book,  Sing Unburied Sing,  and the first chapter captured my attention and I'm immersed.  The content is hard to read at times but so worth the read.  I know many of you have read this book.  I finished Pachinko, which was a fabulous multigenerational novel. I highly recommend adding the book to your reading list.  I learned a lot about Japan and Korea and realize my knowledge of world history is lacking. I wrote a to-do list for my husband and placed it near his papers.  He's been doing the tasks and crossing them off.  I might have write more lists like that.  All of the tasks have been outsid

Cloverleaf Shawl

Well, well, well.  It seems to me that when you focus and knit on one project exclusively, that said project gets completed in a timely manner.  I worked on this knit daily for two weeks and knitted more than what was already completed before my knitting marathon. Those progress markers work. I enjoyed this knit and the mindlessness of a 12 row repeat (I think 12 rows).  I created this shawl out of my own imagination and used a Barbara Walker pattern dictionary (the first book published).  The cloverleaf stitch pattern was a delight to knit. What made this stitch pattern nice was the simplicity and repeatability of the design and I could knit and watch tv at the same time.  I would definitely recommend the yarn, Manos del uruguay Marina .  This single ply yarn was soft and lovely to have in my hands. Ravelry notes are here


Happy weekending, assuming that is a word.  How are you?  Did you have a great weekend?  Mine was lovely.  Yesterday was bliss.  I'm currently fighting a sinus infection with modern medicine (yay) and decided to stay home and do 'nothing' except rest.  My husband left early in the morning to drive up to Boston to get our son and then drove back on the same day.   I was thrilled to not go because a) my back is good but not great and car riding just ruins any progress.  b) I tend to be a huge buzz kill when there is work to do and get a little too bossy in the process.  I believe my way is the best way and there lies the problem.  Some people (husband) thinks his way is the best way. Anyways I stayed home. a good book, you should read it!  I read my book, then I knit a bit, then I got up and did laundry -stretched my back, did back exercises and started all over again.  I didn't cook either, I dug around for left overs for lunch and dinner. thinking  In

Summer Blues

I've decided to focus mainly on the above project in the evenings.  Each day I place a new marker to see how much I can knit and feel like I'm not swimming in endless knitting.  This technique works for me (you should try it).  I've added more than 12 inches in one week.  I'm determined to finish something soon. Once August shows up and back to school sales are popping up (paper, pens oh my!), I become wistful for the fall season.  I've made a resolution to not wish away any season.  However, I'm challenged every single summer season. My mother used to get the 'winter blues' at the end of February, she'd exclaim her hatred to winter, snow, the dark days etc.  I would be in my glory, loving the snow, the dark and yes all the wintry blah-ness. I have the 'summer blues'.  I'm tired of wearing capris, sandals and being hot.  My sinuses hate going from heat and humidity then AC.  (But God bless AC!).  In complete defiance I made c

Knitting News

I am not feeling like there is much progress, but with this shawl  I started placing a pin marker every time I work on it so I could SEE the progress.  I remember when I started this in mid - May and my excitement to have a light and airy lace weight knit that could be easy to take with me on summer adventures.Now, I want to have this knit finished and sooner than later. I need to start knitting Christmas gifts in September.  So the self imposed deadline is looming on all of my projects. I love knitting this summer top .  I finished the waist decreasing and have about 3-4 inches until the armhole.  Easy peasy stockinette knitting is bliss! My son's blanket  is over a third of the way completed.  I have the pattern memorized and so I just dedicate an hour a day to add to the length.  I wish I could cast on something new but I'm resisting the urge until one of the above three projects is off the needles.  Wish me luck! What are you creating this week?  Have