

  How was your weekend? Mine was quite nice especially since autumn is squeezing out summer days by leaps and bounds. The mornings are chilly and the sunset inches closer and closer towards dinner time. I love all of it and am savoring it. I spend most of summer trying my best to enjoy summer but really deep down inside I long for fall. I did a bit of puzzling, reading and knitting. Also a lot of research on the internet about healthy diets. I cut added sugar on Saturday because of a really crazy high-salt high-sugar Friday. I felt so crummy this weekend. I remember being in my 20s and eating anything I wanted without ill effects. Oh how I miss those glorious days. I have to do yoga frequently so I can sit and knit. I have to exercise frequently so I don't have chronic back pain or joint pain. Now I believe I need to cut the added sugar (most days I am low salt so that isn't an issue). I'll keep you posted on the journey. I don't like to obsessively track health goals b

This and That

  Good morning! How are you doing? Did you have a good week? Sometimes these days seem the same day in and day out. I like it over all and find it soothing. My week was pretty good, the maple trees are slowly dropping leaves and even though it might be summery temps it feels like early fall. Today is supposed to be cooler and I'm all in for that. Yesterday I made chocolate chip cookies and zucchini bread (two loaves). The aroma was delightful and I couldn't wait to take a bite of one of those cookies. They might be my favorite cookie. Since his retirement we have settled into a routine of sorts. I'm still getting used to him being here everyday for lunch and the 'noise' he creates with the tv on. I sit in silence all day long! However, if he puts on Mystery Science Theater I am all in for the distraction. I giggle a lot. My journaling goals are going quite well. The only task I am unable to incorporate as a daily task is sketching and drawing. There is next week so

Knitting News

  Good morning!  I thought I'd share with you the progress of the wedding shawl which is nearly two-thirds of the way completed.  I just wound up the last skein of yarn and I am making the eighth wedge out of ten total.  The beading row now takes me two evenings to do.   This is a wonderful knit and I will be sad when it is finished.  In other knitting news that is not photographed - I am on the second sock for my daughter's Christmas socks.  Remember I have a grand knitting plan of knitting the kids and the significant others each a pair of socks. What are you working on this week?


  My weekend is still going on since it's Labor Day weekend, however I decided to pop in here and do a quick posting.  How are you?  We've been pretty good.  This weekend has been ultra chill filled with morning walks now that the heat and humidity have ebbed away.  It's been nice to be out and about feeling cold my only whimper is the fall allergies! On Saturday morning I heard the Canadian geese for the first time, they honk to tell me of things to come.   After my first week of September, I've managed to stay mostly on task with my creative goals.  Knitting and reading always happen daily no matter what. The sketching and watercoloring are currently set at three times a week (I'd like more often than that).   the moon this morning Since the weekend  is still going strong, we might take a country drive.  He wants to show me his local bike routes on secondary roads that take you up and down some hills (mountains) to places I've never been.  I'm all for it! 

Setting Intentions

Oh September thank goodness you are finally here.  September hasn't been one of my favorite months because it tends to be hot and summery.  However, September leads to October and I am all for that month!  There were a couple of cool mornings this past week with low humidity that hinted of fantastic weather to come.  Yesterday the humidity was back and I hid inside the house doing my crafts. My September goals are quite minimalistic.  I want to read, knit, work on my artistic skills and journal.  For quite some time I was reading a lot in June and July but August was not a reading month.  I don't have a reason but I can reset and focus.  I want my sketching and watercoloring to improve and the only way that can happen is to do it more than once a week.  Do you get into ruts?  You know, the kind that you do everything else but what you really want to do.  I'm not sure why I sabotage my own goals.   My journalling and keeping track of what is important is helping immensely.  

Golden Wheat Shawl

  I set my mind to finishing this shawl over the weekend.  As you can see, I succeeded!  I love how it turned out and as we know, blocking out the shawl is magical.  I was worried that the size would be too small and my fears were unfounded.  I blocked the daylights out of it! I love the lacy look and the way the shawl is shaped as a crescent shawl.  Crescent and asymmetrical shawls are my favorite at the current moment. Ravelry notes     What have you been working on this week? Joining Ginny


  I had the best weekend ever because I stuffed my days with lots of creativity.  Yup.  My Saturday and Sunday were filled with knitting and painting and setting up my journal.  I can assure you I'll be doing this daily so as to continue this good feeling.  The above photo is yarn for my son in law's Christmas present (socks).  I'll be finishing my daughter's pair first before I begin another pair. The weather felt like fall - low humidity and a cool breeze in the air.  I had the back door opened and was delighted to listen to the birds and the cicadas while fresh air billowed into the house. The St. Francis book was written in the late 90's and it could be applied to our life today.  I'm enjoying reading this book. Have you read it? I also put my sister's have finished featherweight on the needles, deciding to drop down a size to match her tighter gauge.  This will be my Christmas present for her - to finish off the ribbing on the body, knit two sleeves and