

  Good morning! How are all of you? How has your week been?  Spring took a nose dive for a few days with temperatures in the forties. Good grief. I am thankful that my rhododendron blossoms survived. Within days, my flowering apple tree should be showing off. The older I get the more I like spring. I don't mind the cold blitzes all that much either. I'm hoping today we get out for a daily walk in sunshine. Frodo had a 'beauty' appointment and is looking ever so dapper. He shivers for two-three days from the conservative hair cut. He's such an old man, we just blanket him up and love him as his body adjusts. The knitting continues to be only at night time. I have officially started the Great Declutter this week. I worked mainly on thinning out the filing cabinet and the overflow of documents into SIX shoeboxes. I've made great progress and finished the last drawer yesterday. I'm now contemplating going through my clothing. I know once I start I will create a

Knitting News

  This past week I've been working on the same projects. As you can see in the above photo, I finished the first Christmas stocking and have started the second stocking. This is my zoom knitting because I do not have to think for most of it, just stockinette stitch around and around. The second project is the triangle shawl . I work on this mostly in the evenings, overall I love the pattern but the hand dyed wool tends to pool once in a while, I'm hoping that the pooling looks like a design feature. Unfortunately I was mid-row when I snapped the photo so you cannot see the triangle shape, trust me it is a triangle. What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? My Saturday was wonderful and my Sunday was 'okay'. Saturday I spent the afternoon reading The Outsider by Stephen King (it is really good).  Whenever I have an afternoon reading it reminds me of my childhood and teenage years when I would marathon read. I highly recommend. I finished the first Christmas stocking out of three to be made and cast on the second one. I'm pleased with my progress and now I know exactly how much red yarn I need. I will write some notes to my future self. Sunday is my chore day and I was delayed to do any of them because my husband has been doing some drywall mudding and painting in the laundry room and the master bathroom. I cleaned up all of that 'drywall mud dust' in the laundry room and that set off an allergic reaction. I wasn't wearing a mask and I should have known better. Being a human that can learn, I wore a mask in the master bathroom and thus avoided an allergic reaction. I was super grumpy over the

Here and Now

  I just love the mood of the above photo, I snapped it yesterday morning to capture the green sheen of spring arriving and afterwards noticed the sunrise trying its best to break through the clouds. Isn't it funny how you focus on one thing and one thing only and there are so many other elements when you expand your awareness. As you can probably tell, I've been diligently living in the now and ignoring the 'what ifs' of the future, well, I am trying my best to live in the now. Witnessing nature definitely places me in the here and now and I find it soothing to embrace the change of seasons. I'm grateful I live in the northeast where there are four seasons to enjoy. I took an eight month break from sketching daily and now that I am doing it once more, I am loving it. I see so much progress from when I first started the practice. I'm confident as I continue showing up and sketching, my skills will continue to improve.  Now onto the Christmas stocking, I had eno

Knitting News

  Good morning! Even though I have the mildest case of ennui with my knitting, I have been knitting faithfully on two projects and enjoying them both AND I am mulling over a third cast on in the near future just haven't decided on a pattern as of yet.  First up is the pink shawl in the above photo. This pattern is super easy to memorize (for me) and I just truck along row after row after row. There are two ways to knit the shawl - bottom up triangle (the one I chose) or an edge to edge construction.  Now about the Christmas stocking below, I wish the Past Me would have made better notes when I made these 5 years ago for my daughter and her husband and documented how much yarn I used. Sadly, the Past Me wasn't diligent. The Current Me is just hoping this takes one skein of red.  It's not a big deal at all, just something I am mulling about. I have two skeins of this red and would be pleased to get two stockings out of it. Somehow the unknown is thrilling and gives life a b


  Good morning! How was your weekend? This weekend was the perfect mix of everything. The knitting, the painting, the writing and the chores around the house. Yesterday it rained all day and while it was dismal looking outside and dampened my mood, I loved the sound of the drizzle and the singing birds mixed together. I'm assured that the greening up of the landscaping is going to happen this week. I am ready! We picked up a pizza on Friday night, a rare treat since we cook nearly every day or eat the leftovers from cooking. What a treat! Saturday was left over pizza. Yesterday my husband cooked a curry. I'm making slow but steady progress on the pink shawl as every other row adds a few more stitches. The stitch pattern is easily memorizable so I'm in knitting heaven.  After I publish this post, I have to sketch out what needs to be done this week. Plus I am focusing again on tweaking the menus and increasing the exercise schedule. Last week was an off week due to minor ach

Hello Goodbye

  Hello to: daffodils and endless sunshine (for now) - to lunch salads and lighter meals - to sitting outside - to birds singing at the break of dawn - to spring cleaning (well sort of..) - to freshness and newness - to lighter knitting projects - to sketching something daily Goodbye to: winter coats - wool wearings - darkness - winter days - writing a haiku a day (phew!) - to expectations and same old same old -sitting inside the house - snow (fingers crossed on that one) How are you?  This past week I've been bit with the spring time bug. I am soaking up these warm temps and even switched the fall/winter bedding to the spring/summer bedding. I had a window opened and the fresh smell permeated the entire room. Early spring is a good time. I've been working exclusively on the above lace project. To be honest, my knitting mojo is minimal right now and I am completely at peace with that feeling. You and I both know that it's temporary.  I was behind on so many tasks that this