

How was your weekend?

My Saturday was wonderful and my Sunday was 'okay'. Saturday I spent the afternoon reading The Outsider by Stephen King (it is really good).  Whenever I have an afternoon reading it reminds me of my childhood and teenage years when I would marathon read. I highly recommend.

I finished the first Christmas stocking out of three to be made and cast on the second one. I'm pleased with my progress and now I know exactly how much red yarn I need. I will write some notes to my future self.

Sunday is my chore day and I was delayed to do any of them because my husband has been doing some drywall mudding and painting in the laundry room and the master bathroom. I cleaned up all of that 'drywall mud dust' in the laundry room and that set off an allergic reaction. I wasn't wearing a mask and I should have known better. Being a human that can learn, I wore a mask in the master bathroom and thus avoided an allergic reaction. I was super grumpy over the dust, the extra cleaning and washing. I don't know about you, but once I'm grumpy I stay grumpy for the rest of the day.

However, my laundry room and master bathroom are squeaky clean now!

I didn't have much time yesterday to do anything else. I watched Mass on Youtube, talked to the kids and my sister. I also had a zoom knitting meeting with my friends.

I'm determined today to not be grumpy. Tell me about your weekend!


  1. Let's not be grumpy together today! I was feeling a bit overwhelmed and yes, even grumpy, this weekend because it did not go at all the way I would have liked. But those things are mostly in the process of being resolved, dinner is in the crockpot, and it looks like it will be a lovely day to hang out laundry. All good things!

  2. Sorry about the grumpiness, but I fully understand. I was a little grumpy yesterday when I had to rip out ALL my stitching of the morning and afternoon. Sigh... And then I got to the office today and 20 minutes into things the fire alarm went off! All is fine, I guess it was a test...but I didn't need it!

  3. I did YouTube mass yesterday too. It was nice to be able to see my home parish and priest. Keeps me connected. Hopefully this will be a no grumpy day for all of us. Enjpy your stocking knitting.

  4. We had such beautiful weather that I just had to be outside most of the weekend. That has left lots of inside things undone so there will be catch up this week.

  5. It sounds like a good weekend other than the allergic reaction and being a grumpy pants lol. I love me some good marathon reading days! :)

  6. It's sometimes hard for me to shake off my grumpiness too. An allergic reaction certainly doesn't sound fun.

  7. I had a few grumpy hours this weekend too, but getting outside and hiking always tends to cure my grumpiness. Reading marathons usually do the trick too. Hope you have a good week.

  8. Our weekend was on purpose low-key since we got our 2nd shots Friday evening. Thankfully, by Sunday evening we were feeling pretty good again!

  9. Hi Karen,
    ...I met up with a dear old friend for a socially distanced (masked except for the eating part) picnic and walk...it's so nice to get together again...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  10. I have a grumpy day now and again. And I'm with you, I have a hard time shaking it. Dry wall dust is a mess so I'd say you deserved to be grumpy. Last week we had several appointments which made it feel busy compared to other weeks so a quiet weekend to catch up was nice. Pretty journal page.

  11. This past weekend our crew enjoyed Krispy Kreme along with lemon blueberry bundt cake.


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