

Good morning! How was your weekend?

This weekend was the perfect mix of everything. The knitting, the painting, the writing and the chores around the house. Yesterday it rained all day and while it was dismal looking outside and dampened my mood, I loved the sound of the drizzle and the singing birds mixed together. I'm assured that the greening up of the landscaping is going to happen this week. I am ready!

We picked up a pizza on Friday night, a rare treat since we cook nearly every day or eat the leftovers from cooking. What a treat! Saturday was left over pizza. Yesterday my husband cooked a curry.

I'm making slow but steady progress on the pink shawl as every other row adds a few more stitches. The stitch pattern is easily memorizable so I'm in knitting heaven. 

After I publish this post, I have to sketch out what needs to be done this week. Plus I am focusing again on tweaking the menus and increasing the exercise schedule. Last week was an off week due to minor aches and pains so I'm recovered enough to resume the regular schedule. 

I remember when I was a young chick and there was NO such thing as a recovery from anything - how the aging body betrays. I am thankful I can do all that I can do - I know that exercising regularly allows me to knit hence my motivation.

Tell me about your weekend! Thanks for reading.


  1. Ooh, I love that pink and your watercolor page decorations! I also occasionally need some recovery time, but we have to keep moving. My weekend included driving back down to MD in the rain, and seeing how soggy and green everything was down here. I think I'm going to have to mow this week when it dries off, but it's drizzly again today, so it's knitting and laundry for me today.

  2. isn’t it lovely when the weekend can be a time of regeneration- even when we don’t really need weekends since we aren’t going out to work - that Saturday/Sunday time is an important part of my flow

  3. That is such a beautiful pink! I'm so glad you had a nice weekend. I hope you'll be going green this week! :)

  4. Oh, that pink shawl looks yummy. Your art work is great too. Really like the border watercolors you did. Hopefully you have recovered and are now back on schedule. Hubby and I always say, getting old is not for sissies. Have a great week.

  5. Love your water color page and the pink of your shawl is so cheerful! I found I have enough lace weight yarn in a certain color to make that shawl...so I may...but I have other things I'd like ot knit first. Your weekend sounds lovely!

  6. Hope you have rested and feel better, hopefully not the RA. Love the shawl, the colour is such a joy. Sounds like a great weekend. Your watercolour is a joy, love the tiger.

  7. That pink knitting! Gorgeous!! (as is your beautiful artwork!) I am with you... a day or two of yard work and I have aches where I never imagined I'd have aches!

  8. Hi Karen. I love your tiger and that lovely knitting project The color is great. I love that dark pink color. Hope you have a good week. See you again soon.

  9. oh that watercolor border on the journal page - all the hearts! our weekend was quiet on Saturday (storms - we read, watched HGTV, and worked a puzzle) and on Sunday, Sara and I ventured into Atlanta to check out neighborhoods - even toured two townhomes, which was a lot of fun!

  10. I love the citrus page decorations. So lovely.

  11. Hi Karen,
    ...it's definitely nice to see the trees budding...ours are getting pretty leafy now...and the pollen is getting thicker...good thing I don't have any allergies...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  12. I love to see your watercolors and other painting. The pink shawl looks like the best Spring project, When it is gray outdoors, you can pick up the pretty pink lace. One day sort of blends into another, even the weekends. I know we watched church on the live stream and talked to our kids on the phone. On Saturday I did participate in the Google meetup with three other spinsters/spinners.

  13. I like your watercolor set. I would like to get into some acrylic paint for journaling.


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