

  Thank you for all the prayers and well-wishes for my dad. He continues to improve and we are hoping within the week he will be out of ICU. He was admitted on February 22nd and throughout the early days and the unknownness I've been pondering on the word Nourish. How do I nourish my body, mind and spirit? As you know, I was thoroughly enjoying writing a haiku a day and doing a bit of art sketching to go with the words. That daily process stopped the day he was admitted. I just didn't feel like writing or sketching. I gave myself grace to quit. Maybe at the beginning of April I will start back up? I also gave myself grace to blog when I can instead of blogging on a set schedule. Nourishing my mind for me is letting go of some creative pursuits and clinging to the ones that soothe me. I continue to meditate daily, knit daily and do a bit of reading. I pack knitting for the hospital visits in case there is waiting time to visit. When I visit by myself, I also pack a book to read

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are all of you doing? I'm doing great, my dad continues to improve in the hospital and that makes each day a fabulous day. The sweater I started a few days ago, is a sweater pattern I've knitted 5-6 times from an Ann Budd top down book. I wrote out my own specific instructions on a piece of loose leaf paper. I love when the past me helps the future me in knitting patterns. Yesterday while visiting my dad for the day in ICU, I made a lot of progress! I started another pair of socks for my husband in a green-blue color way. Those also come along to the hospital as well and I add a few inches here and there. Sock knitting is comfort knitting. The last project on the needles is the never-ending seashell shawl . I am so close to being finished but each row takes forever (feels like it). I believe this shawl will block beautifully once it's off the needles. What are you working on this week?


  Hello! How are you all doing? Life around here has been the same. My dad is still in ICU and we wake up each day hoping that he will be in a regular room. Living with uncertainty is the new normal. However isn't life just uncertainty to different degrees? My dad is better than he was last week and I celebrate that nugget! I have been LOVING watching an early spring emerge. Gosh it's beautiful and therapeutic. I walk around and soak up the sun while taking some photos.  Down in our woods, I spotted this clump of crocuses doing their blooming thing so unassuming and beautiful.  Frodo continues to improve after he tweaked his back, but I do believe his walking for 30-40 minutes at a time are on hold for the time being, maybe forever. We enjoy our 15 minute walks and he comes home so happy to be out and about. Then I go back out for a longer walk. Yesterday I started a sweater for myself (notes forthcoming). I was in the mood for something new on the needles, just for me and espe

Red Stripe Socks

  Good morning! Happy first day of March, the sun is shining and it looks like it will be a beautiful day today. I finished a pair of socks for my husband a few days ago. I have a mission to keep on making socks so I can replace all of the ones that are un-repairable.  Thank you all for the prayers and well-wishes for my dad. His surgery was successful on Monday and he is doing well. He is still in ICU and hopefully he will continue to improve so he can go to a regular room. I'm looking forward to the day when he is complaining about being in the hospital - that will be music to my ears! What are you working on this week?


 Good morning! I hope you are doing well.  I wanted to let you know that my posting here on this space will be infrequent for the time being. My dad was admitted to ICU on Wednesday night for aspirated pneumonia and a small bowel obstruction. I've been visiting there one to two times a day. This schedule has become the new normal. We have high hopes he will be stable enough for surgery on Monday morning. Any and all prayers are graciously accepted. Anyways, I'm taking a pause here posting three times a week. I hope to post when I am able.  Thanks for reading and visiting!

Knitting News

  This week I've been focusing on two projects that are the only projects on the needles. I've been resisting the casting on urge (the struggle is real). The first photo is a pair of socks for my husband which I mainly work on during the evenings. Last night I turned the heel and picked up the gusset. It won't be long before these socks are done. Below is a photo of the shawl that I started last May?? I've been working on this during the day for an hour or so while I catch up listening to my audio podcasts that were backlogged to December. Who knows when this will be done but I am enjoying the simplicity of knitting and purling. The shawl looks underwhelming to me so far but I'm sure blocking the daylights out of it will make is sparkle and shine. What are you working on this week?


  Good morning! How was your weekend? We had a restive weekend and mostly stayed home. I did a lot of podcasting-listenting-catching up (not nearly done) and I did some knitting. I'm so happy that Frodo is slowly feeling better. I wish he could talk and give me explicit details of his ailments but I guess I have to use my observational skills. He is still restricted on his daily walks, I'm assuming that might be for a few weeks?  The birds are singing and the crocuses are blooming like it is Spring time. I am holding my breath for a major snow fall. We continue to have mild temperatures and sunshine! Yesterday was beautiful, we went for a walk at the local park after Mass (without Frodo, so sad).  I hope you have a wonderful week!