

Good morning! How was your weekend?

We had a restive weekend and mostly stayed home. I did a lot of podcasting-listenting-catching up (not nearly done) and I did some knitting. I'm so happy that Frodo is slowly feeling better. I wish he could talk and give me explicit details of his ailments but I guess I have to use my observational skills. He is still restricted on his daily walks, I'm assuming that might be for a few weeks? 

The birds are singing and the crocuses are blooming like it is Spring time. I am holding my breath for a major snow fall. We continue to have mild temperatures and sunshine! Yesterday was beautiful, we went for a walk at the local park after Mass (without Frodo, so sad). 

I hope you have a wonderful week!


  1. The birds are just so wonderful to hear! This weather has just been crazy! Happy Monday!

  2. Ah, crocuses! I miss those! I hope Frodo gets better soon.

  3. Your socks are really coming along and your crocus are really beautiful!

  4. Your crocus look like mine! I hope that Frodo continues to improve. It would really be so helpful if animals could talk to us, wouldn't it?

  5. I haven't seen any crocuses around here yet. We have another big snow storm in the forecast for the middle of this week. Glad that Frodo seems to be improving. Your weekend sounds very nice. See you again soon!

  6. I hope Frodo continues to improve. Sometimes a quiet restive weekend is just so nice. I noticed a lot of bird song on my walk today - 50 degrees and sunny and it felt as if Spring was in the air. Hooray for a blooming crocus. I haven't seen any of those yet but we had quite a snow last week.

  7. I'm so glad Frodo is improving. We had a full weekend, and my road trip to Thomasville was a highlight!! (Marc and Lucy did very well home by themselves, too, so I'm thinking I can start venturing out a bit more, which is nice.)

  8. Your knitting is very pretty. I hope Frodo can join you on your walks soon.


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