Knitting News


This week I've been focusing on two projects that are the only projects on the needles. I've been resisting the casting on urge (the struggle is real). The first photo is a pair of socks for my husband which I mainly work on during the evenings. Last night I turned the heel and picked up the gusset. It won't be long before these socks are done.

Below is a photo of the shawl that I started last May?? I've been working on this during the day for an hour or so while I catch up listening to my audio podcasts that were backlogged to December. Who knows when this will be done but I am enjoying the simplicity of knitting and purling. The shawl looks underwhelming to me so far but I'm sure blocking the daylights out of it will make is sparkle and shine.

What are you working on this week?


  1. That pink is perfect for dreary February into March knitting!

  2. I love the socks! And that shawl is so beautiful! I downloaded the pattern. Maybe this will get me knitting again?

  3. I do like those socks! They remind me of that kid's riddle: what's black and white and red(read) all over? A zebra reading a newspaper! Your shawl is a lovely color (but I don't have any shawl jokes).

  4. Your socks are definitely further along than mine (I only finished the heel flap of the first!). I think your shawl will be very pretty. It is such a gentle shade of pink.

  5. I am knitting and crocheting two baby blankets and loving the feel of yarn in my hands. I love those socks.

  6. The socks are coming along nicely. The shawl has an elegant look to me and the Kat is right. The color of the yarn is perfect for the end of winter knitting. Yesterday I cast on scrappy vanilla socks and this afternoon I might have started a hitchhiker.

  7. I was wondering what podcasts you listen to? Also, wondering if you or any of your followers have suggestions for a college blanket for my granddaughter who is going to University of Virginia this fall. Colors navy and orange.

    1. I listen to 2knitlitchicks, knitmoregirls, yarniacs, and what should I read next. I do not have a blanket in mind to recommend but maybe someone else does!!

  8. Also, love the socks!

  9. Love both of your projects! I am working on a pair of mitts that were started long ago. Now I know why; it's probably the toughest pattern I've ever done. It has vikkel braid which is very interesting when you once get the hang of it.

  10. I like both of your projects, I'm working on a KAL (knit-a-long) scarf. I've disabled my instagram account as it was too distracting and time consuming. For now, I've started blogging again. Before I left, I saw a Lent KAL and have joined that on fb. Apart from that, I'm making a jacket, a crochet scarf and some cleaning cloths. One thing at a time works best for me, after the KAL, I'm going to look at my list and prioritise again. Take care, Cathy x

  11. Your husband is a lucky man to get all these beautiful handmade socks from you.

  12. Your sock yarn is lovely, wonderful pattern. Your shawl is a gorgeous colour, hope you can keep resisting.....


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