Knitting News

Oh hey!  I finished another cowl. I continue to maintain my cowl a week production.

The above cowl is the third one in the same yarn, same color.  This might be the last one in this pattern in any color. I'm getting a little cowl-knitting weary. 

Don't be surprised, but I might switch to a hat knitting frenzy.  I have a few people I know who could do with a knitted hat. 

Also, I have a goal of using up the scraps of my worsted weight.  I can't wait to start and show you all. 

My sister's hat saw a wee bit of attention one night.  However, my obsession of finishing the cowls over took my intentions. 

I finished Catcher in the Rye and LOVED it.  I went to Catholic schools for my entire education and I can see why this was not a book we read in the curriculum.  Too many swears (but I love them) and adult themes.  Holden's attitude and his cynicism was in step with my running commentary on what I encounter inside my head.  I keep a lot bottled up inside.

I started Fahrenheit 451 last night, it's too soon to opine.  Stay tuned!

What are your crafting up these days?


  1. Socks, socks and more socks.

    That purple yarn is beautiful.

    (Please note new email address)

  2. This is a great Christmas knitting extravaganza - loads of cowls and hats for people on your list and using up your worsted scraps. I guess you'll have to buy more yarn after that!

    My knitting right now is finishing up Ryan's birthday fingerless mitts. They're already two days late, so that's what I'm focusing on tonight and tomorrow.

  3. You are a knitting machine - lol. I like that you are using up scraps...something I should do. That purple yarn is so rich looking I'm knitting socks and my reading has slowed tremendously...finding it difficult to get engaged with anything!

  4. You will have so many wonderful cozy gifts to share with your loved ones. I am knitting chickens. Seriously. And dog training. My life has become molded by all things dog.

  5. I'm quite jealous of your Christmas knitting progress. I've got the first of many gift projects on the needles but it's boring me and I'm having trouble forcing myself to knit it. I started another yesterday and was super excited about it.... but once again, I proved to myself that I haven't quite learned the Check Your Gauge lesson yet and frogged it this morning. But despite my jealousy, I'm looking forward to seeing what hats you knit.

  6. You are certainly on a roll with the holiday knitting. I am making gift bags and crocheting a blanket.

  7. I just completed my second cowl! I am getting more and more comfortable with knitting. Tomorrow I start a scarf. : ) I'm currently reading Bone Gap, a book my daughter recommended. So far so good!

  8. oooh, Fahrenheit 451 is good! I re-read CinR a few years back with my bookclub and didn't enjoy it as much as when I was younger. Maybe I needed it to be a first-time encounter.

  9. I go in spurts with knit Items. It changes it up and keeps it interesting.
    I was going to work on my second sock with afterthought heel, but got an urgent email from a charity group I knit for. Operation Gratitude needs more scarves for the soldiers to open this holiday season. . I can certainly knit more. So I'm working on another and I do enjoy putting the color scraps together. And it makes me feel helpful

  10. I always love reading about your Christmas knitting. You inspire me to get a wiggle on, I just wish my knitting mojo would kick in!

  11. I really like that melon color of your FO! Yay for finishing a good book. I had intended to make something for my niece but the yarn is somewhere. I'm good at hiding things when company comes over. Have you see my blocking pins? Can't find them today.


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