
This weekend my sister and her family are coming for a visit.  I cannot wait!  I have been planning the menu yesterday and today.  I have errands to run and of course I need to clean the house.  They were here for the graduation party but it was too busy to truly enjoy her company.  She was a big help in setting the food out and cleaning up the kitchen....sisters are the best!

On Saturday we are going to the yarn store (of course), the quilt store and the health food store.  Let's see if I can resist spending any money...I need more yarn like I need a hole in my head (Gram's saying not mine).  The excuse in my head is that I am keeping the economy going, pretty good huh?

I hope I can remember to take some photos during the weekend.  But when my mouth is yakking, preserving memories flies out the window.


  1. I think sister's are the best and I know you have a great weekend ahead! I think the economy needs your help-you should buy yarn! xx

  2. How exciting! My sister and her family are coming the first week in September...if I start tidying, cleaning & baby-proofing now, my house may be ready for 9 month old twins by then! Have a lovely, lovely visit (complete with amazing home-grown food!).

  3. I'm keeping the economy going... I like that! Enjoy your time. :)

    Blessings, Debbie

  4. Yep.. I definitely think yarn buying can be justified by keeping the economy growing. Everyone needs to do their part! :D

    Your veggies look yummy. Hope you have a wonderful, relaxing visit with your sister.

  5. Your garden veggies look terrific! Have a wonderful visit!

  6. oh yes. I can NOT walk into a yarn store and not "help the economy."
    Good luck!

  7. My sister and her family are also coming for a visit this weekend. Hope you have a great time together!

  8. Have a great time together! My parents are coming in tomorrow and staying a week. I'm behind on meal planning & cleaning (today we're celebrating a birthday!) so I know how you feel. But I'm excited to see them - haven't seen them since Christmas. Of course, we'll have a visit to the yarn store too...well,my mom & I will.

    How was the pea soup?


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